
The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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312 Chs

Chapter 109

Chapter 109: Holy Eleven Strikes, but that's it!

"What's the situation, what are Ultear and the new saints going to do?"

"It seems to be preparing for battle, and the troop commander is ready to clear the field.

"What! Is Lord Ultear going to fight the newly promoted Saint Ten? No, I have to spread the news. This is a big news."

"Strange, I just saw the two of them staying together in the magic library, and now they are fighting together again. What is the situation between the two of them? Could it be that Shura likes Lord Ultear?"

"It's impossible, Ultear is my goddess, how could a fairy like that kind of man."

"Forget it.

Clearance time, more and more people around.

Some people even called to the outside, so many people's eyes made Loya quite uncomfortable.

"Can't we change to a place with fewer people?"

"What's the matter, Lord Loya can't let go of his hands and feet in a crowded place?"

Ultear looked at Loya with a happy look as if he had discovered a new world.

Eat chicken many times in Loya's hands.

Even if it is required by the plan, it is not her character to not fight back at all.

As early as the regular meeting of the president, she noticed Loya and knew that he was a person who was afraid of trouble.

So the place to fight was deliberately arranged. In a crowded place, I just wanted Loya to feel 900 uncomfortable.

Although it may not have much impact, but Loya is not happy, she is happy.

"Okay, so be it."

Loya could naturally see what Ultear was thinking.

He sighed a little inwardly, and then agreed directly.

After a while, the surrounding area is cleared,

There were only two people left on the broad battlefield, and the surrounding stage was filled with curious spectators, and even a few members of parliament and the guild president who had not left came to join in the fun.

Makarov is among them.

"Did Loya and Ultear fight? That's what it meant."

Yajima said while sitting casually on a stage somewhere, and beside him was Senator Ogo.

As the second seat of the congressman, Crawford left many things to Oger to handle.

He is a rare and fair person among many MPs.

Knowing that Loya was in the martial arts field, he came to see it out of curiosity, but he didn't expect Ultear to be the opponent, so he said worriedly.

"Can Ultear win against Loya?"

"Don't worry, it's probably to experiment with new magic, it won't be real."

Maka (cddd) Rove, who understands Loya's mind best, explained it out loud.

La Wenyan said with admiration: "As expected of Lord Loya, no time was wasted, as expected of a man who can become the Holy Ten, it seems that I should also learn from Lord Loya."

Ajima, Ogo, Makarov:""

"What's the matter, what are you doing?"

The strange eyes made Yala puzzled, subconsciously thinking that she said something wrong.

"No, nothing.

The three old men shook their heads in unison.


When, even the good guys are in Mori Loya.

Or is the simple and honest appearance of the pull just pretending not to work?

It is also close to Zhu who is red and close to ink and is black. This time, among the many wizards, La and Loya have the deepest friendship.

It seems to be more careful in the future, otherwise another terrorist may appear.

Ajima and Ogo, who are members of parliament, thought to themselves.

Jura, on the other hand, entered the blacklist of MPs under unclear circumstances.


Just as a few people negotiated, the battle below began.

"You go first."

Loya stood in the same tunnel.

"Then please advise.

Ultear did not refuse to hear the words,

She knew that there was a big gap between herself and Loya, and refusing to take the lead was obviously stupid, and she wasn't that stupid.

The next second, directly take out the empty magic ball that Loya gave her.

A golden streamer appeared all over her body, reflecting her moving face.

Ultear is beautiful and extraordinary. Under the magic of the empty magic ball, he looks like a goddess, holy and soul-stirring at the same time.

However, the people above noticed that it was not on this one, but instead focused on the seven light spheres surrounding the body.

"Isn't this Loya's empty magic ball?"

Makarov cried out directly.

He was not the only one who also recognized him, as did Ogo, Ajima, and Mara.

In the original magic evaluation, Loya's empty magic ball made a great impression on everyone present, but he didn't expect the distance to fall into Ultear's hands.

For a time, several people suddenly recalled the rumors they heard on the road when they came here.

They, who didn't care at all, suddenly became concerned.

"What's the situation? Could it be that the two really have that relationship?"

While pondering, Ultear below took the lead.

"Aurora, fall!"

Infused with magic power, the empty magic ball flashes with her own magic power under the control of Ultear.


In the next second, seven white beams of light shot out at the same time.

Row across the sky, and finally the beam of light condensed a terrifying power, falling towards Loya brazenly.

Ultear is not weak in nature.

Combined with the power of the magic ball in the sky, this blow directly reached the tenth level.

In the face of the seven attacks, Loya did not slack at all, and immediately activated the God-destroying magic of the sky.

Since he promised to use only the Sky God Extinguishing Magic, he would never use other powers, and because of the reason he just mastered, the Sky God Extinguishing Magic was undoubtedly too weak compared to other magics.

But even so, the magic that is motivated by the strength of the Heavenly King, even if it cannot reach the time, is by no means comparable to others.

"God's North Wind!"

Loya raised his palm lightly, and the black divine power turned into plumes from his hands.

Every feather exudes a strange and terrifying aura, automatically forming a dark tornado to block and engulf the attack.

"What! Stop it like that?"

The whole process, Loya solved it lightly, causing the surrounding exclamations in an instant.

They could feel the intensity of Ultear's blow just now, and it was no less than Saint Ten Jose.

But in front of Loya, he lightly raised his hand and separated, and his expression did not change in the slightest.

With just this one hand, Loya instantly conquered everyone present.

Only Makarov and others did not respond at all.

They have long known Loya's strength.

If the strength of the King of Heaven can't even stop this blow, it is a real joke.

It was the magic that Loya had just released that suddenly attracted their attention.

Seemingly dark, but full of holy breath.

Such a strange magic, even the well-informed Makarov did not recognize what kind of magic it was for a while.

But Makarov can't see it, and it doesn't mean that the same is true for Ajima and Ogo.