
The Strongest Naruto

A rerun of Naruto. the only difference is Naruto's personality and some slight difference in plot...

JustaLazyGuy · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 12 - Land of Waves

Chapter 12 - Land of Waves




Team 7 went out of the village with Tazuna

"What kind of place is your country? And why are you building a bridge? Tazu-jiichan." Naruto asked as they were walking out of the gate.

"Hm… Let's see… compared to the Konoha Village, my country is a smaller one. It doesn't have big walls around it like the Konoha Village, it's open for anyone to enter and…" Tazuna's face turned grim. "Has lots of gangsters."

Naruto, who was walking, saw a puddle on the ground in a bit of a distance in front of them and replied "I see… That's why you requested a bodyguard mission in Konoha."

Tazuna just drank his alcohol as he walked.

Naruto slowed down a bit to match Kakashi's pace and asked with a quiet voice "Kakashi-sensei. Is it okay to kill one if there are others? I wanna test a jutsu."

Kakashi was surprised that Naruto noticed and replied "Sure."

Sasuke simply looked at them in confusion wondering what they were talking about.

Naruto saw Sasuke looking and smiled and gestured with his mouth "Enemy"

Sasuke's face tensed and was on the watch out but didn't let it show in his face.

Sakura also joined in the conversation but oblivious to what they were talking about "Um… Kakashi-sensei?"

"Hm? What is it? Sakura?"

"Tazuna-san is from the wave country right?"

Kakashi nodded "What about it?"

"Don't they have ninjas in the wave country?"

"No… not in wave country, but… in most countries, the culture and customs may be different, but hidden villages exist, and so do ninjas. To the many countries of the continent, the existence of a Shinobi Village means military power. This is how they hold and maintain advantages over each other. But, it's not that the Villages rule the countries, they merely stand equally with the country's government. A small island country like the Wave country doesn't receive much interference from the larger countries and may not need a Shinobi Village. Within many Shinobi Villages, Leaf, Mist, Cloud, Sand, and Stone are large and powerful and thus are referred to as The Great Five Shinobi Countries. And, these are the only countries whose leader receives the name 'Kage.'"

"The 'Five Kages, Hokage, Mizukage, Raikage, Kazekage, and Tsuchikage, they reign over the thousands of ninjas in the world."

"The lame geezer is that incredible? Sounds fishy…" Sakura replied to Kakashi's explanation, obviously, Naruto has been rubbing his conduct to Sakura.

"Hahahaha! Sakura-chan is finally treating the hokage as some old man on the streets like me!" Naruto chuckled as he heard Sakura

Kakashi sighed "You guys look down on sandaime too much. Although he acts like an ordinary old man. He's strong, you know. Hokage is naturally the strongest in the village."

"That won't be for long. I'll be stronger than him soon." Naruto replied cheekily.

"Well… don't worry, there won't be any ninja combat in a [C-rank] mission."

"Then we won't contact with foreign ninjas?" Sakura asked hopefully.

Kakashi, still not telling the truth, replied "Of course not! Hahaha!"

Meanwhile, Tazuna on the side was sweating a bit

Which Naruto and Sasuke noticed.

As they crossed the puddle they were prepared for battle.

Suddenly sharp steel chains wrapped Kakashi's body and he screamed in shock "What?!"

Tazuna and Sakura looked in shock as Kakashi was bound by chains.

"One down." One of the ninja said as they cut Kakashi's body into pieces.

Naruto then said as he applied Chakra to his feet "Sakura-chan, prepare a barrier scroll just in case."

Sakura shaking nodded and nervously took out a barrier scroll from her ninja bag.

Naruto disappeared appearing in mid air above one of the ninjas with his left hand glowing with chakra and wind nature

"Hm… Let's name it [Wind Style: Chakra Blade]" Naruto smiled as he sliced through the head of the ninjas who was still unaware Naruto was behind him


In one moment, Naruto's jutsu slashed across the head of one of the ninjas. It took awhile for him to realize that his head was slashed through. And looked at Naruto as his head was sent flying. 'So, I'm dead.' He thought.

The blood in his body took awhile to react too before it *Splurt!*

Tazuna, Sakura, and Sasuke looked at Naruto in shock as he killed one of the ninjas in one swift motion. Sasuke rushed towards the other ninja in frustration and didn't want Naruto to get an up on him.

The other ninja was still looking at Naruto in shock and got a hold of himself in a second 'This kid is dangerous! Kill the target and run!!'

