
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasy
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59 Chs

the 7 representatives of the demonkings

After Lucifer gave her speech she returned inside and looked at Amand and said, "Now then, it's time to give you guys bee tasks but first I want you to call out those people who've talked to me earlier. I want to know if they what have it takes to accomplish the task I'm going to give them. Also please bring Fatima here."

Amand vowed down and said, "As you wish my lord."

As Lucifer steps towards the throne Leon contacts Lucifer through telepathy and says, "Master, your sister is back."

Lucifer smiled and said, "I already know that."

Leon got confused and asked, "How did you know that? She just came earlier saying that the people who kidnapped her dropped dead like flies that are being poisoned."

"I manipulated each of their fates by making them sick with an infectious disease that would take their life away in a matter of hours. They mess with my family so I should make their deaths a horrible one."

Leon said to himself, "Well, judging from Silvia's looks she looked like someone who saw a gruesome death. Master is always like this to her enemies."

Rosean came to the throne room along with Frederick and said, "Master, what should I do with this nuisance? I caught him trying to escape earlier."

Lucifer said to Leon, "We will just talk about this tomorrow, Leon. I'm going home tomorrow and I'll be hearing the details of what happened this past 4 days. For now, I want you to keep on acting like me."

Leon said, "As you wish, master."

Lucifer asked while massaging "Sigh, and why did you stop him?"

"Well, I thought that we were going to torture out information about his master so I caught him."

"There is no need for that. I already have the information that I need so he has no use for me anymore. Let him go home."

She reluctantly let go of Frederick and Frederick vowed down and said, "Thank you for sparing me."

Lucifer gave a murderous glare and said, "Just go home already got damn it!"

Frederick fearfully ran away and Rosean was confused about what was happening she asked, "What is going on master? I don't quite understand why are eager to let him go home."

Lucifer ignores her question and says, "If you have people that you know at the demon realm I want you to pull them out of there before Frederick enters the demon realm."

Rosean was still confused and asked, "Why do you want me to pull out my people and how did you know that I'm some kind of royalty in the demon realm?"

Lucifer said, "I'll answer each of your questions once you're done with the task I've given to you so please, save your questions for later and do what I asked you to do."

Rosean bowed down and said, "As you wish master, and also I apologize for my actions."

"I don't mind that, as long as you're fine with having a master like me I'll have no problem."

Rosean just vowed down and left.

Lucifer stretched her body and said, "Now then, it's time to deal with the other problem."

As Lucifer said it Amand came and said, "Master, I've already called for the people that you asked me to summon."

"Let me see them."

The 7 people who talked to Lucifer earlier entered and they were all astonished by her presence to the point that the whole throne room was being filled with silence.

Lucifer said to himself, "This silence is leading us to something. I can see that they will pawn over my feminine body. Thinking that will happen disgusts me."

Lucifer broke the silence and said, "Uhhhmmm, before this silence goes to something else I'm going to tell you why I summon you here but first, I want you to introduce yourselves."

The human with rag clothing and a masculine body speaks up and says, "My name is Allan, I'm just a nobody family man from the human race but I took pride in it."

The succubus demon with long black hair spoke up and said, "I'm Almithra Von Valencia from the succubus domain."

Lucifer spoke up and said, "Judging from your introduction are you by any chance a viscounty?"

Almithra spoke up and said, "No, I'm one of the archdukes from the succubus domain."

"The second to the highest class of noble?"


"Ok, well next please proceed with the introduction."

After Lucifer said it the angel with an innocent look and white long hair spoke up and said, "I'm Archangel Gabriel from the golden palace of the goddess Milina it's a pleasure to finally meet you face to face, master."

Lucifer nodded and said, "Likewise, next!"

A big man with a masculine body and long hair spoke up and said, "My name is Malakai son of wolf demon king Shaggnauth."

Lucifer was surprised and said, "Oh, so you were that little kid who used to fetch Shaggnauth at work. I already expected that you're his relative since the blood that runs to your veins is the same as him but I never expected that you're his child. By the way, how is he doing in his private life? Is he still hung up to his brother's death?"

Malakai said, "He's still hung up with his brother's death but he's slowly accepting that he's gone."

"I see, I hope he can be able to move on, next!"

A black dragon woman with a black horn, eyelashes, lips, and furry clothing spoke up and said, "I know that you already know who I am, master. Since we saw each other face-to-face countless times. I'm still going to introduce myself again. My name is Alicia the second child of Queen Rea and King Agustus, and the little sister of Dragon Demon King Arthur."

After the black dragon speaks up the spider demon speaks up and says, "I'm an assassin student who is personally trained by Mare the strongest assassin and I'm Kaira."

After Kaira introduced herself everyone was surprised because it was their first time to see the student of the strongest assassin, first hand while Lucifer just nodded.

The witch girl spoke up and said, "I'm Fina, among the witches I'm nobody since I'm not part of a noble rank. I'm just a commoner who constantly trying their hardest to survive."

Lucifer looked at Fina seriously and said, "Fina, are you telling me that you're the lowest among us here? If so, you're disappointing me."

Fina bowed down and said, "I'm sorry if I disappoint you."

