
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasy
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59 Chs

The round table meeting

As Lucifer keeps on silently watching everything unfold right in front of her eyes tears slowly fall from her eyes as she watches Lena being devoured by the ravaging flames and being beheaded.

Lucifer said to herself, "Those people should stop all of this now! Stop it, please! Please I'm begging you."

As the man raised Lena's head the man noticed something and said, "Oh, she's recording herself? Is this for Mare? Or is it for someone else?"

One of them said," She's probably trying to contact her God."

The man smiled and said, "Even if it's her God it's still nothing compared to us. We can just kill that God."

Lucifer got angry and was about to attack him but Amand got faster than him and stopped and said, "Master, snap out of it. You shouldn't be wasting your time on trash like them. Remember, Lena is not fully dead. She will return to us once she gets reincarnated. Let's just prepare for her welcome party."

Lucifer managed to calm down and said, "I guess, you have a point. I don't have time to waste at them but if I have the chance to meet them in my life I'll make their life a living hell."

As she utters those words the whole darkness around them fades away and the chess board collapses revealing a place surrounded by a sky towering bookshelves.

Lucifer snapped her finger and said, "We should move on and grab all of the information that we can get."

Amand got curious and asked herself, "Just how the hell did Master break free from that pressure? Was she angry just now and after she snapped her finger her anger suddenly disappeared? Master is really interesting. Even I'm angry at what happened to Lena and I want to murder those people."

Lucifer looked at Amand and said, "There's no point in getting angry with what happened to Lena after all it's been 4,000 centuries back then. We can't get a chance to get vengeance since they are already dead. The only thing that we can do right now is to prepare a better place for Lena. She sacrificed herself for us and we can't let her sacrifices be in vain. Now help me find out what we can use to help our growing country."

Amand bowed down and said, "As you wish master."

"Let's split up and find as much useful information as we can gather."

The 2 of them split up in different directions.

Amand sneaks a peek at Lucifer and sees that Lucifer's fist is shaking in anger and he says, "I see, so master was just barely stabilizing her anger. Since she's trying her hardest to stay calm and focus I'll do it as well."

While they're gathering information the issue in the black market is starting to become alarming as the last region within the black market is not yet conquered.

A meeting is being held by 6 people and they are sitting at a round table. They were all arguing with each other like it was some kind of serious problem that they were talking about.

One of them slams the round table and said, "God damn it will you just all shut up and give a better suggestion?!"

The woman that's speaking has black long hair and a robe with a black crown like a queen. Her name is Lora.

One of them spoke up and said, "You guys are fools. Instead of sending some of our men to be a spy outside the region and become our eye outside the region you decide to just use all of our men to control our borders. Look I don't understand it's for security reasons but we won't find our enemy's weakness if we cage ourselves like this."

The one that speaks up is a man with a big body like a bodybuilder who's wearing a black long-sleeved polo with long curly hair. His name is Zenith.

One of them laughed it off and said, "You're out of your mind, Zenith. We need more men than you think since they have the power to take over most of the black market's region with just 6 of them in just a few days. Sending a spy will just alarm them."

The one that speaks up is an old man with a businessman's clothing, white gloves, and grey hair. His name is Gasper.

Zenith spoke back and said, "Then why don't you suggest a great idea on how to fight back? You know too damn well that defending ourselves won't work without knowing their weakness."

Another person spoke up and said, "I understand Zenith and Gasper's point but there's one thing that they have forgotten."

The one that speaks up is a girl with horns like a demon and black long hair and sharp eyes, and she wears sexy clothing like a succubus. Her name is Nadia.

Another person spoke up and said, "You know how dangerous it is to ask for their help right? Those creatures will ask you to sacrifice something that will attract their interest."

The man who speaks up is fully armored in black armor. He has long golden hair with a long black sword and shield behind him. The man is named Hellick

One of them tapped the table and stood up and said, "Look, if you have no better suggestion I'll be leaving. I've already warned you about those people but you never listened to me."

The one who's speaking up is a bald man with white clothing like a holy person with gold and jewel accessories. His name is Icarus.

Lora got curious and asked, "I don't get it, can you tell me exactly why are you fixated on this theory that they are more powerful than us?"

The man looked at her seriously and said, "It's not a theory, it's the truth itself."

Nadia spoke up and said, "Then prove it. Prove to us that we can't defeat them."

"Those people came from the world that I used to live in. They kill countless of God's during the war of the gods. I was just lucky that I ended up being trapped here."

Hellick spoke up and said, "Yeah right, Gods in your world are weaker than us just like you."

Zenith spoke up and said, "We can pulverize them just like what they did to the gods in your world."

Icarus got annoyed and said, "You arrogant fool. That arrogance of yours will kill you if you meet them."

Zenith got pissed and stand up to face Icarus and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean is that you're an arrogant idiot."

Zenith boils in anger and punches Icarus but is protected by a magical field that blocks Zenith's attack.

Icarus smirked and said, "You can't even hit me and yet you're saying that you can pulverize someone that has slain hundreds of Gods that's a lot stronger than me. If you're going to fight them I'll remind you to imagine their strength is on the same level as a million of me or even more because that's how powerful they are."

Icarus looked at Lora and said, "Now if you don't come up with ideas I'm leaving. I'm gonna pack my things and leave the black market today."

Gasper spoke up and said, "What, are you going to run away? I guess you're a coward."

"I would rather be a coward than fight at something I can't even win. I'm not as stupid as you people are."

After saying it he walks away and as he walks away he stops as he sees a portal appearing out of nowhere and there comes out a demon who's being wounded very badly.

Lora spoke up and said, "What the hell? How dare you barge in here? Who are you?"

The man spoke up and said, "I'm Amanadele, the right-hand man of Lady Lakia and I'm here to deliver a message from the Lakia domain."

"You know that barging in here without permission is disrespectful?"

Zenith spoke up and said, "Hold on, Lora. It might be an important message."

"I guess the news of what happened to the demon realm hasn't reached the black market yet."

Nadia spoke up and said, "Based on your facial expression it might be something serious. So can you please tell u what happened to the demon realm? Are we finally getting reinforcement from the Lakia domain?"

Amanadele looked at them seriously and said, "The demon realm has fallen."

As he said it a woman with busty looks and silver appeared and it was Leviathan herself.

Leviathan stabbed Amanadele behind his back and said, "You talk too much, aren't you? You're spoiling the fun of our battle tonight. It's no fun delivering that news to our enemies who are hoping the demon realm will help them."

Everyone was taken by surprise at Leviatha's sudden appearance and they all prepared themselves to fight but they couldn't move like their body was being paralysed.