
Chapter 28: Metamorphosis of an Enchantress

"For my sake? Do I need that? Just an assumed high-and-mighty girl, isn't that right?" Lin Yu chuckled softly while indulging himself in devouring a large white rabbit candy, displaying an indifferent demeanor.


"It might not bother you, but it bothers me. I can't tolerate such presumptuousness," the woman maintained a smiling countenance, yet her eyes wove an alluring, entwining gaze around Lin Yu, displaying an undeniable affection that even a blind man could discern, affirming her status as Lin Yu's girlfriend. Despite her cold and firm words, her face exuded tenderness, as if Lin Yu and she were inseparable, an experience incomprehensible to anyone not part of their dynamic.


"It's your prerogative not to be comfortable, but I don't want to cause trouble for my classmate. It's pointless," Lin Yu furrowed his brows slightly and tilted his head.


Changing her angle, the woman gestured at Lin Yu's clothes, her hand gliding over him like a white-as-jade delicate carving. The sensation tickled Lin Yu, reaching into the depths of his heart, an itch that made his heart flutter.


However, he hesitated to feel that way again. The woman's face remained smiling, but her tone turned colder, "If you don't want your classmate to be more troubled, then heed my words. Otherwise, I have a thousand ways to make your 'Pig Brother' classmate's life a torment. Do you believe that?"


Her tone now carried a hint of menace.


Lin Yu immediately surrendered, raising his hands, "I do, but please, don't go overboard. My classmate's girlfriend might not be ideal, but he is a good person." Though the classmate's girlfriend lacked moral character, it didn't justify his classmate suffering from undue influence; that would be disloyal.


"Using good and bad to classify people? Can you be any more commonplace?" The woman couldn't resist a derisive remark, maintaining an enchanting smile. Her coquettish gaze and entangled demeanor made it seem as if she was whispering sweet nothings to Lin Yu. Every smile and glance from her seemed to redefine beauty in its purest form.


Such a woman should be immortalized in a museum as a living wax figure, rather than walking among common mortals – that would be a waste of a precious beauty.


"I am a commoner myself; you know that," Lin Yu shrugged.


"How could I know?" The woman's gaze faltered for a moment, asking in puzzlement.


"Because you are my girlfriend, you said it yourself," Lin Yu grinned.


The woman remained silent, her cheeks momentarily blushing, followed by a sudden burst of anger in her eyes. She reached out and pinched his back, teasingly saying, "Benefiting and playing coy. You're truly mischievous."


Her words sounded gentle, but the pinch was quite harsh. It pained Lin Yu, despite his mastery of martial arts, demonstrating that he was human with pain receptors and vulnerability, not some superhuman freak immune to pain.


Their conversation, despite its incongruity between content and external expressions, appeared as sweet banter between a couple, earning the envy of countless onlookers.


"Cough, Lin Yu, this is...," Xiao Yibin, finally coming back to reality, adjusted his clothes and unconsciously smoothed his hair, attempting to appear more dashing and presentable. He tried to gracefully introduce himself to the woman.


Meanwhile, He Bing stared enviously and jealously at the woman. She clung tightly to her boyfriend's arm, as if afraid that letting go would result in him running off with that devilish woman.


Comparing her own pitiful physique to the devilishly attractive woman, she felt like a newly sprouted wild apricot struggling against a ripe peach. Feeling inferior, she resorted to desperately picking at her nails and sneering, constantly affirming her existence with an air of disdain. Women encountering a more beautiful counterpart often adopted this behavior to salvage their damaged self-esteem, especially someone like He Bing, who lacked confidence and refused to acknowledge her adversary's beauty – this approach became her default defense to preserve her distorted self-respect.


Lin Yu was about to speak when the woman adjusted her hair. Instantly, her bearing transformed into one of grace and dignity, exuding an invincible nobility and aloofness. With a faint smile, she took over the conversation, "I'm Lin Yu's girlfriend, Lan Chu. Xiaoyu, these two are..."


However, when she turned to Lin Yu, her smile became tenderly coquettish again, her eyes filled with infatuation. It seemed that only when facing Lin Yu did she reveal this expression; otherwise, she remained reserved and distant to others, which inexplicably dampened Xiao Yibin's spirit, leaving He Bing too intimidated to continue observing her. The more she looked at this woman, the more she felt like an ugly duckling confronting a beautiful swan, a futile effort bound to failure.