
The Strongest of Japan: Accelerator (Don't read its disappointing)

Understand if you click on this you will be receiving, cringe, forced plot points, and things that generally make no sense or have no reason being included. Just know this is bad.. like really bad This is really disappointing, to both me and anyone that reads this. ______________________________ He died, plain and simple, yet he was alive once more In a world where 80% of all humans have powers called quirks, and there are both heroes and villains running about you would think a normal person to be scared, especially when you know the world shouldn’t even exist in the first place But no, he is alive and has the body of Accelerator, this strength? He’ll stand at the top, no one can come close to him Plain and simple

OGVipex · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Sports Festival

(Short but I will get another chapter out tomorrow, most likely two, ambitious? nah I just need to actually be motivated, plus it's been a while, tomorrow will be like an apology)

After the short break from school class 1-A came back fully rested and mentally prepared, as Aizawa came in bandaged to all hell and began talking a bit, Accelerator, in his thoughts, understood something very important

Playing hero fucking sucked. And he would not be able to hold out until the Kamino Incident so instead, he chose to reveal himself at a much earlier time, a time where everyone is still glued to their TV screens and watching hopefully

"The UA sports festival. It happens only once a year throughout your three years here, any aspiring hero can't afford to miss this chance to get an internship and a greater possibility of going pro" Aizawa explained the basics of what this sport festival exactly was before the bell rang and everyone left for lunch accept for Accelerator

"Alright kid so when that Nomu attacked you, it recoiled as it wrist had bent, you were launched towards the stairs but the Nomu was still hurt which was something only All Might had managed to do so do you know what happened?" Aizawa asked, he understood just what most likely happened but he wanted to hear it from him

"When the fist came at me my only thought was wanting to live, I did whatever I could to use the air defensively and It felt like something.. broke, like a shackle on my strength breaking and I could use it better, more fluently"

A few minutes passed as the two talked before Accelerator went to leave, just before he could Aizawa threw a pencil at him, wouldn't do much but it would hurt slightly, and that was the point, as the pencil's tip was about to make contact with his back, it suddenly broke apart and flew back, landing on the ground as Accelerator left, having seemingly not even noticed

Aizawa saw this and sighed before making a report 'Nezu will be curious about this, if his new barrier is something that's done subconsciously then he could be one of the strongest hero's down the line.. but now he might get complacent and lazy with it' Aizawa has seen too many annoyances that had decently strong quirks so they never bothered training, thinking it wouldn't hurt them or make them stronger so they believed themselves the strongest with it, and yet half of them were either KIA'd or locked up since they became drunk on power


After lunch everyone went to leave the class, but after opening the door they were blocked by many other students who just stared

"Hey we can't get through, not manly."

"What is everyone even here for?"

"They came to scout out the competition idiots" Bakugo walked forward "We were the ones that got attacked by villains and made it out, they wanted to see what we're made of. Move it extras!"

Seeing his outburst a purple haired kid came forward, same tired eyes as Aizawa as he spoke of the unfairness of applications and to declare war. Halfway through his speech Accelerator had walked to the door and tapped his foot, a gust of wind came through as the students were all pushed to the side and made way

"What I'm getting here is that you're waging war with the class since you didn't get in. Well here's some advice, actually train for once in your life and maybe you'll have a chance, though it wouldn't hep much, not when I'm here." Walking through, Accelerator laughed slightly as the one thought going through the student's head was 'arrogant'

Not caring for the looks he had gotten on his way out he made it back to the house and waited. 'Sports festival will come in just 3 days, the finale will be a great show for everyone watching, don't want to end it too early now'






As the stadium waited in anticipation the students were in the lobby, waiting for their call to leave as they sat, some excited, some nervous, others unfazed, seemingly unbothered by the event happening

As Todoroki made his statement to Izuku, Accelerator glanced up from his seated position to see Shoto looking at him

"And you as well, you're quirk gives you so much versatility but since your apparent awakening you haven't been bothered to do anything, I'll defeat you with my power and show why you're weaker than me" Shoto's glare turned sharp as Kirishima tried his best to defuse the situation but Accelerator stood up and walked in front of the half hot half cold boy before sneering slightly

"Weaker than you? HAH! Don't make me laugh, I'm stronger than you and everyone else here, class 1-A, class 1-B, the fucking pro's.. I'm stronger than your good ol' dad, so don't speak words you can't even begin to back up" With his words everyone's gazes fell onto him as their eyes widened by his bold declaration, stronger than even the pro's? There was just no way, he really was becoming cocky

"And now the class that were attacked by villains and fought back bravely, Class 1-A!" Hearing Present Mic's words the class all went through the hall as they made their way to the field to see everyone looking at them, cheering, this brought back the nervousness of some while 3 kept their gazes at Accelerator with mixed emotions

Shoto was annoyed, and angry, his "father" had been telling him to use his flames but he wouldn't but for someone else to tell him that he was weaker than him bothered him greatly

Bakugo, was really pissed, which is normal. Icy hot didn't even glance at him when he made his so called declaration which really fucking annoyed him! Than that white haired kid had the gall to say he was stronger! Fucking hell, he'd put the bastard in his place soon

Izuku was the absolute calmest out of the three, he just felt lower than before when Accelerator had said those things, he claimed to be stronger than his mentor, he wanted to refute that immediately but he couldn't, something inside him told him that may not be far off from the truth, he didn't know why but something was just screaming at him now, something was telling him to run, get away from this place as far as possible, it was like a major sixth sense that was going off for him, and the worry came from Accelerator.. he felt he had to be careful, really careful

Accelerator had noticed Izuku's wary glances easily, and as the other classes came out of the walkway and Midnight went on stage to call out who would give the speech, he smirked as out of the corner of his eye he had taken one more look at Izuku

'You're right to be wary, but it won't matter.. funny really, One for All will die today, and then so will All for One right after'

"To come up and give the speech, please welcome Accelerator!"