
The strongest fire lord

In a world filled with swords and magic, being strong is a must, because the weak will only be oppressed. Such a world order is not only caused by monsters or other strong races, but also the greed of humans to always want to be at the top, to rule and reign like a god. Flint is a part of this world, he chose to join a clan to follow a beautiful girl who was predicted to be the successor to the legendary ice queen, all because of her extraordinary ice magic talent. He follows the girl not because of her beauty or extraordinary talent, but because of a last request from his late adoptive grandfather who saved and cared for him since he was a baby. But because Flint possesses the rare and powerful ability of eternal black fire, he chooses to hide his power from everyone. Choosing to live as a weak character and always in the last rank, becoming a side character who does not stand out in the slightest so as not to overshadow the popularity of the talented girl.

Dark_King7 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Green Leaf Division

After the students from the Firestorm Clan left, Flint and his two partners quickly returned to the field. Raiden and Wade practiced together, while Flint just watched.

The two partners didn't force Flint to train, that was because they knew Flint was still injured. But even so, that wasn't the reason Flint wasn't practicing.

"Hmmm, I can't rely on Phoenix's power all the time, but I can't show my power either, what should I do?" Flint thought.

He laid his body down and looked at the Phoenix king flying in circles in the sky, he had assigned him to monitor the situation around the clan.

Flint thought hard, but couldn't find any answers, and before he knew it he was asleep.

At noon, Raiden woke him up and took him to the cafeteria for lunch. Flint could only obey and follow them both.

In the cafeteria, which was quite spacious and plain without any flashy decorations, the three of them were already sitting at a large dining table.

Flint was a little strange about the dishes on his plate, he usually only grilled meat or made simple vegetable soup by his late grandfather when he was still in the forest.

"Flint, are you okay, could it be that your injury has made you lose your appetite?" Raiden said in a weak and guilty voice.

"Ah no! I'm very hungry, it's just that it's not the food my master used to cook!" Flint gave an honest answer.

"Then, what kind of food does my grandfather usually cook?" A girl's voice replied.

The three turned their heads to see who this newcomer was, and as soon as they saw her, Wade choked and Raiden almost spit out his food in surprise.

"Miss... Miss Elsa. What are you doing here?" Raiden asked quietly.

"What are you talking about? Isn't this the common cafeteria?" Elsa replied casually and sat down next to Flint.

Flint looked relaxed, then commented on Elsa's earlier question. "Grandpa can only grill meat and boil simple vegetable soup!"

"Is that all you've been eating for a dozen years?" Elsa muttered as she elegantly placed the spoon of food into her small mouth.

"Yeah, more or less like that!" Flint replied, lifting the meat with his hands and devouring it casually.

Meanwhile, Raiden and Wade were just staring at the man and woman before them. But it wasn't just the two of them who were acting this way.

But the other students were also looking at the two with confused expressions.

"What about the wound on your chest?" Elsa asked without looking at Flint, "It's just a minor injury!" Flint replied he was also just focusing on his meal.

"Next time don't be so careless, this place isn't the same as in the forest!" Elsa put down the red-colored medicine pill, then stood up while picking up her own plate.

"You can eat it at night, it will heal your wounds quickly." Elsa continued before walking away.

"High-level body regeneration pills!" Wade and Raiden almost screamed in shock, both swallowing at the sight of the pills, they were extremely valuable and were usually only used when someone was dying.

No matter what kind of body wound you have, if you have that medicinal pill, then it is certain that it will heal quickly. It can even grow the cut body part. It does take time and requires taking several.

But behind the efficacy, high-level medicinal pills were very expensive and rare, especially the type of medicinal pill that Elsa gave Flint, within the clan, only a few people had such medicinal pills.

"Hmm, can this little pill really heal my wound?" Flint grabbed the medicinal pill that was slightly smaller than a marble and played with it like an ordinary object that wasn't particularly valuable.

"Ahhh, damn!" Raiden was almost crazy from seeing Flint play with such a precious object, for himself, the pill could give him an extra life.

"Flint, what are you doing?" Raiden tried to stop Flint, worried that the pill would fall and shatter.

"Flint, you'd better keep that thing well, and use it like Miss Elsa suggested, it'll really heal your wounds." Wade also commented.

While observing the medicine pill floating in the air, Flint's eyes suddenly widened, "That's it, if I can make a medicine pill, I don't need to use my powers, and I can support her using my medicine pill." Flint smiled widely when he realized what he would have to do.

The two friends in front of him looked at each other confused by Flint's change in demeanor.

"Would you guys like to take me to the pillery?" Flint asked excitedly.

"Of course, but what are you going to do there? Don't tell me you're going to ask for medicine?" Raiden did not understand Flint's attitude.

"Come on, do I look like a beggar? I just want to learn how to make stuff like this, didn't you guys say this stuff was precious?"

"Making medicine pills? Hahaha," Raiden couldn't help but laugh, even some of the students who heard Flint's words seemed to hide their laughter.

"Sorry... Sorry, Flint, it's not that I doubt your abilities! It's just that the job is harder than using a sword, it takes a special talent to actually be able to do it." Raiden responded.

"And also, if you focus on making medicinal pills, you probably won't have enough time to practice the sword, so you'd better forget about that wish of yours, don't waste your time, okay," Wade added.

This was the first time Wade had to speak at length, all so Flint wouldn't make the wrong decision.

"Who knows? I'm not very good with a sword, if I manage to make medicinal pills, I can support everyone in the clan." Flint replied with a light smile full of confidence.

"Flint, didn't you hear what we said? You might not understand!" Raiden tried to confirm.

"Umm, I'm pretty sure!"

"Ah, that's up to you, but I'll warn you, once you get into one of the support divisions, it'll take you at least a year to either quit or get out, did you know that?" Raiden emphasized.

"I understand!" Flint didn't really care about that.


After lunch, Flint was escorted by his two companions to the Green Leaf division.

Before long, they were standing in front of a two-story building whose entire courtyard was filled with medicinal plants.

"Wow, I didn't know there was a place like this in the clan." Flint was a little surprised at the sight.

"I'm sure you haven't traveled around, the clan area is still large, and there are many support divisions within the clan, but most students choose to focus on fighting skills unless they have special talents related to the division.

"Alright, I understand, next time I'll go around!" Flint said.

They finally parted ways, Flint went into the building alone, and his two friends returned to the field to train.