
The Strongest Fallen King

The story tells of a powerful king who rejected his own humanity in order to protect those who were once dear to him.

Ezrale · Fantasy
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17 Chs


- Well, the teleportation worked, I see, and the capital is still shining. You can even see it from here, Hazuru, ha ha. Well done, knights, made my job easier.

Revias took off at a speed greater than any infinity.

- Eiria, what's that light heading our way?

- Which way?

A rumble.

Revias created a small crater in the royal castle with his landing.

- Hello, little man! Long time no see, I hope you remember me.

- Uncle Revie?

- Ho-ho-ho-ho, at least someone remembered the old man! Come here, I'll give you presents.

- Yay! Uncle Revie, you're the best!

- You bet! Here, take some money and save it for fun. It's been so long since we've seen each other and you still remember me. Oh, I can't, I have to sit down, I'm too old to express such emotions, ha ha ha ha!

- How could I have forgotten you? You are the most generous uncle I know!

- Oh, embarrassing! Don't be like your father, or goodbye, goodbye to a quiet life.

- Was Daddy popular with the women?

- Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho, of course! I bet everyone in the castle liked that fool. Thank the gods he didn't have cheeks! It's not just the end of a peaceful life, it's the end of a real man's life.

- Cool! Then I'll take my father's place! 

- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, not yet! 

- Come here.

- What?

- There's a girl sitting over there, see?

- Yes!

- Go up to her and say the following:

Whisper, whisper.

Hazura approached Aviya.

- Aviya, do you think I'm a handsome man?

- Yes!

- That's true, but now you have to prove it!

- How?

- Get on all fours and be my horse!

- As you command.

Hazura sat on the young knight's back.

- Igogo, have I proved my point to you now?

- Yes! Ride me again!

- I will.

Haha, the boy is going on his fourth year and he's already luring women like that, oh, I can't imagine what he'll do when he turns fourteen.

- Uncle, what are we going to do?

- First, I'll show you a trick.

- What is it?

A world of order.

- Welcome to my world, how about a nice space where you can breathe in peace?

- Cool! Is that all you wanted to show me?

- Hazou, to tell you the truth, that's not the only reason I came. I have one little piece of information that might change you for the worse, I hope you're ready to hear it.

- I am!

- Achilles the Crimson died fighting Cronus.

- What?! Is this a joke?

- No, it's not. 

- I can see that.

- Huh? Why the reaction? You don't care about your own father's death?

- No. That's not exactly what you said. However, I had a good cry two days ago, I promised my late father that I would never cry again, and if I broke that vow, it would be an embarrassment to my crimson family.

- Sensible words for your age. Ha ha.

- You have two choices, one is to avenge your father and the other is to lead a quiet life, which will you choose, son of a god?

- I knew you would suggest something like this. So I have no hesitation in choosing the first option. Cronus should get what he deserves for the death of my parents.

- So be it. From this fateful day, you will be my apprentice! Awaken the strength you inherited from Achilles. Prove to the insolent lowlifes the truth of your great family name, I believe you can do it!

- Yes!

- My world has automatically teleported to my domain, enjoy.

The World Cross

The world of Revias has ceased to exist.

- How beautiful, is this your domain?

- Yes! Let's go home, you're in for a real workout.

- I'm on my way.

Revias teleported to the doorstep of his mansion.

- It's good to see you, my dear.

- I'm home, Mira. I have a favor to ask of you.

- What is it?

- I want this boy to live with us. He is the son of my friend and our god, Achilles the Crimson, and I want to ensure him a glorious future.

- Achilles? Isn't that the young man who saved me at the front?

- Yes! Hazura Crimson is his son. At present, Achilles has passed away. Now this boy must bear the burden his father carried.

- It's terrible. I don't mind him living with us.

- Boy, may I call you Hazu?

- Yes. You look lovely today, ma'am!

- Oh, what a naughty boy, hee-hee.

- Eh! That's my wife, find another one, you little bastard!

- What a jealous husband I have, hee hee. Hazou, come inside, we'll have dinner now.

- Auntie, who is this?

- This is my and Revie's daughter, her name is Esteria, please get along with her.

- My name is Hazura, let's be good friends.

Esteria was stunned by Hazura's words.

- Ha ha ha ha, what a shy boy, the boy is good, find a common ground with him Esti, okay?

- Huh.

- We've met, now go wash your hands. We'll wait for you at the table.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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