Before the ninja could run or Sasuke could reach him. Kakashi appeared and bam!

He pressed the other ninja with his feet on the back.

"That was great Naruto. What was that jutsu? Chakra scalpel? No… that had wind chakra nature. And your sharp chakra was all over your arm instead of just the tip."

"Shishishi… It was a jutsu I developed if no other person developed it already. [Wind Style: Chakra Blade]. When I learned the [Rasengan] from the old man I came up with this instead. It's more suited for killing silently."

"You learned the [Rasengan]?" Kakashi in surprise asked but continued as Naruto was able to learn Fuinjutsu in a week plus his monstrous chakra control, he didn't have to doubt anything so he continued "I see… So how was your first kill? How do you feel?"

"Hm? I don't feel any different. I killed someone who would kill me if I didn't kill him so why would I feel any different?" Naruto looked at Kakashi in confusion

Kakashi's eye widened and replied "I see… That's good then."

Sasuke screamed angrily at Kakashi "Why'd you do that! That opponent was mine!"

Kakashi stared at Sasuke for a bit and said "Well… If I let you go at him you'd probably kill him too. Naruto got my permission for the other kill."

Naruto dispersed his chakra but his arm wasn't covered in blood probably because of the wind chakra nature. He wrapped his arm around Sasuke and smiled "Don't mind. You can fight next time!"

"Get off me!" Sasuke said in annoyance but continued "The next opponent is mine!"

"Alright! Alright! You don't have to snap on me!" Naruto replied to calm down Sasuke

Sakura and Tazuna were just looking at them dumbfounded by how it seemed like it was nothing to them. Sakura thought in determination 'I need to get stronger so I won't be a deadweight to these two!'

Kakashi carried the ninja who was still alive and tied him to a tree "Tazuna-san." Kakashi called

Tazuna replied nervously "W-What is it??"

"I need to talk to you. These guys look like Hidden Mist Chuunins… These ninjas are known to continue fighting no matter what."

"How did you notice us?" The ninja asked Kakashi

"It's been sunny all day and it hasn't rained in a few days so why would there be puddles on the road?"

"Tsk!" The ninja clicked his tongue for his mistake, he didn't account for that as he was used to their country that was always wet.

"If you knew that, why did you let the kids fight?" Tazuna asked

"Well, for starters my team is strong. If I wanted to kill them, I could kill them instantly but there's something I wanted to confirm. What these two were after."

"What do you mean?"

"Meaning, I wanted to know if they were after you or one of us. We haven't heard of any ninjas after you. Our mission was simply to protect you from thieves and gangs. This has now become a [B-rank] mission now that we fought ninjas. I'm sure you had your reasons but you lied to us about the intel of the mission." Kakashi stared at Tazuna

"I'm sorry for lying!" Tazuna said and continued "We can increase the pay for the mission but let it be after a few months after the bridge is built. We simply don't have enough to pay you for the B-rank mission payment."

Kakashi nodded "That's the way it should be. The mission has now been upgraded to [B-rank]. What do you guys think? Wanna continue the mission?" Kakashi faced the direction of his team

Naruto chuckled, "Do you even need to ask?"

Sasuke nodded.

Sakura was nervous but followed the crowd and also agreed.

Tazuna looked at them in surprise thinking they would back down so he sincerely said to them "Thank you!"

As they were walking towards the boat he explained the situation "A dangerous man is after my life."

"Who?" Kakashi asked

"You've probably heard of his name before. The wealthy shipping magnate, Gatou."

"Gatou? One of the extremely wealthy people of the world?"

"Yes… officially he runs a shipping company, but secretly he sells drugs and other illegal items, using ninjas and gang members to take over businesses and countries. Wave country is a really poor country so he was able to do what he wanted. He fears now that if I build a bridge he won't have a monopoly on all the business traffic of the company."

Sakura replied "I see… Since you're building a bridge you're in his way now."

Tazuna nodded

"That's why you hid the fact that there were ninjas because the wave country is a really poor country."

Tazuna nodded and replied "That's why I'm extremely thankful for still accepting the mission."

Kakashi replied "It's nothing, Tazuna-san. Hopefully we will finish this mission without casualties."

Kakashi thought as he sighed 'Considering Gatou's wealth, if we get attacked again it won't just be a Chuunin but a Jounin as well… What a pain…'




(A/N: Leave a power stone if you like the story. Thanks!)