
The sunfish trying to get by

When a time of peace came and the world was finally settled down from all the war and all problem had been dealt with Monster started appearing one day and destroying humanity but after a whole month of being millions are kill and city dedtory the last 100 million people all awaken and were able to fight back against the monster here a boy Zhen comes of age and awaken and start his train but he is very unlucky so he must use his intelligence to hopful get by not to uninjured. Author note I will probably publish a chapter at least every once and a while since I have very little free time same goes to my other story

Tigerhiddeningrass · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Wu is surprisingly talented

<p>As Zhen is dealing with the goblin mage Wu is currently on level fighting 3 hobgoblins as he he finishes off the last one he levels up and gain a new skill<br/><br/>Instructor look with surprise "seems like one of the commoner level up look like we have a new rising star I wonder what skill he got".<br/><br/>Wu with excitement say "yes I leveled up come please give a good attacking skill".<br/><br/>As the skill comes to Wu mind he is sad at first since he didn't get an attack but as soon as he read the description of the skill he was happy summon skill black cat it give the user a summon of a black cat that can gaze at the opponent and cause misfortune and is very fast and can scout out enemies for you<br/><br/>Wu with an tired voice but still filled with joy say "I knew my luck would turn around literally but anyway with this it shall make fight physically attacker much easier to deal with in the future".<br/><br/>As the instructors see this they are all in shock and then went back and checked if any of the other commoner have leveled up and Rai and Fennu have leveled up but when they go check if there other friend is as talented as them but when they checked he still running away which they found funny but was disappointed they couldn't find another diamond in the rough here but they do respect him for surving this long while all the other gave up or died<br/><br/>Zhen in a tired and annoyed voice say "come on I can do this after every attack they fire a lightning bolt then 3 fire balls after then I can finish this".<br/><br/>As Zhen is has return from his state of thinking he just barley moved out of the way and as the goblin mage laughs at him and fire 3 fire balls but after he was shocked as Zhen was rushing toward him with a raging dragon wave and killed the mage goblin.<br/><br/>Instructor with a sense of joy say "congratulations Zhen you have moved on to level 3 but if you choose to take and beat this special level then as a bonus you shall move past level for and go straight toward level 5 do you accept I shall give you a minute to decide".<br/><br/>As Zhen is concerned if he can do this or he decided to agree but wonders if anyone else git this offer on the other side all the instructors are wondering why one of teacher would come up and give him a special what so special about him beside owning 4 skills.<br/><br/>Zhen with a bit of hesitant say "I have decided I will take this special level".<br/><br/>Instructors with a devilish smile on his face say "okay enjoy yourself".<br/><br/>As Zhen is wonder why the instructors would wonder what that teacher is wait for his next move to see if he has what it takes for Larcan special force classes or if he shall be throw away like trash.</p>