
The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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312 Chs

Chapter 110

Chapter 110: Beyond the strength of the Holy Ten, the real use of the empty magic ball!

"He actually mastered that magic?! How is this possible!!

Ogo and Ajima lost their voices at the same time.

"Do you know what magic is that?"

Makarov questioned.

Ou Ge and the two nodded heavily, and immediately said what they had in their hands.

goddess magic,

The absolute magic of lost magic.

No one in the Magic Council has mastered this magic for a hundred years, and it has almost disappeared to this day.

If it wasn't for the magic that Loya unleashed was special enough, they wouldn't have been able to recognize it for a while.

They all knew that Loya went to the magic library to select magic today, but they did not expect that he would select this special magic and master it.

And from the current situation, Loya seems to have achieved a lot.

Hearing this, Makarov's reaction was normal.

Because he has long known how terrifying Loya's talent is, and words such as genius, freak, etc. are not enough to describe him, it is no different from a pervert.

On the other side, the battle continues.




The violent air wave field swayed wildly.

After one blow was blocked, Ultear did not lose heart and continued to control the empty magic ball to launch an attack.

It even contains the arc of time magic, which directly evolves hundreds of empty magic balls.

Hundreds of empty magic balls appeared at the same time, and instantly filled the entire sky. The amazing picture was that the three of Makarov were also stunned, and their hearts were even more horrified!

It was the first time they had seen the empty magic ball still being used in this way.

The superposition of the seven empty magic balls is comparable to the Holy Ten.

Hundreds of empty magic balls are converted into a dozen Ten Wizard Saints attacking together, which is unimaginable for them.

But what they couldn't imagine, Ultear restored for them.


The rays of light appeared, and the magic power condensed in the sky.

The momentum is not weaker than the star collapse magic of Qi Kelein at the beginning, and it is even far beyond.

"God shine!

Put your fingers together, and with Ultear's command, all the condensed magic powers come at the same time!

The unimaginable attack blasted the originally flat ground into huge deep pits, and the huge force made the entire martial arts field shake violently, like an earthquake.

However, under such a frenzied bombardment, Loya, who was the target, was not affected at all.

Although he can't release other magic, Loya's body is strong and there. The sky's god-destroying magic gives him super mobility, and his speed is increased to an extremely terrifying level.

In the intensive attack, it is still like a leisurely walk, shuttle in the light.

If he wants to, he can end the battle in an instant, but now he is trying all the mysteries of the god-destroying magic.

Boom boom –!

This battle went on for a long time.

It ends with Ultear's magic drain.

There is no way.

The power gap is there,

At this time, her strength was the level of an S-rank magician.

Even if the arc of time can perfectly match the empty magic ball and unleash multiple holy tenth-level attacks, there are some things that cannot be made up for with magic tools.

Sure enough, "I'm still Loya-sama's opponent."

Ultear knelt on one knee on the ground, the other hand was breathing heavily against her chest, and there were empty magic balls scattered around her.

Now she has no magic power to control these magic tools.

Hearing this, Loya also put away his magic power and smiled lightly.

"No, it's enough to be able to do these things. Your talent level is already in the top three among the girls I know."

"Just the top three?

Ultear was very dissenting, and at the same time a little unconvinced.

"Yes, the two people in front of you, regardless of their talent and potential, are extremely outstanding."

Loya nodded.

This is not a lie, but the truth.

Ultear's talent isn't bad.

The will is even more terrifying to an astonishing degree.

When she was young, like Laxus, she could not carry the powerful bloodline inherited from the previous generation, which led to her life-threatening situation.

But it was more unfortunate than Laxus, who was sent to the former Magic Development Bureau and became a test product, which led to a series of subsequent tragedies.

She did not have the Dragon Slayer Magic Crystal, but she inhaled it with her strong will, and even accepted more magic power.

Alone, he captured the entire Magic Development Bureau.

More determined than anyone but Loya himself, even Erza.

Even Loya had no choice but to sigh at this will.

ask for flowers…

But in terms of talent alone, Erza and Mirajane are both stronger than her.

Needless to say, Erza, who has dragon blood, has not awakened Mirajane yet, but Loya is confident enough to train him to a level that is no weaker than Erza.

It is precisely because of this that Loya asked Mirajane to practice meditation, in order to accumulate and improve her future potential.

Ultear's third place is a testament to her potential.

"From your tone, you seem to know them very well? Could it be that both of them are your little girlfriends. I didn't expect to have two girls at such a young age. I can't see it."

Ultear suddenly sounded a little teasing,

"If you don't have anything, don't guess."


With such a huge shift, Loya didn't expect Ultear to be like this, and subconsciously retorted.

But it was this subconscious answer that made Ultear more convinced of his guess.

As if re-acquainting with Loya, the moving eyes are more charming and full of temptation.

"If there really isn't, why are you denying it so quickly?"

"But also, how many girls don't like a good man like you? If it wasn't for the short acquaintance, I'm afraid I would have fallen in love with you too."

Hey, "Hey, don't talk nonsense, I'm still famous.

Hearing Ultear say this, Loya panicked.

Although there is nothing wrong with him having this idea, it does not mean that he will say it.

Now the two are still in the martial arts arena, and everyone can hear the conversation between the two. Once such news spreads, if it reaches the ears of Erza and Mirajane, it will definitely kill him.

Thinking of that kind of Shura field, Loya shivered a few times.

It's just that Ultear may miss such an opportunity to bully Loya,

"Don't be nervous, I'm just talking, you don't have to take it seriously."

Just as he was talking, Ultear slowly walked towards Loya, took his arm directly with a smile on his face, and leaned over gently.

Bai Chuan's face flushed slightly from the strenuous exercise.

Make her, who is full of temptation, even more attractive.

And this scene happened to be seen by the people around, and it caused a wolf howl in an instant. Big