
The Strongest System Novel

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The_Procrastinator · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 9 Odyssey

Riley, filled with determination, wasted no time in heading straight for the clan's training grounds, his resolve unyielding.

As he approached the elder in charge, he greeted them with the utmost respect, bowing slightly in deference.

"Good morning, esteemed Elder. I humbly request to be considered among the elite cultivators of our great Wright clan," Riley spoke with earnestness, his voice carrying the weight of his aspirations.

Meeting Riley's gaze with a serious demeanor, the elder regarded him with a discerning eye.

Despite the gravity of the situation, Riley couldn't help but feel a flicker of apprehension, fearing the possibility of facing ridicule or derision.

Yet, to his relief, the elder's response was measured and devoid of mockery.

"Riley, you must understand that to be among the elite cultivators of our clan, one must first demonstrate a certain level of proficiency in cultivation. As of now, you have yet to even attain the first stage of the Qi Gathering realm," the elder's words were delivered with a tone of solemnity, their meaning sinking in with undeniable clarity.

Riley's emotions teetered between amusement and frustration at the elder's assessment. While he appreciated the elder's candor, the reality of his current situation weighed heavily upon him.

With a sigh, Riley couldn't help but acknowledge the truth in the elder's words.

His Eternal Mortal Physique, while a source of unparalleled strength, also harbored an insatiable appetite for cultivation resources.

The prospect of reaching the Qi Gathering realm seemed distant, if not altogether daunting, given the magnitude of cultivation resources required to sate his physique's hunger.

Riley meticulously analyzed the daunting task that lay before him, recognizing the staggering magnitude of the challenge.

According to his calculations, he would need to traverse to at least a dozen universes, devouring their essence entirely, before he could even begin to ascend to the first stage of the Qi Gathering realm.

The sheer scale of such a feat was staggering, requiring an unfathomable amount of time, effort, and craziness to even attempt.

And yet, he knew deep down that he was no mere wanderer, driven by reckless ambition and selfish desires.

No, Riley was a man of integrity and principle, guided by a moral compass that steered him away from the path of wanton destruction.

The notion of becoming a "murder hobo" – a term he found distasteful – was utterly repugnant to him.

He refused to succumb to such base instincts, no matter the allure of power and prestige that awaited him at the end of his journey.

Instead, Riley remained steadfast in his commitment to upholding his values, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

And so, with a resolute determination burning bright within him, Riley vowed to find another way forward.

He would not allow himself to be consumed by greed or ambition, but would instead seek out a path that aligned with his principles and beliefs.

For Riley knew that true strength lay not in the accumulation of power, but in the steadfastness of one's convictions.

As Riley mulled over his next steps, he couldn't shake the feeling of determination that burned within him.

Despite the challenges that lay ahead, he remained resolute in his pursuit of greatness, knowing that with perseverance and dedication, even the most insurmountable obstacles could be overcome.

"I'm sorry for taking up your esteemed time, Elder," Riley offered with a respectful bow, his tone tinged with a hint of regret as he acknowledged the inevitable outcome.

Despite his best intentions and fervent aspirations, the reality of his current predicament weighed heavily upon him.

With a resigned sigh, he turned away from the elder, the echoes of laughter lingering in his ears like a bitter reminder of his dashed hopes.

As he made his way back to his courtyard, Riley couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment that gnawed at his insides.

The realization that he lacked a cultivation base to showcase left him feeling adrift, a ship lost amidst the turbulent currents of fate.

It was a sobering moment for Riley, one that forced him to confront the harsh truth of his circumstances.

With each step he took, the weight of his dilemma grew heavier, pressing down upon him like a burden too heavy to bear.

The prospect of not being able to join a prestigious sect, of missing out on the chance to gain recognition, companionship, and perhaps even the opportunity to establish his own harem, filled him with a sense of profound unease.

Upon reaching his courtyard, Riley sank onto a nearby bench, his mind consumed by the relentless whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.

He rubbed his temples, trying in vain to alleviate the headache that throbbed behind his eyes. Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against him, Riley refused to succumb to despair.

Instead, he resolved to tackle the problem head-on, to confront the challenges that lay ahead with unwavering determination and resilience.

For what seemed like an eternity, Riley sat in contemplative silence, his thoughts racing as he sought a solution to his predicament.

And then, like a bolt of lightning cutting through the darkness, inspiration struck.

With newfound clarity, Riley's mind buzzed with possibility as he formulated a plan—a plan that held the promise of redemption and a path forward in his journey towards greatness.

"Ah, splendid. This plan of mine seems to be foolproof," Riley mused, a grin of satisfaction curling his lips as he considered the intricacies of his strategy.

His laughter, though subdued, betrayed a hint of excitement at the prospect of what lay ahead. With a sense of purpose invigorating his every move, he set out to seize the day with unwavering resolve.

As he ventured forth, Riley took the opportunity to stock up on supplies, his keen eye carefully selecting only the finest provisions of whatever he could get inside his humble courtyard.

With practiced ease, he navigated through the labyrinthine streets of the city, his steps guided by an innate sense of direction.

Though the journey to the heart of the city spanned a full hour on foot, Riley approached it with the ease of one accustomed to overcoming obstacles of far greater magnitude.

For Riley, the passage of time held little significance. With the power to reshape the very fabric of existence at his fingertips, the mundane concerns of mortal life seemed trivial by comparison.

As he traversed the bustling streets, the sights and sounds of the city washed over him like a familiar melody, each step bringing him closer to his ultimate goal.

His steps, though purposeful, carried with them a weight of reminiscence as he traversed a path ingrained with memories of yesteryears.

The journey was a familiar one, the sights and sounds of the bustling streets evoking a sense of nostalgia that tugged at his heartstrings.

And then, like a beacon beckoning him home, he spotted the grand sign that adorned the entrance to his former place of employment: Wright Pill and Herbs Haven.

As he drew closer, the significance of the name washed over him, stirring a multitude of emotions within his chest.

This establishment had once been his domain, a sanctuary where the old Riley had poured his heart and soul into the managing.

Old Riley had risen through the ranks to become its steward, entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring its prosperity and success.

Yet, despite the pride he had once felt in his role, there lingered a bitter undercurrent of regret.

For it was within these hallowed halls that he had made choices—choices that would come to haunt him in the years that followed.

Mistakes, born of naivety and ambition, had led him down a path fraught with consequences, ultimately resulting in his fall from grace.

And now, as he stood before the familiar threshold, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow at the sight of what once was.

The bustling activity that had once filled the air with a sense of purpose now seemed muted, dulled by the passage of time and the weight of regret.

Despite the weight that burdened his shoulders, a spark of hope flickered within Riley—a beacon of possibility amid the darkness of regret.

With determination fueling his every step, he pressed onward, prepared to confront the shadows of his past and embrace the promise of a brighter future.

"This seems as good a spot as any," Riley remarked, his voice tinged with a mixture of determination and uncertainty as he set about establishing his makeshift stall.

With a flourish, he erected a sizable sign behind him, the words emblazoned upon it a testament to his unwavering resolve to reclaim what was once lost.

As he prepared to settle into his new venture, a sudden outburst shattered the tranquility of the moment.

An angry voice, laced with venom and accusation, pierced the air, disrupting the peace of Riley's pristine day and causing him to pause in his tracks.

Turning to face the source of the disturbance, Riley's gaze met that of an old acquaintance—a figure from his past whose presence now served as a stark reminder of the mistakes and missteps that had led him to this moment.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here, Riley?!" the voice thundered, the words carrying with them a weight of anger and disbelief.

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