
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasy
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59 Chs

the first council meeting part 1

After Amand fend off the attacking sword another multiple is about to attack them. However, it shattered into pieces before he make his move.

Amand smiled and said, "Is that it? Is that all that you got?"

As Amand said it a female voice can be heard laughing and said, "You guys are amusing. You could easily parry such heavy attacks without breaking a sweat."

Amand asked, "Who are you and what do you want?"

The voice said, "It doesn't matter who I am what matters is that I was able to accomplish my master's task very well, and it seems that she's right. Seraph has summoned a creature that surpasses everything. No wonder she wants me to do this."

Amand asked, "What is it that you're trying to do here?"

The voice said, "Oh, nothing, I'm just here to check something interesting. Well, I can tell at a glance that your master is far weaker than my master."

Lucifer smiled and said, "Why don't you look again?"

The woman scream in pain like she was burning alive. As she screams her invisibility slowly disappears and now everyone can see her.

They are all staring at a woman who's slowly devoured by black and violet flame.

Lucifer return to her usual looks and said, "You're too arrogant for someone who was being fooled. Do you really think this is the true looks of my power?"

Lucifer snaps her finger and her aura became so big to the point that everyone was covered and just seeing a most of black and violet flame (the color of Lucifer's aura).

The woman said, "What the hell is this? It's too strong, this aura is far stronger than my master. Not my master nor Seraph can stop her even if they combine their power altogether. Just who the hell are you?"

Lucifer said, "There is no need for you to know my name because in just a few minutes you'll be dead."

The woman said, "What a show-off, you can kill me in just a few minutes? I admit you're stronger than me but doubt that you can kill me in just minutes."

Lucifer snap her finger and suddenly her aura grew and surpassed the size of the whole multiverse.

Lucifer smiled and asked, "Now then, how should I dispose of you?"

The woman was surprised and fell to her knees.

The woman's POV…

Wait, how the hell does she have that kind of immense power? In my whole lifetime, I haven't met anyone this powerful. Not even my master is in the same league as this woman. How should I escape this situation? With her immense power, she can kill me in just split seconds without making a move. Even if I run away it will be pointless since her aura reaches throughout the corners of the multiverse. Wait, she said that I will die in just a few minutes. Is she implying that she's giving me time to speak? What for?

Lucifer said, "If you want to stay alive I want you to answer my 2 questions during our council meeting."

The woman looked directly toward Lucifer's eyes while struggling to move due to Lucifer's intense aura.

The woman said, "Yes, anything for you your holiness."

Lucifer smiled and her aura slowly disappears as her body absorb it and said, "That's good to hear. Now then, shall we start our first council meeting?"

Lucifer snaps her finger and a round table with 12 big chairs floats right in front of them.

The woman asked, "What is this?"

Lucifer said, "We will be holding a banquet and everyone is invited to share all of the information that you have regarding the events that happened 2,556 centuries ago and what happened to the Euberious Empire, how did it end, who are the people behind its downfall, and where is Mara?"

Lucifer took a sit first and Arthur and the others follows except Amand. Amand stood right behind Lucifer like he was Lucifer's escort.

Amannd prepare himself to speak like his commentator and said, "We've all gathered here to exchange information and ideas regarding the past and what's to come in the future. My name is Amand, Demon King of Demon Titans and I'm here in place of Lena's absence. I'll be the temporary mediator of this banquet. Since we have visitors here I'm going to introduce the 5 demon kings, the 2 Gods, and our Lord, God."

They all nod in Amand's introduction and Amand started to introduce them one by one.

A and said, "King of demon dragon race ruler of black dragons, Demon King Arthur… Goddess of plants, ruler of the fallen angels, Goddess Milina…. King of succubus demon, ruler of lust, Demon King Leviathan… King of Demon witches, ruler of illusion, Demon King Lykka… King of Demon lycans, ruler of beasts, Demon King Shaggnaught… God of fallen heroes, ruler of fallen humans, God Lancelot… King of Spider demons, ruler of the assassins, Demon King Mira."

Amand breath for a while and said, "Now we're done with introducing the Gods and Demon kings it's time to introduce the Lord and God of all demons, killer of Gods, leader of founding demons, ruler of the demon kings, and God of demon, Lucifer Mourning Star."

Amand looked at the guest and said, "For our guest, you may stand up and introduce yourselves."

