
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasy
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59 Chs

The princess of succubuss kingdom

Everyone was surprised seeing Almithra standing like nothing and giving a psychotic smile.

Alicia stared at Almithra and said, "Oi Almithra, help get me up from here. You can't deal with her alone."

Roja gave a devil laugh and said, "I didn't expect that you have a hidden Trump card that can kill me. I underestimated you."

After saying those words she immediately charges towards Almithra but before she can take a single step Almithra appeared right infront of Roja and attack Roja with her sword.

Almithra's throws Roja away from where she's standung.

Roja was surprised on what and she asked herself, "What the hell is with that power? She was so weak earlier but after releasing that sword she gain so much power. Just what the hell is with it? Well, I guess I have to go all out now or I'll die later but that damn bitch managed to restrain me herself. Damn that bitch, if I ever managed to break free from her restrain I'll kill her first!"

Almithra just kept on going at her offensive attacks against Roja while Roja is having a hard time defending her against Almithra's endless attacks.

The attacks keeps on going until an explosion appeared and saw Lora being thrown towards their direction.

Lora has a lot of injuries all over her body like she was being beaten up by some thugs but regenerated like she's an imortsl being.

From distance you can here Leviathan saying, "Damn that regeneration of yours. You're lucky that you're imortal being because if not you're dead long time ago."

Lora gets up and stand beside Roja and said, "So you're having a hard time at your end as well."

Roja grit her teeth and said, "Yeah, "I didn't expect them to be this powerful. We underestimated them."

"Well, there might be a lot of unexpected happened at this battle but things still went according to plan. Luck will be on our side. I mean look at that. She's someone who looks like who lost sense of thinking in other words she have gone berserk because of too much power that the sword she wields. It's strange, I don't sense any magic at any of them including that sword and yet they are this powerful."

"Now that you've said it I also sense the same thing. It kind of peaks my curiousity about their source of power but probably we won't be getting any information because we have to kill them or else we will die. By the way, how was the summoning going?"

"It all went successful, now all that's left is to open the portal."

Roja smiled and said, "Good, now our success on winning at this battle is secured. All we just need to do is to buy time."

Leviathan landed besides Almithra and look at her and she asked, "Almithra, are you okay?" But she didn't and she just growl like a wild beast.

Leviathan looked at her sword and said to herself, "I guess she's not alright. I'll have to take care of her before she loose control over herself."

As she said it Almithra started to go insane and scream as if she's being burned alive. Almithra shakes her head like a possessed person while her aura runs wild like a tornado with fire.

As things started to calm down Almithra looked as if she looking for someone to kill like a predator and the first person she saw was Leviathan. She smiled happily as she saw Leviathan and said, "I will kill you."

Leviathan smiled and said, "For someone who've awaken his demon sword for the first time you're cocky. You may have the sword of the demon king that doesn't make you stronger than me. You still have a lot of things to learn."

"Don't underestimate me. You may be the new demon king but I can take you down!"

"Oh, why do you go a head and try."

After provoking her, Almithra immediately attacks Leviathan in a blink of an eye but just stood there and smile as if that attack is not going graze her.

Almithra slash Leviathan like she wants her dead and Leviathan took a direct hit and the slash caused a huge explosion.

Almithra speak up and said, "You're the current demonking and yet your this weak. Does the current generation of demon Kings have fallen from the grace?"

"Not quite, actually we become much more powerful than you old geezers since we inherited your powers and cultivate it."

Almithra was surprised when she heard Leviathan and as the smoke that was caused by the explosion clears out she can Leviathan casually checking her nails while blocking Almithra's sword with a single finger.

Leviathan casually speak up and said, "You see, that's the level gap between the old generation of demon Kings and the new generation of demon Kings. You old demon Kings was already surpassed by your descendants and the only thing that you can do is watch insilence."

After saying this words she punch Almithra in a face that throws her away and she said, "You should just stay there and keep quiet."

Almithra smiled and said, "I guess you're right, your power surpasses my previous weilder's power but it doesn't mean that you've already won the battle."

The aura of Almithra's sword changes it's colors and Leviathan also sensed it and said, "Wait, did she just do something?"

She was about to look at Almithra but before she could look her hand reacted so fast and pull out her demon sword like a magic and block and incoming slash.

Leviathan looked at it with an emotionless face and said to herself, "Just what the hell happened? She was just about to fall asleep from my punch but right now she's all backed up and fine? What kind of shitty ability does she have? She should have fallen a sleep."

Almithra smiled and said, "You got an interesting reflexes out there."

"No you are much more interesting. For someone that's weaker than me you managed to surpass my expectation."

"It's a pleasure to hear that from a king."

"You don't have to feel honored because I'm going to kill you!"

Leviathan happily beheaded Almithra but she didn't die. Her body remaining standing still while her head is rolling to the ground then suddenly her sprung out like a plant and said, "Oh no, killing me won't be that simple. You need to try harder."

