

After 15 years,

Anushka and Vrushikha both were travelling in their separate cars to their schools. Suntech high school was one off the most highly regarded aristocratic schools in whole Mumbai. As time passed by, both anushkha and vrushikha became aware of their powers but not the world.

Even their parents were unaware of their democratic world. many years ago on the naming ceremony of anushkha and vrushikha there came a pandit who was known for his future prediction capacity. He predicted that these tow siblings will change the world of the people who will come in contact with them. They have the power to change the good to the bad or the bad to good but it will only depend on their combined work. An individual sibling will only create destruction.

Anushkha was a timid, shy girl who was buried in books, she was the leader in studies, sometimes even teachers cant surpass her knowledge. Whereas vrushikha was a open minded, happy to go lucky girl who liked making friends, going to parties etc.

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