
The Succubus Series

Mia was a normal girl wanting love. After dying in a tragic accident, she awakes to find that she's turned into something sinister and begins to find her power. "Lamia, are you seeing this shit?" I internally asked as my eyes grew wide. "Give me control NOW" she yelled. As soon as I released for her to take control, the car was hit again, sliding forward at a speed that felt like we were still driving. Lamia lifted B's torso so he didn't scrape the road as we moved and dug my knees into the steering wheel. Once we stopped, Lamia planted us on the ground where the window used to be and jumped. She had to have jumped 10 foot easily. She landed, digging our knee into the road and leaving a small crater. Following the string from the second hit, whatever hit us was in the sky. Looking up Lamia thought "Well thats not good. It's got wings." Lamia took a quick scan of the surroundings and saw we were nowhere. The only light that showed were the headlights from the car on its side. "Listen Lamia", "I hear it" the slow beat of wings rang through the night sky when suddenly they stopped and we heard a whooshing sound. I could hear Lamia internally counting the seconds when she jumped unexpectedly towards the car hitting something mid-air before it could hit the vehicle again. "What was that?" I asked feeling the wings form around our body as we connected. "Silent. Concentrating." was all she said in return. The body lay silent 30 feet from us in the road. Lamia locked on to it and took a fighting stance facing it and again started her countdown. "I think its dead" I thought but she ignored me. When she hit 1, the cracking noise started. She ran towards it as it flipped an arm and planted it in the road. Before it even had a chance to really get up, she kicked at it with a force I had never seen before. The creature spread it wings and was gone before she could hit it. She planted her feet sliding across the road before we stopped. "Gressil I know it's you!" she yelled at the sky. After receiving no response, she yelled again "Don't make me kill you! You know I can!". The flapping came closer and we looked up to see a disgusting figure hovering over us looking over at us curiously. It looked like his face and skin was melting off. "Drop the act." she calmly stated.

Marissasmesses1992 · Fantasy
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44 Chs


