
Chapter 27: Extreme Harshness

Xiao Yibin's smile froze on his face; his girlfriend's actions left him mortified. Nevertheless, she persisted, dusting his suit while remarking, "Yibin, this Lirong suit my father bought for you is very costly, over ten thousand yuan. Please refrain from casual interactions that could soil it. Dry cleaning costs over four hundred yuan each time."


"He Bing, please stop. He's my classmate, a dear one. By persistently targeting him, ridiculing him, you're not giving me any respect either," Xiao Yibin's complexion turned unsightly. With an effort to maintain a smile for Lin Yu, he discreetly pulled his girlfriend aside as the waiter returned, paying Lin Yu with a credit card. In a half-pleading tone, he whispered.


"Look at your worth. I'm doing this for your own good. Look at your classmate, dressed in rags, buying discounted domestic goods. Clearly, a poor and pathetic soul. Don't you see, Yibin, one only grows by surrounding oneself with excellence. Individuals like this lacking in potential, it's best you avoid them. Associating with such characters tarnishes your image," He Bing's reproach resembled parental scolding, making Xiao Yibin feel extremely uncomfortable. He could only respond meekly, unable to retort.


Seeing him in this servile state, Lin Yu genuinely felt sorry for him. Unwilling to witness him suffer due to his presence, Lin Yu sighed, lifting his shopping bag and waved to Xiao Yibin, "Yibin, I'm leaving. Let's catch up sometime, have a meal, reminisce."


The girl was nothing but a mundane and vulgar individual. He had no interest in engaging with someone of this sort; it was utterly tedious.


Meanwhile, Xiao Yibin ground his teeth and, disregarding He Bing's attempt to restrain him, pulled away from her grasp and rushed over. "Lin Yu, don't be upset. My girlfriend, she's like this, pampered since childhood. However, she's not malicious, quite kind-hearted. Please, don't take her behavior to heart," he implored in a subdued voice.


He Bing, not too far from them, had always been attentive to financial matters. Upon closer inspection, she appeared dumbfounded; this unfamiliar suit she had scarcely heard of was priced at eighty-eight thousand, eight hundred and eighty-eight yuan.


Goodness, it was seven to eight times more expensive than the suit her boyfriend was wearing.


Lin Yu scratched his chin, grinned, about to say something when the elegant vice principal approached, holding a suit. She compared it against Lin Yu, motioning.


In such proximity, Lin Yu's eyes widened, not because the woman was strikingly beautiful but because he recognized her—it was the polyglot vice principal from the Talent Center encountered earlier, speaking three languages.


"Ah Yu, what are you doing here? I've been looking for you for ages. Don't you like buying these cheap things? Even if you save money, it's not in your style. Come, try this Brioni suit first, see if it fits. If not, I'll exchange it later," the poised vice principal walked over, holding a suit to compare on Lin Yu's frame.


He Bing, not far away, especially attentive to financial matters, appeared somewhat bewildered upon realizing this unfamiliar suit cost a staggering eighty-eight thousand, eight hundred and eighty-eight yuan.


Lin Yu paused momentarily, amused. However, the vice principal, using the suit to block their view, whispered to Lin Yu with a commanding tone, "I am your girlfriend now, understand?"


Lin Yu was taken aback but chuckled, "Why?"


"To show you off," she said matter-of-factly, devoid of emotion. Despite her cold demeanor, a hint of coquettishness surfaced on her face as if whispering sweet nothings to Lin Yu. The surrounding men were on the verge of nosebleeds, their eyes turning red with envy. If anyone could have such a girlfriend, their vanity would surely surpass even Mount Everest.


At this close range, Lin Yu could see two towering snowy hemispheres that seemed to beckon each other tantalizingly, a sight that set hearts racing and desires aflame.