
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Lucifer’s precious

Lucifer returns to Earth …

Lucifer looked like she's feeling she have returned to her home.

Lucifer stretches and took a deep breath and said, "Alright, it's time to do business."

Lucifer looked at Sophia and Leon and said, "Let's go to Seraph right now."

Leon speak up and said, "But isn't she not within this world?"

Lucifer smirk and said, "What are you talking about. She's here, I know it because I'm the one who sealed her here."

Leon got confused and asked, "Sealed when and why she was sealed?"

"She was sealed after the day I was reincarnated and She needs to stay here because she needs to keep an eye on those insects but she doesn't know about it yet. Anyways, let's just visit her."

Sophia and Lucifer ride behind Leon and move like a fast motorcycle.

Sophia speaks up and said, "Wait, I was thinking. If Seraph was sealed here after you got reincarnated then who was that Seraph from the first council meeting?"

Sophia's question got Leon's attention and said, "Now that I think about it. If she was really sealed at this world then who was the other from the other day before?"

"She's an imposter, that's not the real Seraph and the surprising thing is that they managed to copy all everything about Seraph without any flaws. That's why we are here to find out more about it. Like how Seraph was involved into this."

Lucifer's POV…

(Well, that was just a lie. My goal of visiting her is different. What I came here is that what does he know about the Eastern empire. Did she even know that her brother is there? Things will get out of hand there if I don't keep a close watch on that empire and I want to know if he's a friend or an enemy.)

Leon step up the speed while there are a lot of people watching them due to a fact that they're riding a wolf and their clothing is like a ancient style of clothing for poor.

Some were taking photos and some were taking videos but despite all the photos and videos nobody can their faces because Lucifer is wearing a mask while Sophia is hugging Lucifer tightly so that she could not fall.

As they ride faster a lot of people taking photos and videos of them like they're some kind of hot celebrities or something.

Lucifer speak up and said, "Turn right and run through that building and once you found a building that has a flag on it then that will be it."

"Yes master."

After passing through so many buildings that's litterally a house they finally reach their destination.

Stop right in front of a huge building and Leon saw a school girl and copied her face and clothing. He ended up looking like a school girl but the only difference is that he have a dark blue eyes, dog ears, and a pupil eye like a wolf.

Sophia saw a signage and said, "What is that letters? I don't understand that."

Lucifer also looked at it and whispered, "Oi Kamui, do you understand this signage?"

Kamui appeared at Lucifer's shoulders like a lump of clay and said, "Yes, that sign is written in a Japanese alphabet."

"Japanese alphabet? What are these?"

"Japanese alphabet is a way or should I say design that the people write on a piece. Just like how write a letter on a paper. In short, that how their letters looks like."

Lucifer looked at it closely and said, "Was this even called a letter? I don't a understand a shit about what they just written on the sign."

Kamui sighed and said, "Different countries have different styles and looks of letters. It's one way of keeping secrets from other countries and prevent too much leaking of information."

"That's a great idea but if they want to stop people from other countries on stealing information why don't they just use Curse energy or holy energy."

Kamui sighed with disappointment and said, "Sigh, that's the problem. This era of world doesn't use those energy anymore. Everyone have already forgotten it's existence. Anyways, I'm going to read the sign so stop talking… it says KAISE ACADEMY."

"Kaise Academy huh? Is there something is about to happen here? I mean of all the places she could hide why at school?"

While Lucifer is busy thinking a security guard approach them and said, "You ladies, what are you doing here? You're going to be late soon and what's with your outfit? You looked someone who lives in medieval era in Europe. Are you cosplaying?...(He keeps on going.)"

Lucifer's POV …

(What the hell is he talking about? I don't understand a single thing about it and cosplaying? What the hell is that?)

Speaking in foreign language.

Sophia got annoyed and whispered to Lucifer, "Should I kill him? He's getting into my nerves."

Lucifer sighed and said, "Just calm down Sophia. We don't know so much about what he's talking about and from the way he looked at us he's not trying to threaten us. I think he was just doing his job."

"But I don't really understand what he's saying."

"What do you mean by that?"

"What I mean is all I can hear is that an annoying jumbled sounds that I couldn't understand at all."

Lucifer looked at Leon and Leon said, "I just understand too little of it."

Lucifer's POV…

(Why is that I understand how he speak so we'll while they can't?)

Lucifer asked Kamui and said, "Kamui, why those 2 can't talk to this human?"

Kamui answered, "The knowledge about how to speak and write Japanese is not etch to their brain unlike you. I put all of the basic knowledge of this world after you had analyzed it earlier so you speak all of the language here with no problem."

"Well, may be I can talk our way out of this man. Do you have any suggestions?"

"May be you can try to tell them that you guys are applying for exchange students at this school."

"Alright then, here goes nothing."

Lucifer looked at the security guard and said, "We are foreigners and we came from another school at Europe and we are here to apply for an exchange student."

The security put his hand at his head like he got confused and said, "No wonder I can't understand the language you guys were talking about… well get in, I'll take you to the principals office."

Lucifer entered the gate along with Sophia and Leon then suddenly the time has stopped and woman with a pure white clothing like a goddess slowly approach her while smiling until the smile slowly fades away as she took out a sword and charges towards Lucifer. (It was Seraph herself.)

Lucifer didn't move and inch at all instead she opened her arms wide open change her and physical into his old body (fast life.)

Lucifer just took Seraph's attack and embrace her as he was stabbed by the sword like nothing.

Lucifer hugged her and she broke down in tears and said, "I'm glad that you're well. I have failed to protect you in your past life but this time I won't fail. I won't be seeing you dying again, Lillia."

Seraph was surprised at what Lucifer is saying and tried to pushed him but she stop resisting when she felt Lucifer streaming down her face.

Seraph's POV…

(What the hell is going on why is he crying? Why is he like he is in deep sorrow than me. He sealed me here for 20 years and I should be the one who feels in pain.)

Lucifer talks again and said, "It's been 8,000 centuries since you die. I rewrite the past countless of times and destroy so many timelines just to bring you back but I keep on failing over and over and I don't know what to do. I thought I'll never see you again but after I read your memory it gave me hope that I have once lost. This time I won't let anyone hurt you again."

Seraph pushed him away and said, "Are you crazy? I don't know who is this Lilia and I never met you face to face all my life. You've gone insane!"

"I guess you haven't unlock all of your memory. I guess it will not be easy for you to remember me but your memories will awaken and once you've awaken I don't know if you can remain the same."

As she said it suddenly Seraph felt an intense pain all over her body. She screams as she fell on the floor and reach out to Lucifer.

Lucifer offered immediate assistance and made her pain disappear.

Seraph tried to stand up but she couldn't and said, "I can't feel my legs! What the hell is going on?!"

Lucifer's POV…

(Judging from Seraph's reaction. Arthur has activate his domain. I need to restrain it or else things will get worse.)