As he opened the door, it felt like my heart was about to beat out of my chest. Lucifer set me down looking into my eyes, flashing to that crimson red. As he walked behind me to unlace my corset, the heavy smell of chamomile and sandalwood assaulted my senses. He had turned the lights down and only a small lamp in the corner was on. A small kiss on my nape caught me by surprise and I found myself turning around to face Lucifer. As I turned, my corset fell away revealing my chest. "Ay Bonnie, you've been holding more than just my lust captive have ya." Lucifer said as his eyes became wild with lust. I giggled at his remark when I felt his hand lightly cup my face and his mouth crashed to mine. I pulsed with excitement and that foreign feeling started to overtake me. Lucifer kissed me with an urgency that I had never felt before, each flick of his tongue let out something more primal than I had ever known. He began to trail down my face onto my neck where his urgency became clearly evident. I trailed my hand from his back and settled on his growing erection. I molded my fingers to him taking long strokes and felt it pulse under the presence of my hand. Following the entire length of him, I was flooded with a primal urge. I reached for the buttons on his pants and within seconds, down they fell. Lucifer pulled back seemingly surprised by my move when he smiled and began to remove my pants. Feeling his lips leaving a path down my stomach, my skin hummed only adding to the growing puddle between my legs. My pants were laid around my ankles when Lucifer popped up, grabbing me by my waist and moving me to the bed. Silk encapsulated my back as he hovered above me, his eyes seeming to flicker like flames. He drug his hand down my thigh and I quivered at the touch. Something was happening I just wasn't sure what it was. My heart began to thud erratically and my thoughts became jumbled. I wanted him in me and now. Lucifer leaned over me brushing his lips against my neck. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt pulling it up and over his head, throwing it across the room. My cheeks warmed when I looked and saw him playfully smiling at me as he leaned down briefly kissing me before he lifted me even further onto the bed. He moved slowly and with a purpose dotting kisses over the majority of my skin before I felt him hook a finger through the top of my underwear and flip them easily with a flick of his wrist, the movement smooth as if it was well rehearsed. His hand grazed my hip and my skin felt like it was on fire. Looking back up at him, his eyes continued to flicker and small golden dots started to form on his skin. He teased me moving his fingers between my folds when all of my marks came forth against my command and my hip started to warm encompassed by a pleasurable feeling. Lucifer's dots started to glow and as he entered my core, my swirls of light exploded over my skin bringing the pleasurable sensation with it. As he stroked inside of me, a groan escaped me. He pulled his finger out before adding another and gently nipping at my neck continued his assault on my core. A shiver ran down my spine as I felt his other hand cup my breast. Just as I'm about to reach ecstasy, he withdrew and removes his boxers quickly. He stood still for a few minutes, sweat dotting his forehead. I leaned up on my elbows asking, "Are you ok? What are you waiting for?". "Are you sure you're ready?" he pleaded. I nodded at him, a flirtatious smile playing on my lips. He grabbed my ankle pulling me hard down to the edge of bed. "This will hurt." he whispered before he cupped my ass and grabbed my knee with his other hand spreading my legs out. He looked up at me through his lashes with a slight look of panic encompassing him before his expression changed to something more sinister. A flash of black added itself to his already flickering red eyes and the atmosphere shifted to something more primal. My skin heated up even further and the light from both of us was throwing shadows all across the room. He slowly hovered above my entrance looking like he was fighting something for control internally. As the tip settled against me I thrust into him wanting nothing more than to feel him inside me at that moment. Feeling him stretch me, I clenched and a soft groan escaped him. Pleasurable tingles began to rush me from the inside out and I couldn't help but moan. I began to move myself against him where he met my movements keeping in cadence with me, his length diving in deeper, stretching me around him, no; molding me to him. He kept a moderate tempo thrusting in and out of me, letting his hands weave around my body and explore everything it had to offer. Another shiver ran up my spine and my wings came out against my will plunging me upward to where he caught me, his hands resting on the small on my back. Before I could be embarrassed, his were out also, a beautiful display of black and gold, and he was using them to help balance me on him, bouncing me up and down. I threw my head back and another groan escaped, my core clenching against my will and my juices coating his cock. A breath escaped me once I reached my climax but when I pulled my head back up, he met my eyes with lust. He was greedy for more to see how I reacted to him. He crashed his mouth into mine and our tongues fought for dominance. He paused before reaching up and stroking my hair out of my face. "Are you okay?" he asks. I nodded, "Why'd you stop?". Another devilish smile played on his lips, "Ay Bonnie I'm just only getting started.". His eyes flickered to that black again and before I had registered what happened, I was slammed into the wall. His dots shone a bright light, but black markings began to overtake his face. He had my hip supported but his other hand around my neck. His movements were thoughtful but at the same time fierce and calculated. He leaned forward taking my breast in his mouth and sucked on it for a moment before tightening his grip on my throat. The tingles coated me from all angles and I felt him enter me again. "Fuck" he moaned out. I used my legs to quicken his pace in me when I felt him grip my hip and neck tighter. I moaned out again in pleasure and felt the wave of another orgasm grip me. As I clenched to release, I felt Lucifer twitch inside me, finding his own release. As I opened my eyes, I saw Lucifer's face start to change and then I felt it. An agonizing burning encapsulating my full neck and two small swirls started on my fourhead. I pawed at Lucifer's hand to release me but he stood firm. "What is this?" Lucifer whispered out looking down at the ground. Lucifer was frozen in place, his body tense as if he was in pain also. A crooked Y began to form on his face covering one eye and forming over the other fully engulfed in black. His dots began to fade and my swirls died out as the pain felt like it would never end. After what seemed like an eternity, Lucifer dropped me. "Are you okay?" he asked. "I'm okay. How are you?" I said as I pulled my naked body off the floor and tucked my wings back in. "Mia, what happened to my face?" he asked, touching his now covered eye with his hand. "You've got a mark like me." I said pointing to my face. As Lucifer looked up at me, his eyes became wide, "Seems like I've given you a mark as well love." he said, reaching out and brushing his fingers across my neck. A look of sorrow encapsulated his face, "I'm so sorry Mia. Mine hurt. I can't imagine how that felt." he said. I shrugged my shoulders, "You said it'd hurt. This is how all my markings feel when they first appear.". I retrieved his shirt from the corner and slid it on. His face became flat, "Mia, I was talking about my size not this." he called, a hint of confusion evident. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Let's go see how they look. Yours is hot." I called out making my way to the bathroom with a smile playing on my face. As we both stood there staring at our reflections, the marks had already altered our features heavily. My full neck was now black with spidering tendrils bleeding into my chest and upper arms. It blended well with my others and I was proud to wear it. Two swirls now topped my first mark and I wasn't sure what to make of it. Lucifer seemed to be in shock at his face. He had slipped his hand through mine when I felt him. He was feeling fear. "Why are you scared?" I asked him still studying our reflections. "I'm not scared." he denied. "Lucifer, I can feel it. You ARE scared.". He dropped his shoulders and looked at me. "Mia, how do I make this go away?" he asked. I snatched my hand back from him. "What do you mean?" I said my tone harsher than it should have been. "My face Mia. I don't want this on my face.". I could feel my eyes swelling with tears. "So you're not going to bear my mark?" I asked him. "That's not what I mean Mia." he quickly retorted. "Yes it is. I would gladly bear yours but you're embarrassed to show mine?" I angrily yelled at him. He said something but I was already out the bathroom door. He should be proud of his mark but I guess misogyny never dies. I threw on a pair of shorts and took off out the door and down the hall. I passed B in the hallway who tried to stop and talk to me. "Wow Mia! Those are AWESOME!" he said enthusiastically but I just put my hand up to tell him to stop and kept walking. "What crawled up your ass?!" He called after me but I continued walking. Getting to the door, I let my wings out and fire coated them. The purple hues felt like home on them now and guided by pure anger, I took off in the air. Seeing the portal to Domtivir I flew faster. I wanted to be away from here, from Lucifer, from everyone. I had worn all those stupid outfits, the stupid crown, learned all of that crap, and fought with his hoards of demons when he wouldn't even bear my mark. Thinking about it only made me angrier. Once in Domtivir, I flew back to the portal to the human world. My flames stayed on my wings in the dark air. Hitting the Bi-frost, that sticky humidity was all too familiar. I had never flown in my world before but the air was lighter than in Domtivir or Hell. I felt free. I flew for hours getting further and further away from the Bifrost and all the responsibility that Hell had thrown on me. Lucifer was scared of being with me and it only made me angrier. Flying over a large lake, a small island sat in the middle, the rest of the water reflecting the night sky. I landed and sat just taking in the scenery and dipping my hand in the water trying to calm down. I tucked my wings in and laid back on the ground letting the moss and rock cushion it trying to ground myself. A honey smooth voice called out, "I've been waiting for you." and everything went black.