
The Strongest Profession In This World Is Cooking!

"-Congratulations Ryuga-Kun, you're dead!" Said the goddess who was sitting in front of me on a throne. My name is Akito Ryuga and I'm just a 26 year old chef. One day while I was on my way to my restaurant, I got hit by a truck and killed, but upon opening my eyes I find myself in a court room. It was the castle of the goddess of death who summoned me as a hero. But after reading my stats and knowing how useless I am and the only skill I have is cooking, she throws me away into the parallel world like a garbage. Gazing towards the gray clouds as stormy rain pours down, I swear to defeat the demon king with a fry pan, meet the goddess again and slap her butt! [I do not own the cover artwork. If you're the artist and want it to be taken down then message me on instagram @Gilgamesh_904.]

BluePenguin007 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

A new world, a new life!

"It's so dark... I can't see anything... " I said in a low and exhausted tone.

My eyes were closed, but I could feel my stomach being cold. No, it wasn't just my stomach but the front of my whole body which was feeling cold.

The only sound I could hear, was the slushing noise of a water stream and the chirping of birds.

I slowly open my eyes and lift my head to find myself lying on the green grass on my stomach.

"-Huh? What's this place?" I question to myself as I slowly stood up, with a pan on my left hand.

Scratching my head and looking around the surroundings is when I remember everything.

"Oh yeah... I died and was thrown into this world by that goddess... " I say in a tired tone while yawning and my left eye closed.

Until the next moment I realize my situation- "WAIT A SECOND! I DIED AND JUST GOT REINCARNATED INTO THIS CRAPPY WORLD!" I shouted towards the sky.

"WHERE THE HELL IS THAT GODDESS! SEND ME BACK TO HEAVEN!" I shouted while turning my head left and right in anger.

I was in a green landscape covered with grass and flowers.

The sky was blue and white clouds were moving forward.

Towards my left was a crystal clear river and ahead of the river was a forest.

I scratch my head and walk towards the river.

Stopping near it, I bend down and keep staring at the flowing water looking depressed.

Puffing out a sigh I say: "What should I do now? If what that goddess said about magic existing in this world true, then so might demons."

"I don't want to become a monster's lunch yet!"

My name is Akito Ryuga, a 26 year old young man who used to work as a chef in a restaurant. I'm a v!rgin which means I'm still single.

I was run over by a truck, killed, and thrown into this world by a crappy goddess where magic and demons exist.

I have black and silky hair with gray eyes, and a rectangle face.

Currently I'm wearing a chef's uniform but with no hat and what I'm holding on my right hand is a non stick frying pan.

I don't know how I got this, because the last thing I remember is that I was wearing my casual clothes back in the courtroom.

Well, there's no point in reminiscing any of those stuff.

Right now, what I need to do is to find a way and survive.

I drank some water from the river with my hands, stood up and start wondering what to do next just when:


I hear a girl's scream from the forest ahead of the river, which scattered a flock of crows into the surroundings.

"What was that!?" I exclaimed with cold sweat staring towards the forest.

Lifting up my fry pan and staring at it, I say to myself:

"What shoulf I do? I just heard a girl screaming for help. Should I go and help her?"

I said with determination, but:

"Wait a second! But what the hell can I even do with just a fry pan? What if I get killed?"

But soon after, shaking my head I hold my fist and look towards the forest with determination:

"No... A girl is in danger! I must save her! (First step towards creating a harem.)"

Without thinking further, I follow the river and run towards the direction where the scream came from.

It came from the forest ahead of the river. Which means someone is there.

And if someone is there then that could also mean there's a settlement nearby, where I can stay safe!

I enter into the forest and kept running with determination like any shounen protagonist would.

I kept running until I found a waterfall, which was the main source of the river.

I stop and look around:

"Where did the voice come from? Is this the place? Am I too late? Is she dead!"

I say to myself while turning my head left and right.

Upon taking a closer look at my surroundings is when I realize that this place isn't just a waterfall there are also various stone structures cover in moss.

"This place... What is this?" I said while staring towards the structure ahead of me.

Just then-

"-KYAH! STOP IT WILL YOU!" it was a girl's voice which came from the river near me. The fall's water was gathering there.

There were also some splashing noises.

"It's coming from there!" I said as I ran towards the river ready to charge the attacker with my frying pan.

As I got near to the river, I jump up towards the river and charge on the figure of a person below me-

"-YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY!" After which I land upon the person hitting his head with my fry pan.


"-What the!"

Coming out of the water, I look towards the girl.

"Are you okay?"

The girl stared at me with fear, she had short brown hair and brown eyes, she was around 20 but had a huge chest. She was wearing a purple bikini with design of pink flowers on it. She also had cat like ears on her head.

"Eh?" I said while looking at her blankly.

She doesn't seem to be injured or hurt in any way, in fact she was looking at me with disgust and fear.

"Hey... You... "

Said someone from behind me, it was a girl's voice with pure blood thirst.

As I turn my face behind, I see a girl with purple hair and purple eyes. staring at me with blood lust, she was also wearing a white bikini and the her chest was medium sized. She was around 7 feet tall and somewhere around her 20.

The pressure she gave was so heavy that I felt I would sink into the ground any time.

"Shouldn't you... Look who you're standing onto?" said the purple haired in anger.

Breaking into cold sweat and fear, I look down to see what I was standing on top of only to realize that it was a loli with short black hair and also wearing a bikini.

She was unconscious, and her eyes were spinning around.

Turns out these girls were bathing under this water fall and only shouting while splashing water on each other.

"Uh.... I-I think I interrupted your good time.... I think I should get going. Enjoy... "

I turn right and walk away, only to have my collar grabbed by one of the girl's from behind.

"EHHH??" I scream in shock.

As I turn around, I realize that the purple hair girl was staring at me with complete bloodlust.

"I-I'm.... Sorry... " I apologize, only to see colorful stars in front of my eyes before everything went blank. I was knocked out.


-To Be Continued-