
The Strongest Master in Shinobi World

Traveled through the world of Naruto and became a Master of many ninjas. The Strongest Master in the World makes his name as a Legend Disclaimer: This is a Translation Story. Update 5 Days a week (Monday - Friday) Support me by joining my patr**on. Have 15 advanced Chapters for you guys. patr**n.com/saitamablast >TSMSW NOVEL TIER Original Title: 从火影开始做师尊最新章节 Author: 脆甜香蕉干 Link: uukanshu.com/b/137828/

Saitama_Blast · Anime & Comics
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278 Chs

Chapter 78: Obito and Shisui

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"Sir, I didn't mean it that way. It just that, the clan chief has already sent word, saying that I'm arranged to go to the ninja school this year."

"Moreover, the clan would never allow me to take a teacher before graduating from the ninja school, especially an outsider."

"Moreover, the clan would never allow me to take a teacher before graduating from the ninja school, especially an outsider."

"So, I'm truly sorry, sir. Thank you for your kindness."

Although Shisui is still young, the mature-for-his-age boy knows exactly what to say in this situation.

Asahi looked at Shisui, who had a slightly adult-like demeanor, shook his head with some amusement.

"Kid, do you know? You look so mature, but it's not cute at all."

"Thinking that it's inappropriate to take a stranger as a teacher, just say it directly. There's no need to beat around the bush. I understand."

Upon hearing that his thoughts were exposed and seeing the smile on Asahi's face, Shisui blushed with embarrassment.

This uncle is really something. Doesn't he know how to be a bit more considerate? Acting like a child, not mature at all.

Shisui muttered in his heart.

Asahi naturally couldn't know Shisui's thoughts. Seeing the slightly awkward Shisui, he spoke up:

"However, although those reasons are excuses, I can understand."

"If you don't need to consider those things, how would you choose?"

"Oh, by the way, let me tell you one more thing. Today, I just accepted a disciple from your Uchiha clan, named Obito. Do you know him?"

"Brother Obito?!"

Shisui exclaimed in surprise, carefully examining Asahi.

Today is Obito's graduation day, and of course, he knows it.

At noon today, he even bumped into Obito excitedly heading to the ninja school, saying he was going to form teams.

Unexpectedly, Obito has already taken a master, and the master is right in front of him.

"Brother Obito?"

Asahi was a bit confused. He didn't know much about Shisui, the ninja who only existed in memories.

He just knew that Shisui had a good relationship with Itachi Uchiha, being both mentor and friend.

Originally, when Asahi mentioned Obito, he just wanted to strengthen the relationship between the two through Obito. However, from Shisui's tone, it seemed that their relationship was not as simple as acquaintances.

Unexpectedly, Obito gave him a pleasant surprise.

"Are you very familiar with Obito?" Asahi asked with some doubt.

"Brother Obito's father and my father are blood brothers, and Brother Obito has taken care of me a lot over the years."

Shisui nodded and spoke to Asahi.

However, since learning that Asahi was Obito's master, Shisui's voice unconsciously became closer to Asahi.

Asahi felt a bit absurd at the moment. After watching the original for so many years, he never expected that Obito and Shisui had this kind of relationship.

In reality, it's like a gold falling from the sky.

He never expected that he just wanted to take on a disciple and unexpectedly unearthed a hidden Easter egg from the Naruto world.

No wonder, in the original, Obito, as a loner, could quietly practice in the training ground all day without being disturbed.

No wonder Obito and Shisui have such similar hairstyles. There's actually this hidden relationship.

With the two main characters and Obito and Shisui's spatial talents, it's a perfect confirmation.

Indeed, Naruto series is a history of internal strife within families, and bloodline is the way to go.

"Hehe, what a coincidence."

Asahi truly didn't know what to say; the plot was quite dramatic.

"Yeah, I didn't expect the clan leader to actually agree to let Obito take you, an outsider, as his master."

Shisui also felt that he and Obito had some kind of destiny. After putting down the guard in his heart, the young Shisui no longer had the feeling of being a mature.

He looked at Asahi with curious eyes, trying to see something special from this uncle he had read about many times.

Asahi felt that now Shisui finally had a bit of a child's appearance.

One can't help but marvel at how the geniuses in the Naruto world grow up so unreasonably.

Shisui, a child of four years old, can handle things as maturely as a teenager.

Then there's Itachi, who, at the age of four, is already contemplating the meaning of life and even thinking about to suicide.

If this were in Asahi's previous world, he wouldn't believe that there could be such geniuses around him, even if he were beaten to death.

It can only be said that the environment has a huge impact on a person.

The war-torn world of Naruto really makes people grow up quickly.

"Shisui! Shisui! Are you training? I have good news to tell you!"

Just as Asahi was contemplating, Obito's voice suddenly came from his ear.

Asahi chuckled. They were just discussing about Obito, and he showed up without them expecting it.

Shisui was also a bit stunned. Upon hearing Obito's voice, he subconsciously responded.

As Shisui spoke, Obito enthusiastically rushed over.

"Shisui, I have good news to tell you. I... um, Master!"

Even before the person arrived, Obito couldn't contain his excitement and shouted.

But before he could finish his sentence, he saw Asahi standing next to Shisui.

The words he had spoken halfway were abruptly swallowed back, and he exclaimed in surprise towards Asahi.

After Asahi left, Obito thought he would only see his mysterious sensei tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he returned to the clan, intending to share this good news with his cousin, he saw his mysterious sensei again.

And he was with his cousin.

"Master, what are you doing here?"

Hastily approaching the two, Obito glanced at Shisui, then at Asahi, and asked with some confusion.

Asahi didn't speak. Instead, he carefully observed Obito and Shisui.

Not to mention, it was fine before not knowing. Since knowing that the two were cousins, Asahi felt that the more he looked, the more alike they seemed.

Obito felt a bit uneasy being scrutinized by Asahi and didn't know what his sensei meant.

Quietly poking Shisui, Obito whispered, "Shisui, what's going on?"


Glancing at Shisui, who was about to speak, Asahi didn't give him a chance.

"I was just planning to stroll around and happened to see Shisui practicing, so I stopped to observe for a while. I just didn't expect that you two are actually cousins."

So that's it. Obito instantly understood the concept of fate is truly indescribable.

Asahi had just taken him as a disciple, and right after leaving, he encounters Obito's cousin.

Scratching his head, Obito excitedly said, "Haha, what a coincidence, Master. So, what do you think of Shisui's talent? I think he might be a genius, at least as good as me."

<End Chapter>

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