
The Sugar Sweetened System

Roman Vitali, a young Italian immigrant, struggles to make ends meet in the bustling country of Nova Haven. After his parents' untimely death, he and his sister,Bianca, are left to fend for themselves. Roman works tirelessly in construction, but his world is turned upside down when he's suddenly fired. In a chance encounter, Roman meets Sophia, a captivating and mysterious older woman who's drawn to his rugged good looks and muscular build. She offers him a proposition: spend the night with her, and she'll reward him handsomely. Desperate and vulnerable, Roman accepts. As the night unfolds, Roman finds himself entangled in a web of luxury and desire. With the system watch how he rises in status and power by using Milfs updates:Mon-Sun(12/week) - Magic: Yes, magic will be present in the story.(even more later in the story) - Romantic Preferences: The MC will typically pursue older women, with one exception." Support the Author with PowerStones and Golden tickets 50 Powerstones = 1 Extra chapter 200 Powerstones = 3 Extra chapters Bonus chapter(s) will drop at the end of the week.

Shadowwarrior_007 · Urban
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130 Chs

Chapter 107: The Dichotomy of the Soul

Roman couldn't help but wonder as he gazed at the flower's serene beauty. This tranquil scene was a stark contrast to the violent and bloody battle he had just left behind. His mind struggled to reconcile the two opposing forces that seemed to war within him.

On one hand, he felt an innate drive to fight, to shed blood, and to emerge victorious. Yet, on the other hand, he craved peaceful moments like this, where he could connect with nature and find solace in its gentle embrace.

Roman's thoughts swirled in a maelstrom of confusion as he grappled with the conflicting desires that seemed to tear him asunder. He felt like a warrior, forged in the fire of battle, yet simultaneously, he yearned to be a gentle soul, nurtured by the soft petals of a flower. The dichotomy of his nature left him perplexed, unsure of which path to tread.