
The Strongest Killer Of The Zoldyck Family!

P.S THIS IS NOT MINE AND IM JUST PUTTING IT HERE FOR CONVENIENCE DAILY UPDATE EVERY 10:00 AM Traveling through the Hunter world and becoming a member of the Zoldyck family, Ron awakens a different Nen. Collect characteristics to create corresponding characteristics. Collect the characteristics of Zoldyck Manor and create the Nian Beast - Killer Queen. Collect the characteristics of the Hunter test, and create the Nian Beast——Gourmet Hunter, Alu. Collect the characteristics of the sky arena, and create the beast-the top fighting creature, Fan Ma Saber. Collect the characteristics of Meteor Street and create a mind beast—a computer girl, Xiaoji.

Levi_Official · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 67 Environmental Combat Genres, The Addition Is Completed!

"Teacher, what is this?"

The old man just glanced at the young man lightly.

"Guest, continue your training."

"is teacher."

The old man took Ron and Lina into the cabin and closed the door.


There is no stool in Konoha, so he can only sit cross-legged.

Ron didn't mind, though.

"What is the specific situation?"

Ron motioned for Lina to take off the cloak.

Lina shook her body.

When the old man saw Lina, his pupils shrank slightly.

"Whose idea is this?"

"Lina's father, Carlisle."

old man:

there was a moment of silence,

"I have actually seen such a state before. The intensity of the thoughts is not high, but it is very troublesome to deal with. Except for such thoughts, the effort is much stronger than using such thoughts."

"I need ten days."

"Is the money ready?"

Ron nodded and handed over an anonymous bank card.

The old man took it.

"You guys stay here now. I will give her this wooden house first. I need to prepare well so that I won't be disturbed. If you need anything, just tell my disciples.

"The one outside?"


"Okay, senior, I'm in trouble."

The old man waved his hand.

After finishing speaking, the old man got up and walked out of the wooden house.

Ron looked at Lina.

"Lina, you have heard the words of the senior, you should stay in the wooden house these few days."

"Yes, little big brother."

Ron also walked out of the cabin.

The old man walked into another wooden house, the door and windows were closed tightly.

The young man on the sand looked at Ron curiously.

"Did you come to my teacher to get rid of thoughts?"

"That's right."

Ron nodded and said: "Senior told me that he should prepare well and not disturb him for ten days, and he can talk to you if he needs anything during this period.

"No problem, just talk to me."

The young man patted his chest and rolled his eyes.

"You are also a Nen person, do you want to come and have a try~||?"

Ron stared at the young man.

Judging by the young man's temperament, he should have reached the level of D rank.

Seeing that Ron didn't answer, the young man couldn't help but add something.

"Don't worry, I will suppress my strength to the same level as yours. After all, I am so much older than you, so I can't bully you in this regard.

"That's fine, you can try it."

Ron said: "I am the Nen of Transmuter, if you want to fight, you can only fight with my Nen Beast.

"It's okay, come on."

There was a look of expectation in the young man's eyes.

It can be seen that young people seem to be very bored at ordinary times, and they are very satisfied if they can have a competition.

Ron had a thought.

"Killer Queen!"

A pink figure appeared beside Ron.

The young man's expression became serious, but the excitement in his eyes grew stronger.


A series of fierce collisions sounded.

After a while, the two stopped.

In this competition, there was actually no winner.

The young man suppressed a certain amount of strength, but Ron didn't let the killer queen use his full strength, so the fight was evenly matched.

Because it's just a competition, so it's just a click away.


The young man said happily: "It's been a long time since I competed with anyone. There are so few people here, and the teacher won't let me leave, saying that my strength is not enough.

"By the way, my name is Kaiken, what's your name?"

The young man turned to Ron.


"Ron, you are really powerful. I am far inferior to you at your age. I suppressed a little bit of strength just now, but I still took advantage of it. Because your Nian Beast is strong enough, I let go of it."

Kaiken seems to be a chatterbox, and it may be because he hasn't seen other people for a long time, so he talks too much.

Keep asking about the situation outside Ron Park.

I am especially interested in things about the Sky Arena.

"I wish I could visit the Sky Arena someday."

"The fighting tournament will definitely be very interesting."

But Ron felt that the Sky Arena was not a suitable stage for Kaiken.

In the previous competition, Ron could see that Kaiken's fighting style needs to adapt to the environment, and the same is true for Nen. The more complicated the environment, the more capable it will be.

And the matches in the Sky Arena are all on the ring.

The arena was bare.

Kaiken's fighting style and ability will be restrained.

"But it's a pity that people from our environment combat genre are not suitable."

As Kaiken spoke, he sighed. He was still clear about his own situation.

Hearing the word genre, Ron's heart moved slightly.

Those who are nen, there are genres.

It's like the heart flow created by Netero.

Bisji, Yungu, Zooci, and later Gon, Killua, can all be regarded as people with flow of heart.

The Zoldyck family doesn't have any genres, more just a combination of killing skills and orders.

If there is anything to say, it is the killer style.

"Kaiken, the environmental warfare genre, was it created by your teacher?"

"That's right."

Kaiken nodded and said happily.

"The teacher is a very powerful person, and anyone who can create a genre is very strong.

"I have seen many people who came to challenge the teacher. They are actually very strong, but in front of the teacher, they were quickly defeated. No one won."

"Among those people, there are existences that are many, many times stronger than me."

"I really hope that one day, I can reach the level of a teacher."

There was hope in Kaiken's eyes.

Ron smiled and said, "Sure."

Ten days later, when the old man walked out of the wooden house, his whole demeanor changed greatly.

Before, the old man gave Ron the feeling that he was perfectly integrated with the surrounding environment.

But now, the old man gave Ron the feeling that he was out of tune with the surrounding environment.

It's like stepping out of an abyss.

Exudes a strong, 〖Qian Yinzheng breath.

"Come on in, Ron, I'm going to start."

"Yes, senior.

Kaiken was very curious, but the old man didn't speak, so Kaiken could only suppress his curiosity.


Konoha's door closed.

Lina quickly raised her head.

"Little big brother."

"It's okay, don't worry."

The old man came in front of Lina, stretched out his hand, and landed on top of Lina's head.

Afterwards, the black color of the Yin altar emerged from the old man's body.

Following the old man's arm, he flocked towards Lina.

Until Lina is completely wrapped.

Lina turned into a black sphere.

Time passed the hall bit by bit.


The black sphere moved and seemed to be divided into two halves, one half to the left and the other to the right.

Divided into two black spheres.

Wriggling constantly.

The old man took Lina's cloak and covered it on the sphere.

"The elimination of thoughts is completed.".

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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