Lucifer got more annoyed and said, "That is what's more disappointing to you. You always look down on yourself. You're weak through and through. You're the type of person who can't look up and take pride in who you are. You're so disappointing, you can't even look at me directly. You're stronger than Allan and yet he seems braver than you.*

Fina tries to sneak a peak at Allan along with the others that are with them and he just waves with a smile and she stares back at Lucifer and she is surprised when Lucifer's face is so close and immediately looks down.

Lucifer looked at her closely and said, "You can't even look at me straight up. I guess, that's all that you got. I thought you could do it. It was a mistake to put high hopes on you. From the way you looked at me earlier, I thought I could count on you because you look like a person that got nothing to fear."

Fina looked at Lucifer seriously and said, "Then what if, I managed to prove you wrong?"

"Then, I'm going to give you a task, a very important task, no all the 7 of you are going to take on a task that I'm going to give you."

The 7 of them kneeled and said, "Whatever task you gave us we will give it our all to accomplish the task."

Lucifer looked at Amand and said, "Amand, I want you to summon Fatima here."

Amand kneeled and said, "As you wish my lord" and he left.

Lucifer looked at the 7 and said, "Alright, I'm going to separate you into 4 groups. I'll pair you, Fina with Gabriel. You will go with Fatima and replace Lancelot in keeping an eye on the holy church movements within the capital of Oratio Kingdom and also I want you to meet with that girl in the future."

Gabriel asked, "Who is that girl you wanted us to meet in the future?"

"You will know it because she will be the 1st girl that I'll be bumping into inside the church when it's time for me to be baptized."

Fina and Gabriel just listened and Fina said, "Alright then, we're going to keep an eye on you master but the only question is when is the time that you will be baptized?"

Lucifer looked at them seriously and said, "It will be 2 years from now. That year will become very chaotic but the baptism still must go on. That girl will be my key to finding out what will happen after that war."

Fina bowed down and said, "We will find that girl no matter what."

Lucifer looked at them with serious looks and said, "Yes, you will find her in the future but you have to be careful or else you'll die. You will be lucky if she awakens her memories but if she doesn't I'm just gonna come and save you so go and wait for Fatima outside and wait for her instructions."

Gabriel bowed down and said, "As you wish my lord."

The 2 of them disappeared immediately and Lucifer looked at Alicia, Kaira, and Almithra and said, "Alicia, Almithra, I want you to go to the black market and kill the person whose Leviathan is about to kill tonight. I want you to take over the fight. If you can't do it just buy her sometime."

Almithra got confused and said, "Why do we have to help my king? Can't she just handle the current ruler of the black market?"

"Yes, she can deal with the leader of the black market herself but I don't know about the mastermind behind all of this so I'll be sending you 2 us a precaution. Now, go!"

Almithra and Alicia bowed and said, "As you wish Lord Lucifer."

Lucifer looked at Malakai and Allan said, "Allan, Malakai, the 2 of you will go home once I've returned. You will ask my parents to work at our family restaurant. You will be a worker in a day and at night we will hunt the mastermind behind my sister's kidnapping and kill whoever that bastard is."

Allan and Malakai bowed down and said, "As you wish my Lord."

"Now, you may leave my sight and prepare yourselves."


The 2 of them immediately disappeared and Lucifer looked at Kaira and said, "Kaira, your task will be the most important here so I want you to listen carefully."

Kaira looked seriously and said to herself, "This might be something serious."

"I want you and Rosean to infiltrate the politics of the Eastern empire. You will meet with that woman that I'm sure you already know. You can just wait outside once I'm done talking to Rosean and Fatima and you can begin the mission."

Kaira said, "As you wish master."

Kaira left the throne room leaving Lucifer waiting for Amand's return.

As Lucifer waits for Amand Lucifer speaks up and says, "Sigh, While I'm waiting for Amand and Rosean to come I'll kill that insect who's trying to escape my grasp."

Lucifer's 3rd eye opens up and her left arm is turned into a bow while her right hand produces a black arrow that is covered in violet flame. Next, she prepares to launch her arrow.

While Lucifer is about to launch her arrow Amand, Rosean, and the nun from earlier came.

Amand got curious about what she was doing so he asked, "What are you doing master? Are you trying to kill someone?"

"Yes, I'm going to kill that insect that is trying to escape my grasp."

Rosean smiled and said, "So you've finally changed your mind and decided to kill Frederick."

"I've already dealt with him though he's still alive and well for now but the moment he returns to his master he will die along with his master but I doubt that since I saw in the future that she survive."

Amand got curious and asked, "What do you mean by that, master? Are you trying to tell me that she's much stronger than you?"

"No, she's just a demon that's on the same lineage as Rosean but that's not the reason why I let her live."

Rosean smirked and said to herself, "So it was one of my sisters who was messing with my master. I pity them for unknowingly making an enemy of my master."

Lucifer looked at Rosean and said, "By the way, have you notified the people that you know in the demon realm?"

"Yes and as we speak right now they're currently marching out of the demon realm. If you don't mind me asking I've been wondering why you want me to pull out my people at the demon realm?"

"You will know the answer once it happens. Anyway, please don't disturb me for a while."

Rosean stepped back and said, "As you wish my Lord."

Lucifer said to himself, "Now then, let's see if that insect can escape my arrow. Oh, almost forgot that worm."

A little worm with a shining blue aura appeared behind Lucifer and crawled towards her arrow."

Lucifer said to himself, "Now then, it's perfect. This shot will create huge fireworks."