
The sunfish trying to get by

When a time of peace came and the world was finally settled down from all the war and all problem had been dealt with Monster started appearing one day and destroying humanity but after a whole month of being millions are kill and city dedtory the last 100 million people all awaken and were able to fight back against the monster here a boy Zhen comes of age and awaken and start his train but he is very unlucky so he must use his intelligence to hopful get by not to uninjured. Author note I will probably publish a chapter at least every once and a while since I have very little free time same goes to my other story

Tigerhiddeningrass · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Can I do it

<p>As they head to the to the testing grounds they hear the rule and gear that they have to fight some goblin for the test after heat that they all went to a different portal and the test began<br/><br/>Zhen wake up in a daze and ask "were am I".<br/><br/>After say that a small group of goblin came out and started attacking<br/><br/>As Zhen see the goblin he start to move and is running around and using his space manipulation to move around after getting far enough he start firing off space cutter and attacking with his bare hands the other are doing pretty well while Wu only has one attack skill it us a very powerful control magic skill at this stage and Rai offense and defense skill are very useful for taking on a full group of goblin and Fennu is just very skill already so he took care of them quickly<br/><br/>Zhen in a rirdd tone talk to himself "God damn it why won't these goblin die come on I thought space manipulation was supposed to be strong man when Ievel up I hope I get better skills".<br/><br/>As Zhen keeps run he thinks that he will eventually get executive he finally stop and turned around released his strongest skil raging dragon wave<br/><br/>Zhen relaxs for a moment and say "finally I get a breather I thought I was going to fail".<br/><br/>Instructer "level 2 shall begin in 10 seconds".<br/><br/>Zhen with angry in his voice "are you kidding me I just finally got free from those damn goblins".<br/><br/>As the instructors see this they all laugh at Zhen after watching him struggle for 5 minutes it was were funny how he acted when he got a break from those goblins.<br/><br/>Zhen say "what am I going to get for level 2 I hope something even more frail then a goblin".<br/><br/>As Zhen is wondering what he get a goblin mage and it start on the attack by firing off fire ball and small lighting bolts.<br/><br/>Zhen look with disbelief and say "this is something I can handle but come on I barely have any energy left to dodge this attacks".<br/><br/>As the instructors this they all start laughing again and then go to see how the other contestants are doing all the gift children are doing great and the common ones most have been kill in the simulation or running away and a few are still fighting and climbing up the levels.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></p>