Leviathan smiled and said, "Oh I know that my dear. It's just that it's been thousands of centuries since I very fought someone that's too difficult to kill. That guy I fought thousands of centuries ago is a lot stronger than you so if I'm going to compare to that guy I can kill you easily if I go searious. If you want survive longer you have to keep me entertained or else I'll end you in splits seconds."

Almithra prepare her fighting stance and said, "You don't have to tell me that because that's what I'm going to do but warning you keeping me alive might be your biggest mistake."

"I know that, that's why I'm going to have fun crushing you."

After saying that the 2 clashed with each other with their sword and both of fought each other like wind. Everywhere they go establishments destroyed like a tornado pass through the area and cause so much destruction.

Both of them stopped exchanging blow and Leviathan smiled and said, "Was that it? I thought you're going to keep me entertained? Come on, don't let me down and give me your best shot."

After saying those words Leviathan immediately charges towards Almithra like a fighter jet in supersonic.

Almithra smiled and said, "Oh you don't have to worry. I got something more that will keep you entertained."

After saying it she immediately blocked Leviathan's attack and both of them move so fast again.

While Leviathan and Almithra fighting each other Lora and Roja sneakily move closer to Amillia like a predator aiming for his prey.

Roja looked at Lora and said, "Damn, those 2 are on a different levels. They've got cornered."

Lora speak up and said, "I didn't expect that Icarus fear were true. Their threat is beyond calamity level."

As the 2 approach Amillia a surprise attack pops out of nowhere but they managed to evade from it.

They try o look for the attacker location and they saw a dragonoud flying above them (it was Alicia herself.)

She have black scaly wings and some parts of her body and she have dragon horns and tails.

Alicia smiled and said, "I guess you don't know when to back down don't you?"

Roja smiled and said, "Same goes with you. You shouldn't have break free from my binding because you know full damn well that you can't win."

Alicia sighed and said, "You still think that you're going to win because you have supperior strength than me. Have you 2 forgotten that we manged to seal half of your abilities. You foolishly step into our trap and now you can't win. I guess you're weak. You won't be winning against me at your current condition. You've wasted most of your strength fighting without holding back but now it's my turn to give everyone last of my strength until you die."

Lora speak up and said, "Hah, as if you could win against is. You couldn't even kill Roja earlier."

"I might not be able to kill her earlier but I know that both of you got half of your strength was sealed away and you used most of your strength and you are close to draining."

Roja grits he teeth and said to herself, "Damn it, she's right. We're in the bad situation. If we can kill at least that woman I'll be able to wield my full power and turn the table to our favor."

Roja looked at Lora and said, "Lora, go and kill that woman behind her. I'll handle this dragon born."

Lora looked worried and said, "Will you be okay? You look so much tired and you can't use half of you power."

"Don't worry about me. I may be am tired and being restrained doesn't mean I'm going to stand down. You don't have to worry about me because I have more cards to play against her, now go."

Lora started to run but before she could run a black portal appeared out of nowhere and a dragon head came out and eat the upper body of Lora and return back to the portal.

Alicia smiled and said, "Oi oi, you can't just ruin the mood and cast a sneaky attack against me. It will be unfair. Look, if you really want Amillia dead you'll have to fight me to death."

Roja angerly smiled and said, "If death is what you want then I'll give it to you!"

Roja took out a sword from the ground like a magic and charges towards Alicia and both of them crossed sword in full strength.

As they both fight the ground slowly rise up as if it's being reshaped by a powerful force until it turns into a gigantic tube made up of land mass.

As they attack each other both of them a running around the spiral.

Roja managed to distance herself to avoid Alicia's endless attacks by controlling the land mass.

Roja smiled and said, "Hah, at this distance you won't be able to reach me!"

Alicia got annoyed and breath out a fire like a dragon aimed to attack Roja but Roja manipulate the landmass and create a wall that blocks Alicia's attack.

While watching Amand talk to Lucifer and asked, "Master, is this the back up hero that you were talking about, the sword of the ancient king of succubus demons?"

"Nope we, you're to far from the answer. Even if the sword sided with them they'll never get out of this alive after all those primivial demons are coming along with the strongest demon lord. Didn't I mention to all of you how strong the demon Lord's are, right?"

Amand was dumbfounded and asked, "Did you ever mentioned about it?"

Lucifer remembered something and said, "Ah right, I haven't summoned that time when I talked about this. Among my subordinates only Arthur can rival against True God's and True Demon Lord's. I commemd Leviathan for remembering that so she made a wise decision and sealed half of Lora's power. If she fail to do that they will die in splits seconds."

Amand is still don't understand everything and he himself, "I don't understand why master is doing all of this. She knew all about this and yet she sent Leviathan to deal with a demon lord instead of someone that can rival their power like Arthur. She even sent a burden like Almithra. I hope master is leading us to the right path."