
The Strongest Killer Of The Zoldyck Family!

P.S THIS IS NOT MINE AND IM JUST PUTTING IT HERE FOR CONVENIENCE DAILY UPDATE EVERY 10:00 AM Traveling through the Hunter world and becoming a member of the Zoldyck family, Ron awakens a different Nen. Collect characteristics to create corresponding characteristics. Collect the characteristics of Zoldyck Manor and create the Nian Beast - Killer Queen. Collect the characteristics of the Hunter test, and create the Nian Beast——Gourmet Hunter, Alu. Collect the characteristics of the sky arena, and create the beast-the top fighting creature, Fan Ma Saber. Collect the characteristics of Meteor Street and create a mind beast—a computer girl, Xiaoji.

Levi_Official · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 66 Get Rid Of Master, Get Rid Of Master's Disciples!

Ron frowned slightly as he watched Guo Tansen's fancy operations.

Among other things, Guo Tansen's driving skills are really good.

It is now late at night.

Sight is very poor.

It was extremely dark.

The convoy in front deliberately blocked the road again, and it was scattered all over, with only very narrow gaps.

It can be said that under such circumstances, even if the average person walks slowly, they may crash the car.

But Guo Tansen did not slow down.

Instead, maintaining the previous speed, through his own operation, he rushed over abruptly.

This car skill, Ron's previous life, has only been seen in movies.

However, this is not the end.

This is just the beginning.

The target of the other party is Ron and the three of them, how could they watch the cooked duck fly away like this?


With a sound of falling, more than a dozen vehicles quickly caught up.

Guo Tansen saw the convoy chasing him from the rearview mirror, and instead of being afraid, he became excited.

"Want to catch up with me?"

"Dream talent!"

"I'm the car god Guo Tansen!"

Ron glanced back.

Originally, Ron had a plan to deal with the chasing army by himself.

But now that 08 saw Guo Tansen's operation, Ron withdrew his idea.

"There's no need to make a move."

"Guo Tansen is enough."

"I just don't know whether these people are here for me or for Guo Tansen."

"It's just that if it came for me, it would be too weak."

Ron recalled the two killers he met when he first came to Sky Arena.

It seems that the reward has not been revoked until now.

"Who is trying to kill me?"

A reward of 5 million nuns was offered.

Ron didn't care about the threat that this bounty could bring.

After all, Ron himself has killed Jack Dragon who was offering a bounty of 500 million rings.

5 million monks, that is one percent of 500 million monks.

It is conceivable that the killer who will accept this task is who.

Three hours later, the cars behind were gone.

Guo Tansen successfully got rid of them.

Entered the town, refueled, replenished, and continued on the road.

After two days, enter the city.

Guo Tansen found a cheap corner and stopped.

"Ron, the destination is here."

Ron nodded.


"You're welcome."

Guo Tansen smiled and said.

"I had a great time running this train. Those little brats came to chase me two days ago, and brought you a bad experience. How about it, you can give me the commission. It's probably a good idea."

"it is good."

Ron didn't force the full payment.

no need.

Since Guo Tansen took the initiative to say it, it proves that this is what Guo Tansen wanted.

Also, those chasers did give Ron and Lina a bad experience.

Guo Tansen's driving skills are good.

But driving that way, the experience of passengers sitting in the car will not be much better.

Ron pulled the cash out of his pocket.

Guo Tansen took it and nodded.

"That's right, that's the number."

Ron and Lina get out of the car.

Guo Tansen poked his head out of the car window.

"Ron, write down my contact information, there will be such a job in the future, find me, I'm reliable!"

Guo Tansen patted his chest.

"Okay, I'll introduce you to business later."

Ron thinks Guo Tansen is quite interesting.

No evil intentions occurred along the way, and after accepting the commission, they sent Ron and Lina to their destination in earnest.

And there's no slighting of Ron because he's a kid.

Very equal, treated as peers.

There are very few people like this who don't know Ron's true strength.

Even the stewards of Zoldyck Manor don't have this mentality.

When Ron competed with those butlers, it didn't mean that those butlers didn't respect Ron. They respected Ron's identity very much.

But before Ron shows his strength, they will still be affected by Ron's age.

"Guo Tansen..."

Watching the car leave, a figure appeared in Ron's mind.

Together, in Ron's previous life, a character that appeared in the movie.

Tough guy with thinning hair.

But the character is a little different.

"Lina, let's go."

The address of the exorcist that Jie Nuo gave was a park.

Ron's location is not that park, but the distance from that park is not very far.

Probably only a few kilometers.

At the speed of Ron and Lina, it can be done in ten minutes on foot.

Ron is no ordinary person.

The current Lina is not.

It was still early at this time, but there were not many people around. The city was full of flowers, but it was located in a remote place.

Walking all the way, only a dozen eyes fell on Ron and Lina.

But it's just a little curiosity.

No intention of exploring further.

On the contrary, the beautiful women who came here to play attracted more attention.

Some young people couldn't help but whistled at each other.

However, such behavior can only usher in disgust.

Because they are not handsome enough.

Many things are related to appearance.

The effects of making a handsome person are completely different from those made by an ugly person.

Not long after, a park came into the sight of Ron and Lina.

Not abandoned, people come and go, just not much traffic.

The gate is unguarded and anyone can enter.

Ron walked in with Lina.

The moment he walked in, Ron felt a sharp gaze falling on him.

So Ron came up with the answer.

Obviously, it should be the nemesis master introduced by Jie Nuo.

"Senior." 303

Ron walked over to meet the gaze.

An old man walked out.

An old man with a somewhat chubby figure, to be precise, should be strong, wearing ordinary work clothes, but Ron can see the shape of the muscles on the opponent's body.

Stronger than most of the players in Sky Arena.

Moreover, the Qi on the body is very strong.

"Stronger than Yoneda Dupo."

Short silver hair.

The eyes are slightly dead fish.

The whole body exudes an aura that is integrated with the environment.

If it weren't for Ron being a Nen.

If it weren't for the old man looking at Ron too sharply.

It might just be ignored.

This is a strong man.


The old man took a serious look at Ron and asked, "You were introduced by Senior Jeno?"

"That's right."

"Come with me."


The old man led the way, and Ron and Lina followed.

Continue to go deep into the park.

There are basically no traces of people here.

Through another forest.

The old man stopped.

There is an open space in the middle of the woods, and there are two small wooden houses standing on the open space. In front of the small wooden houses is a piece of sand, and a young man is training on the sand.

Hearing movement, look this way.


When he looked up, he saw Ron and Lina behind the old man, and he froze suddenly.

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