
The Strongest Fallen King

The story tells of a powerful king who rejected his own humanity in order to protect those who were once dear to him.

Ezrale · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The Strongest Dragon of the Dungeon

Damn, I'm already on the 48th floor, when's the boss going to be....

- Eh, it's getting more and more boring, time to drill my way through.

- Scorching Halo

- Two floors destroyed.

Only 2? Damn. The lower I go, the less effect the magic has. I'll have to keep it in reserve.

- Well, I've been there. Hey boss, I'm coming! 

- WHOA, WHOA, WHOA, WHOA. It's done, it's the boss's quarters. They look completely different. The ones above didn't have even a speck of the jewels that fill this floor.

The doors boiled away, flickering lights filled the space, true darkness filled the floor.

- Traveler? It's been a while since anyone sneaked in, since you're here, it turns out you were able to deal with those bosses from above? Ha-ha. Mr. Achilles was right, there is a man who will finally give us peace.


Age: 2000000

Gender: Male

Level: ????

Race: Dragon

Strength: 999999999

Vitality: ????

Speed: ????

Fortitude: magical effects, physical effects, spatial, temporal, temperature, personification of the concept of darkness of the higher world, ????

Dragon? He is colossal in size, quite possibly of legendary class. It gives off a very different aura compared to the upper ones. Damn, this is gonna be fun.

- My name is Hazura Crimson, I am the one who will pass this dungeon!

- Crimson. I see. My name is Yveltal, I am the king of the dark dragons, humor me, human.

- Human? Keep your nose clean, lizard. I'm a dragonite!

- Orion's laughter.

- Space is intact.

What?! The system sound was right, space hasn't changed a bit, damn lizard did something wrong.

- Hey, kid, is that it? Or did you think the dark dragon king would be affected by some kind of magic? Don't be ridiculous.

- True darkness

Darkness enveloped the space, light no longer mattered in this darkness. Yveltal has managed to drive Hazura into its territory...

- The grace of Ra.

The space was surrounded by light, in the draconite's hand was a huge sun, despite Hazura's height, the scorching sun was taller than several full planets.

- Activate.

- Mirewit.

The blazing sun was erased.

Damn. This lizard has the same spell as my father and Revias, if I continue the fight like this, it's quite likely I'll lose. It's only the middle of the floor, but it already bodes well for future pleasure. Look at me Father, I will destroy him.

- World of darkness and evil, open your gates!

No way, another world?!

Hazura Crimson moved Yveltal into his world. The light grew brighter and brighter until the silhouette of a child was visible.

- Where am I?

- In my world, a world my mentor taught me to create, I must destroy you. For I simply have no right to dishonor his efforts.

- Orion's style: Ra's death song.

Space was surrounded by a blade that had destroyed more than a dozen worlds.

- Mirewit.

- WHAT?! Why didn't the mirewit work?

- Fool. We are in my world, no matter what spell you have, no matter what deity you are, you will bow down before me, get lost, you brat.

- Ha-ha, thank you, young man.

The king of the dragons of darkness, Yveltal, was forever erased.

- Smaug. Damn, if it wasn't for the existence of my world, I'd totally blow it.

- Closing the gate.

- I'm dizzy, what the hell?!

- Attention, evacuate the city. The dark dragon king is upon us!

- Huh? Why am I in his memories?

- Everyone attack!

- Grandfather!?

- Get lost, Parfeliu!

- Father?!

- I'll deal with you personally, thank you dragon.

- Human? Huh. Try to humor me!

- Infinity zero.

- What the?

The king of the dark dragons, was forever encased in the ice that binds the gods themselves....

- All right, now, hup, hup, hup!

Threw a dragon?!

- Parfait, wait for me for a moment.

- Inferno.

- А!? What happened?

- Did you forget!? I froze you, do you want to continue or bow to my greatness?

- Don't get conceited, we still have a fight ahead of us!

- Fool, it's already over.

- Breath b--

Achilles, with a single wave of his hand, made the huge dragon bow.

- Do you understand the difference between us? If so, I have a better offer! Serve me, dragon. I promise that under my protection, you will finally know peace, and there will be those you cannot defeat.

- And you are one of them?

- That's right.

- I agree to serve you.

- From this day forward, you will be called Yveltal, don't you dare disappoint my expectations, ha ha.

- As you wish.

- He defeated Yveltal with a single swing, my father is incredible. Looks like I'm going to have to take up training to at least make parity with his human form.

- Quite a story. Rest in peace, Yveltal.

- For defeating Yveltal, you receive the Sword of Chaos.

- Э?!

Damn, this sword doesn't even show stats, so it must be stronger than I am to defy the very system of this sub-mesahel. However, I have a thrilling conquest ahead of me.