
The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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312 Chs

Chapter 235

Chapter 235: Parallel worlds with different timelines

Others may not know what, but they know clearly.

According to Lucy in the future, to open the door of the solar eclipse, a lot of magic power and the keys of the twelve constellations must be gathered together.

And now, not to mention the great magic or anything like that, all the keys to the zodiac are in Lucy's hands.

If you want to open the door, you must take the key of the Zodiac from Lucy's hand.

But if Loya doesn't want to, then it's almost impossible.

Could it be that someone else can snatch the key of the Twelve Star Words from their hands?

This is simply unimaginable for Erza and the others. According to Loya's current strength, let alone other people, even if the remaining 12 shields are coming.

It is impossible to grab the keys of the Zodiac Palace in Loya's hands, even if Zeref is there personally, it is not realistic.

So if you want to open the door of the solar eclipse, only Loya is willing to do it.

In other words, the door of the future eclipse opens, is 23 because of Loya?

Looking at the strange expressions of several people, how could Loya not know what they were thinking, and immediately smiled and shrugged.

"You don't really think I opened the door of the eclipse, do you?

"But, listening to her words, it seems that this is the only possibility?"

Wendy said with a puzzled look on her face.

"He opened the door of the eclipse?

When the future Lucy heard this, he was also stunned subconsciously, and then quickly waved his hand.

"That. Although I don't know exactly what the relationship is between the two of you, he didn't open the door of the eclipse, but the princess of Fiore's kingdom..


Mirajane's expression on the side became a little serious and she looked at the future Lucy.

"Don't you know Loya?"

The future Lucy faced the serious Mirajane with a slightly startled expression and nodded.

"I. I don't know who he is, nor does he exist in the guild.."

In the future, Lucy's words made everyone around him completely confused.

As Lucy from the future, I know the rest of them, but I don't know Loya. It doesn't make sense.

"Thinking about it so much, she might not be the Lucy of our world's timeline.

Loya spoke at this time and explained to Erza and others.

"Brother Loya, what the hell is going on, I'm a little confused,

Lisanna was also at a loss, and she couldn't figure out what was going on.

In fact, it is very simple. Lucy passed through the eclipse gate, wanting to change the ending of the world being destroyed by Wanlong, and save the dead guild partners.

But from the moment she passed through the gate of the solar eclipse, it was already said that she came to a parallel world.

When she successfully prevented the opening of the eclipse gate and avoided the situation of Wanlong destroying everything, she never thought of the existence of Akuno Nokia, which once again destroyed the world.

And this time, Lucy was not able to pass through the eclipse gate again, but in order to change this situation.

The future Rogue took on this important task. He also chose to pass through the door of the solar eclipse, wanting to open the door, and then manipulate Wanlong to defeat Akno Nokia and eventually become the king of the world.

If the ending of Lucy's destruction of Wanlong in the future is a world, then the ending of the destruction of Rogue Akuno Nokia in the future is another parallel world.

As for the world where the two of them meet now, they now have Loya, which is the third parallel world.

So the future Lucy will not know Loya.

Because strictly speaking, Loya, as a traverser, just traversed into this world, not in the parallel world of all timelines.

After explaining this explanation to everyone, Loya's face did not show any nervous expression at all.

"Speaking of which, this makes me a little interested."

"After all, it's really hard to see a creature like a dragon alive."

Speaking of which, the Bone Dragon, a special life form created by itself, is strictly speaking there is still a certain gap between it and the giant dragon.

The ability to fight alone is not considered a very powerful existence, and the more important thing is the ability to assist.

It's just that it's not very important to Loya now. If you want to talk about it, Loya has an idea, let the bone dragon help Erza.

The shield and spear of the bone dragon change are obviously more suitable for Erza who has the transformation magic.

Now if there is a chance to be able to befriend a real dragon, he doesn't mind recovering a few heads. In terms of his strength, this kind of thing is completely simple and impossible.

"Brother Loya, do you want to open the door of the eclipse?"

Meredy asked curiously, "No! It is absolutely impossible to open the door of the solar eclipse! Otherwise…"

The future Lucy said nervously, and quickly discouraged Loya and the others from giving up this dangerous idea.

But seeing the nervous appearance of Lucy in the future, Erza and the others burst into laughter.

After learning that this future Lucy does not belong to their world strictly speaking, even Loya doesn't know it, it is not impossible to understand 977's nervousness about her.

"Don't be nervous, the reason why you are so worried is because you don't understand Loya's strength.

Lucy looked at the anxious self in front of him, smiled and comforted.

"But no matter how powerful, facing Wan Long…

The future Lucy still finds it hard to believe their words, she wants to change the ending of this world being destroyed no matter what, even if this world does not belong to the world she used to be.

But here, there are still friends of Fairy Tail.

"Lucy, have you heard of Anxel Raml?"

Looking at the future Lucy seems a little disbelieving, Mirajane said to the future Lucy aloud.

"Anxel Raml?"

The future Lucy was stunned, wondering why the topic suddenly shifted to this.

However, she is not unfamiliar with this name. As the legendary god who has mastered life and death, the future Lucy still knows it.

"Does it matter?

Future Lucy is puzzled.

"Because Loya's current strength is not comparable to any dragon."

"He is no exaggeration to say that now, he is enough to be called a god!"