Ignis stands up and said, "My name is Ignis Von Valiant, I'm a former ruler of fire fairies, the strongest fire magic user among the fairies, and a current lord of Valiant City."

As Ignis introduced himself Mira looked at him seriously like there was a very important information just unfolded.

The dragon woman stood up and said, "You may already know a bit about me but I'm going to introduce myself. I'm Zestia the last surviving citizen of the Euberios empire and the last standing member of the Euberios bloodline."

The woman stood up and said, "My name is Fiora the Goddess of destruction and one of the God killer's closest subordinates."

As Fiora introduced herself Lucifer looked at her seriously.

Seraph stands up and said, "You may know a lot about me already but still I'm going to introduce myself. I'm Serpah the Goddess of Multiverse, the one who summoned Lucifer to another world, and the destined God who will die at the hands of the prophesied God killer."

Amand said, "That concludes our introduction. Now, master if you please."

Lucifer said, "Thanks Amnad, I'll take it from here."

Amand said, "As you wish my lord."

Lucifer started to speak and said, "I gather you all here to talk about what you know about the incident that occurred 2,556 centuries ago and who are the people who caused the downfall of the Euberios empire. I'm going to start with you Fiora. Tell me exactly what happen 2,556 centuries ago. How and why did the 20 protos? I'll be able to find it out if you're lying so don't you dare lie at me."

Lucifer looked at their guest and said, "First of all, I want you guys to share with us what you know."

Fiora sighed and said, "I guess you want me to share any information first I guess I have no choice. However, I might not be able to give the full information you wanted."

Amand asked, "Why is that?"

Lucifer said, "Of course it is simple. She will die. She's into a master and servant contract. She's the servant and the God killer is the master. Her master's order is absolute and her master ordered her to not spread so much confidential information. If you disobey that order those chains around your heart will destroy your heart."

Fiora was surprised and said, "Wait, you can see this?"

Lucifer said, "Of course, I can see that, after all my cursed eye can easily detect cursed objects and people."

As Lucifer was talking Kamui sneak up from Lucifer's back and said, "Master, that kind of contract is the same as the contract that we formulated thousands of centuries ago."

Lucifer said, "Yeah, I know that. The only people who know about this technique are my wife, Amand, and Arthur. My wife is already dead, Amand is always with me no matter where I go, and Arthur is always busy with military affairs during the war of the God.."

Kamui said, "Amand and Arthur might have accidentally leaked the information without you knowing it or there is also a possibility that your wife got resurrected and ended up spreading information about this."

Lucifer said, "That's quite an intriguing theory you got there. I guess I should personally investigate this."

Fiona called out to Lucifer as she was being silent and said, "Lucifer!"

Lucifer said' "Oh, what is it."

Fiona said, "You've been giving us the silent treatment. What is going on?"

Lucifer said, "Oh, I already have the clue on who is the Godkiller I just need to dig deeper more."

Amand said, "As expected of master in just a glance you were able to have a clue. I guess I'll just have to sit and watch as this meeting goes."

Lucifer smirked and said, "Well then, how about Seraph and Ignis I think it's time for you to speak up."

Ignis said, "I don't know if I can share a big information but all I know is that the Protos disappeared along with other thousands of creatures after that ray of light appeared. It was a disaster. All of the superior races fall and humanity rises."

Mira said, "I think I heard that somewhere. Back then I asked some of the people at neighboring kingdoms of Eastern about the eastern empire origin and it was a pretty interesting rumor."

Lucifer asked, "What is that rumor?"

Mira said, "You see, the eastern empire was once a very tiny village living in peace but one day that tiny village gain some kind of strange power that was feared by the Protos."

Lucifer said, "Power? What kind of power is that?"

Mira said, "I'm not yet sure about it and I'm still trying to dig for more information about this power. You see, it's not that powerful enough to make all the Protos and other superior creatures."

Lucifer said, "So what you're trying to say is that the strange power that eastern empire was fueled by another power that create such disaster?"

Mira said, "Yes master, a powerful power appeared out of nowhere and became the food of the strange power of the eastern empire. You know what master, that event happened during Lena's appearance. It happens at the same time when Lena and Mare was teleported. I think it was just a coincidence but there's a possibility that Lena and Mare's sudden appearance might be the cause of it and I'm still looking into it."

Lucifer said, "Good, I want you to look into it."

