
The strongest disciple is a delinquent!

A story inspired by the hero hunter Garou. The main character since birth was born with immeasurable perception being able to react to things before a split second before it even happened. With this ability his parents immediately enrolled him in mixed martial arts classes that would teach him Karate, Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, Taekwondo, Boxing, Muay Thai, Kick Boxing, Kung Fu and master every one to create void martial arts. "I have two goals in mind. Build a criminal empire, become CEO and start the most deadly terrorist organization there is!"

xyzba · Fantasy
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Infinity Reaction = Untouchable

Ever since birth, Cosmo could never fall, be hurt or defeated in anything. His speed to react surpassed even those with super speed. While playing basketball he was able to steal the ball from a player abusing their super speed. In video games his combos were seemingly infinitely chained and he reacted to attacks as if he was watching your controller while you did it.

When he was a baby his mother dropped him on accident but he somersaulted mid fall and landed on his feet even though he couldn't walk.

After experiencing that moment, his mother immediately assumed that he was gifted with martial arts talent, either that or she's just fulfilling for her dream as a martial artist through her child but still a good thing regardless.

She enrolled him in what was renowned as the most brutal, deadliest martial arts school on the planet which was called All MMA. Many students broken bones, crippled themselves and even died in this program which consisted of not learning one but eight different martial arts simultaneously with the end goal being to form void MMA created by the sensei himself.

Cosmo, who was six was immediately favored by the sensei whose name was Seth. The reason was because Cosmo defeated every white belt in his age group and give age groups higher. (6-7, 8-10, 11-16, 17-21, 21+)

He could not be touched by anyone and everyone admitted that his level of response timing had to be peak+++. He could probably dodge bullets, although they were still only white belts, still impressive for a six year old.

"Kid you by far have the most potential out of anyone that has ever stepped foot in this dojo. Im looking forward to the future!" He said with a wickedly enthusiastic smile on his face.

The training was intense as to start it off you had to wear a full body suit that was your weight. 150 pushups, squats, situps, froghops, 5 minute planks, 1 hour jump rope, 30 minute sparring instead of breaks, 5km run and then martial arts with only one break on Sunday.

The workout was truly indeed intense on another level and Cosmo had witnessed 30 people drop out already but he adapted and kept pushing. One thing that ran through his head was the inferiority complex other kids had for having cool superpowers. How fun it would be to crush their egos.

Even those with superpowers could never touch Cosmo. There was always that one bully no matter where you go but Cosmos local bully couldn't even touch a hair on him.

The greatness of having good response time is that when sensei would always demonstrate an attack on Cosmo he could comprehend it extraordinarily quickly. Thus allowed him to cheat master skills.

By the time he was 10 he had already master 5 of 8 martial arts becoming a black belt level 10 grandmaster for Karate, Taekwondo, Jiu-Jitsu, Kick Boxing and Judo. (These are the dojo ranks for the martial arts not real ranks)

Actually he was the only one to make it past two and he was universal brown belt in the dojo. Sensei Seth had already acknowledged Cosmo being stronger than him the moment he became a black belt in one art. Cosmo dominated the entire realm of martial arts achieving first place in every martial arts tournament he attended.

Even grandmasters were flies in his eyes. Cosmos strikes were so fast and efficient that each attack left black streaks coming from his finger tips showing his steady and almost complete development of void MMA.

Today was the day of the National Grand Martial Arts tournament which is hosted every year. The best martial artists in the country are chosen to represent their country and fight for the national title of strongest martial artist.

Cosmo had set the record as the youngest person to ever contend and it was because of this that many underestimated. He was a child still developing strength and this is not point sparring, how could he possibly win?

Was the mindset of the first opponent who would be fighting Cosmo. "When you win this tournament I can finally retire as a sensei" Seth said proudly of his student. Forgot to mention sensei Seth is 380 years old...

"Sensei we know what the outcome of this tournament will be. You should just retire now" Cosmo said not cockily but more nonchalantly as he blatantly knew he would win. Ending all small talk, the rer shouted


Cosmo and Theo quickly hopped over the rope but before Theo could even take the time to get accustomed to the ring, he was greeted by Cosmo leaning on the ropes as if this fight wasn't serious but somehow at the same time giving the most unwavering stare ever that for some reason shook his nerves. This threw him off balance and prevented him from mentally preparing and before he could reorganize