
The Strongest Profession In This World Is Cooking!

"-Congratulations Ryuga-Kun, you're dead!" Said the goddess who was sitting in front of me on a throne. My name is Akito Ryuga and I'm just a 26 year old chef. One day while I was on my way to my restaurant, I got hit by a truck and killed, but upon opening my eyes I find myself in a court room. It was the castle of the goddess of death who summoned me as a hero. But after reading my stats and knowing how useless I am and the only skill I have is cooking, she throws me away into the parallel world like a garbage. Gazing towards the gray clouds as stormy rain pours down, I swear to defeat the demon king with a fry pan, meet the goddess again and slap her butt! [I do not own the cover artwork. If you're the artist and want it to be taken down then message me on instagram @Gilgamesh_904.]

BluePenguin007 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

The cruel goddess of death!

"W-WHERE IN THE HELL AM I!" Shouted his lungs in fear and shock was a man named Ryuga, which is me.

I woke up to find myself in an unfamiliar room, more like a courtroom.

It was a majestic courtroom almost like the ones straight out of movies. It had fine polished and sparkly white tiles, and the carpet I was standing on was blue with red linings at the end.

There was this sweet fragrance like a rose, and warm sunlight coming from the stained glass pains.

But that was still not enough to calm me down.

In front of me was a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes sitting in front of me on a majestic throne with two white statues by her side.

She was wearing a white Chiton, that ancient Greek woman would, with golden linings around the corners.

She was holding her chin with a hand and looking at me with a smug.

"Who are you!" I said pointing my finger towards her "Where am I! Wasn't I supposed to be on my way to the restaurant?" I was in complete shock.

"Calm down Ryuga-kun, this is the throne room of me, the goddess of death." she said with a smile.

"Goddess of death!?" I question with a shocked face.

"Yes, and you, Akito Ryuga are dead!" she said pointing her finger towards me.

"WHATT!!" I shout while holding my head with both of my hands and dropping on my knees, my eyes turned yolk white in complete shock and fear.

My name is Akito Ryuga, I'm a 26 year old chef, I'm a v!rgin and still single, while I was on my way to the restaurant I work at, I was hit by a truck while crossing the road.

It was the truck driver's fault since the signal was still green, but also party mine because I wasn't careful enough.

I got hit and felt a sharp pain on my head after which I fainted, and after I opened my eyes I found myself here! In the courtroom of this goddess.

"—Clap Clap!"


The goddess was clapping her hands while looking at me with a smile, her smile looked annoying.

"Don't worry Ryuga-kun." she said while clapping.

"What do you mean?"

"It's true that you died, but I've also got a good news for you."


"You've been selected as one of the heroes who'll reincarnate into a parallel world where magic exists and defeat the demon lord!"

"WHAT!?" I question in exclamation.

"Yes, you're one of the 100 heroes who died just now and will be reincarnated into the parallel world!"

I stand up and ask her in excitement:

"Does that mean I'll be able to use magic? Would I be able to fight demons! Create a harem?" I question her folding my fists and with sparkle in my eyes.

"Of course you could! You have two options, one is to reincarnate into the parallel world and enjoy using magic while the other is to live the rest of your eternity in heaven."

She further proceeds to say while covering one side of her mouth with the right palm "Truth be told, there isn't much to do in heaven except for playing around with girls, eating, sleeping and bathing."


"So what do you choose?"

"Of course an Isekai!" I said with a chibi face and thumb up.

"That's exactly what makes you so intelligent!" she said with her eyes closed, along with a happy smile.

She further proceeds— "Alright, so let's check your Status." soon after which, she places her hand behind her, and takes out a leather book. Was she sitting on it?

Opening the leather book she turns the pages one by one until she stops at one, she probably found my status.

"Hmm, Akito Ryuga... " she said while reading.

I was sitting on the floor with a chibi face waiting to hear her patiently.

""Age-26, gender-male, Status-V!rgin."

As she said that, I felt a sharp word stabbing my chest to which I cough blood.

As I look up towards her, I notice that the goddess stopped reading the book.

Her eyes were widened and her mouth was open, she was shocked.

"Uh... Goddess? What's the matter?"

"Profession: Chef.... Skils: Cooking... You're completely useless! You aren't even a hero in the first place! "

"—What the!"

"Urgh! I can't believe the Gods actually made such a silly mistake, you aren't even close to a hero! Let alone becoming a hero, you can't even be a member of the hero's party!" she said scornfully

"Wait a second! What does that mean?" I stood up and shouted, holding my fist.

"Sigh... Akito Ryuga, I'm sorry but we made a mistake. You were never supposed to be chosen as a hero from the beginning. If you were then your profession would've displayed "Hero" but it instead displays "Chef"."

Just then a rainbow like light falls on me.

"What the hell is this!"

"Goodbye Ryuga-kun!" she said waving her hands at me with a smile "Hope you live a happy life in the parallel world... As an npc."

Just then, the colorful lights sucks me below the ground, not before I could curse out:


After which I'm teleported elsewhere.

[What is to happen with Ryuga now? Will he live a happy life in this dangerous and cruel world by just fighting with a frying pan? Will he be able to create a harem? Stay tuned~]


—To Be Continued—