Mira said, "As you wish master."

Lucifer looked at Seraph and said, "I think it's time for you to share information Seraph."

Seraph just smiled and said, "Well, the thing is I have no memories of what happened during that era."

Lucifer asked, "What do you mean? Did you lose your memory?"

Seraph said, "That's the least I could think of because I still remember that person who gave the prophecy about you and the Godkiller."

Lucifer asked Kamui and said, "Can you make something out of this Kamui? What is your take on this?"

Kamui answered, "I think she's telling the truth master. If I'm not wrong there is a possibility that her memory about that era was being sealed away. As you can see I'm sensing a fragment of an unknown energy running around her head. This energy is almost equal in power with the curse energy."

Lucifer asked, "Do you know what is this energy?"

Kamui answered, "No master, I have no clue what is this energy exactly."

Lucifer said, "I guess, there's another threat we should watch out for. If that creature can seal off Seraph's memory it could also mean that there's a powerful enemy that's on far with Amand or more powerful than him or much worse it's more powerful than me. Probably that was the God killer itself."

Lucifer looked at Seraph and asked, "I've been meaning to ask this. Back when I got reincarnated here why did I lose contact with you?"

Leviathan and Lancelot answered, "I think we have the answer about that master."

Leviathan said, "The world no the universe that we are currently living in is being enclosed with 2 powerful barriers."

Lucifer asked, "What do you mean?"

Lancelot said "The universe that we live in is trapped within a huge barrier that has no way in and out. Not even us or the Goddess of Multiverse can pass through it."

Lucifer asked, "What about me? How did I manage to enter without any problem?"

Lancelot said, "It's already obvious master. The reason why the barrier didn't block you is because the barrier is too weak to stop you."

Lucifer said, "I guess so but I wanna know what made it so powerful to block everyone out of it."

Leviathan said, "It's a 2-layer barrier that is made up of 2 energy which is the curse and holy energy."

Lucifer asked, "Do you have any information on how did it appear?"

Leviathan said, "I have no information regarding how those barriers appeared but my subordinates are making their investigation about this."

Lancelot said, "Same goes with me, master. I have no information about how those barriers appeared."

Zestia stands up and said, "I guess it's my turn to share what I know. I was born in a forest that's very far from Valiant City. I don't know what happen to the Protos and how my ancestor died. The only thing that I know is that the Euberios Empire was destroyed by 3 powerful nations."

Lucifer gave a cold-blooded look and asked, "And what are these 3 nations trampling upon the Euberios empire?"

Zestia answered, "It was the Falnir, Teratio, and Avalon Nation."

Mira and Arthur smirked as if they already know those 3 nations.

Arthur said, "I know those 2 nations called Teratio and Avalon. The Teratio Kingdom is the center of the Northern empire that's led by the strongest demon lord. While the Avalon Kingdom is the capital kingdom of the Western nation that was led by the strongest God. They're pretty reckless if they were really the ones who attacked Lena."

Arthur looked at Lucifer like he was going to ask for permission and said, "Master, if your order me to strike down the hammer of justice upon these nations I will do it."

Lucifer said, "Don't be reckless Arthur. It might cause us a lot of trouble if you recklessly attack them."

Arthur asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Lucifer answered, "It will cause 2 troubles if you kill them. 1st we are not yet sure if the strongest God and Demon lord were into this it might be someone much more powerful than them. 2nd, if those 2 die, the balance of power in this universe will hit rock bottom. Without them chaos will spread war between Good and Evil will be out of control. Many lives will be taken away and the responsibility of stopping that chaos will fall to us that's currently having a hard time creating our nation. Now do you get it? We will be at a big disadvantage if those 2 die so please don't be reckless Arthur."

Arthur's POV…

As expected of Lord Lucifer. She already knows what might happen.

Mira asked, "What about the Falnir nation? I won't ask you about that nation because I know that you know this nation. After all, you asked me to create a rebellion within this kingdom through schemes."

Arthur asked, "What do you mean by Master knows that nation?"

Mira said, "Master gave me the mission to crush the eastern empire and that empire…"

Ignis cut Mira from speaking and said, "That Empire's capital nation is the Falnir kingdom."

Mira said, "Oh, if you know about it then perhaps you're the former ruler of that kingdom."

Ignis said, "Yes, I was the former ruler but that was a long time ago before it turn a madness."