
The Sugar Sweetened System

Roman Vitali, a young Italian immigrant, struggles to make ends meet in the bustling country of Nova Haven. After his parents' untimely death, he and his sister,Bianca, are left to fend for themselves. Roman works tirelessly in construction, but his world is turned upside down when he's suddenly fired. In a chance encounter, Roman meets Sophia, a captivating and mysterious older woman who's drawn to his rugged good looks and muscular build. She offers him a proposition: spend the night with her, and she'll reward him handsomely. Desperate and vulnerable, Roman accepts. As the night unfolds, Roman finds himself entangled in a web of luxury and desire. With the system watch how he rises in status and power by using Milfs updates:Mon-Sun(12/week) - Magic: Yes, magic will be present in the story.(even more later in the story) - Romantic Preferences: The MC will typically pursue older women, with one exception." Support the Author with PowerStones and Golden tickets 50 Powerstones = 1 Extra chapter 200 Powerstones = 3 Extra chapters Bonus chapter(s) will drop at the end of the week.

Shadowwarrior_007 · Urban
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126 Chs

Chapter 106: The Dance of Blades

Roman's slash was met with a swift block from Freya, her sword flashing in the simulated light. He smiled, impressed by her skill, and jumped back to create distance. Freya didn't hesitate, charging forward with a series of swift strikes. Roman dodged and weaved, his katana slicing through the air to deflect each blow. The clash of steel on steel echoed through the simulation, the two warriors lost in the rhythm of combat.

Freya's attacks were relentless, her sword dancing with deadly precision. Roman's defenses were tested, his movements becoming more fluid and precise with each passing moment. He began to anticipate her strikes, his katana meeting hers in a shower of sparks. The simulation universe seemed to fade away, leaving only the two combatants, their blades, and the will to triumph.