
Anushkha: The positive

It was a very sunny day where anushkha got up at 4 am, as usual brushed her teeth, had a warm bubble bath, got ready and then went to the flower garden to take care of her beautiful flowery childrens. Anushkha had a hobby of gardening, since the age of 5 she set up this garden and is taking care of all the plants here by herself. anushkha was just watering the plants while she noticed something unusual and called out in a hurry to her mom "MOM MOM MOM" "Where are you". Hearing anushkhas high pitched voice her mom replied " ANU, I am coming, just a minute darling, what happened?'

while saying this her mom arrived in the garden area where she was greeted with anushkhas sad, drained face. Sensing the atmosphere she asked in a caring tone "What happened anu? why are you sad?" Anushkha replied in a low and weeping voice, " mom look, someone ruthlessely plucked out the yellow rose rom my plant *sob* *sob*. It was only three days old mom*sob*."

Hearing this anushkhas mom calmed down as she knew that her elder daughter anushkha was a soft hearted girl who cant even kill a fly, let alone when someone had harmed her lovely plants which she cared for as if no less than her children. Anushkhas mom told her that she will find the culprit and punish them so that no one will do it again.

None of them knew that the culprit was in her dressing room attaching the yellow rose on her pink gown while anushkas mom had turned the whole house upside down in order to find the culprit. while anushkhas mom was asking the servants who had did it some of the sservants were praising anushkhas gardening skills while some were cursing her soft heartedness. Anushkha was bestowed the power of hearing what the persons in her close contact are thinking but with a twist that she can only hear the positive thoughts and not the negative one. It was this reason that led to her only knowing the positive things in the world and generally led to her soft heartedness.

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