
The strongest fire lord

In a world filled with swords and magic, being strong is a must, because the weak will only be oppressed. Such a world order is not only caused by monsters or other strong races, but also the greed of humans to always want to be at the top, to rule and reign like a god. Flint is a part of this world, he chose to join a clan to follow a beautiful girl who was predicted to be the successor to the legendary ice queen, all because of her extraordinary ice magic talent. He follows the girl not because of her beauty or extraordinary talent, but because of a last request from his late adoptive grandfather who saved and cared for him since he was a baby. But because Flint possesses the rare and powerful ability of eternal black fire, he chooses to hide his power from everyone. Choosing to live as a weak character and always in the last rank, becoming a side character who does not stand out in the slightest so as not to overshadow the popularity of the talented girl.

Dark_King7 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Mysterious help

Sean managed to dodge the fireball attack from Sony, but it wasn't over yet, by this time, several more fireballs had been fired.

"Sean... Dodge!" Sean's colleague who was watching immediately shouted to remind him.

Hearing the shout, Sean gasped, and immediately turned his head towards his opponent, his sight immediately filled by the ball that was heading towards him. The size of the fireball was smaller than the previous attack, but with a larger number, it posed a greater threat.

"Damn it!" He could only curse, and reacted as quickly as possible to dodge.

He jumped back, but the fireball attack was too close, moreover with the effect of the successive explosions, making him unable to do much, the shockwave from the explosions made one of his legs slightly twisted and bruised, and he was thrown rolling backward.

"Ukhuuuk... Ukhuuuk."

"Sean..." His partner shouted worriedly and was about to approach to help, but Sean immediately raised his left hand, giving instructions not to approach him.

He got up slowly, forcing his injured left leg while enduring the pain.

"Hoo... you're not bad!" Sony smiled widely, his words sounding mocking.

Sean's face was slightly red with annoyance and anger, he looked sharply at his opponent, "He uses smaller and weaker fireballs, but in return, he can put out more." He thought as he realized what his opponent was doing.

"Sacrificing a little quality to gain quantity, he's pretty smart." Wade also commented that he could clearly see what Sony had done.

"That's so awesome, I want to fight him too!" Raiden said with sparkling eyes as if he couldn't wait to fight against Sony.

"Don't be so confident! He's still not serious, rather he's just playing around and showing off his proficiency in using fire magic formations." Wade reminded Raiden.

"Heh, you underestimate me too much!" Raiden pouted while looking away.

"Flint, what do you think!" Somehow, Wade suddenly asked for Flint's opinion.

"So-so! A kid can even be better than him!" Flint replied subconsciously.

His two companions turned their heads, "Could it be that you know someone who uses fire magic better than him?" Raiden asked curiously.

"Ehh... That's not what I meant, it's just that I saw him playing around like a kid!" Flint immediately made an excuse in a slightly nervous voice.

"Haha, you do like to joke around, I also agree, that a kid like that should be taught a lesson!" Raiden said excitedly. He didn't have the slightest suspicion of Flint, unlike Wade who felt a little strange about Flint's attitude.

On the other hand, explosion after explosion was heard again, and the students who were watching could only shake their heads, they felt sorry for Sean who looked like he was being tortured.

Craters and scorched earth from the explosions formed on the ground.

"Hahaha, what are you doing, can you just run away?" Sony laughed mockingly.

"Damn, how can I get close to her? I don't have a chance to unleash a move either!" Sean's head was slightly sweaty, and his breath was starting to catch as he continued to dodge.

"Hah, what a bore!" Sony snorted and looked bored, just then he suddenly raised his right hand above his head, and several red magic circles half a meter wide immediately appeared in the air around him.

Sean who saw that could only glare, almost resigned, he could feel the aura of destruction from those few magic circles.

"This bastard! Does he intend to destroy us all?" Sean thought.

"It's over!" Sony grinned as he swung his hand forward.


Some of those magic circles began to glow. And a bigger fireball began to form in front of the magic circles.

"Everyone move away from here!" Sean shouted to the students who were watching behind him, then he immediately used all his Mana, hoping to slightly withstand his opponent's powerful attack.

"He's really serious!" Wade immediately grabbed Flint and Raiden's hands, "We should also stay away, this is beyond our capabilities!" Continued Wade, who immediately shot off while dragging his two friends.

Flint frowned slightly, "What should I do, if I don't act now, the gate area will be completely destroyed! But..." He also realized Sony's attack power was enough to destroy the main gate area.

Flint then turned his head towards the gate guards, and it annoyed him even more, the guards looked so relaxed, but there was no sign of doing anything.

On the other hand, as the students retreated, away from the gate area, a huge explosion occurred, making the ground tremble and blowing the wind violently.

All the students turned around to see what had happened, but the shocking thing left all of them speechless in confusion and wondering about what exactly had happened.

At this moment, thick black smoke was soaring into the sky, and it all stemmed from where Sony had been standing.

"What exactly happened?"

"Was there a mistake? And he blew himself up?"

"No way, I'm sure it was done by the guards!"

Some students started guessing.

They didn't get to see what happened before, and, at this moment, Sony's body was covered in thick black smoke that soared into the sky.

Sean couldn't do it, the reason was simple, Sean didn't have fast enough speed to attack Sony who was ready to shoot his destructive fireballs.

Sean himself looked confused by what had actually happened, when several destructive fireballs were about to be fired at him, he could only make a shield from his Mana and immediately closed his eyes because of fear and lack of confidence.

However, a sudden explosion sent him flying a few meters backward and saw that Sony had been enveloped by thick black smoke.

"What rare luck!" Raiden nodded lightly releasing his arm from Wade's grasp.

"Well, maybe!" Flint smiled faintly looking up at the sky. "You're just in time buddy!" He said to himself as he saw a blue light streak behind the clouds.

At the gate, "Did you see what happened just now?" One of the guards asked his colleagues.

"Of course! But I'm not sure, it looked like a blue meteor falling from the sky."

"It does look like that, but isn't that too strange? A meteor fell from the sky and hit a firestorm clan disciple who was about to launch a big attack."

"But there was nothing in the sky, when I realized the meteor was falling, I spontaneously looked up, I swear."

The guards were completely bewildered by the events before them.

On the other side, the 6 disciples of the Firestorm Clan rushed to help Sony who was seriously injured by his fireball explosion.

"You losers are going to pay for this!"

"That's right, the higher-ups of the clan have been meddling in the affairs of the junior disciples."

They shouted angrily and left immediately, they had concluded that the perpetrators of the incident were the clan officials, only they could use such an attack.