
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasy
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59 Chs

the demon lord's overwhelming determination

The 3 of them reached the brother between the south and west.

Rika said, "The red light district is just beyond this barrier."

Lucifer said, "You know, I've been wondering why I can't sense any humans today in this kingdom. Most of the beings that I sense are demons and some adventurers that roam around "

"It's because of the treaty between the Gods and Demon lords. According to that treaty, humans and demons are not allowed to go into chaos anymore so here we are coexisting with humans. There are still a lot of humans who couldn't accept demons so that's why most of demon business operates during nighttime.

The adventures that you sense around are just the adventurers that keep an eye on us and the same goes with us during day time we keep an eye on humans."

"Why does the demon business operate at nighttime? Are they afraid of sunlight?"

Rika laughed a little bit and said, "No, it's not like that. We're not afraid of sunlight. It's just that despite the existing treaty between demons and humans there are still a lot of humans that despise the demons. Those people will cause us trouble. That's why we operate our business during nighttime."

"I see, anyways, let's go to the red light district."

Rika got worried and asked, "What about the barrier? How are we going to pass through that?"

"Leon, Rika, hold my hands."

They both hold on to Lucifer's hands and time slowly stops.

Rika was surprised and asked, "Wow, so this is what the frozen world looks like. It's so amazing."

Lucifer got curious and asked, "What? Is it your first time here?"

Rika answered, "Yes, I kept on dreaming that someday I'll be able to stop time whenever I want."

"you're a weird one, aren't you? Staying in a place like this is boring. Yeah, you can do whatever you want here but it feels so lonely and quiet."

Rika felt sad and said, "But still if you somehow have the ability like this. You'll be sitting at the top of the world."

"There's an old saying back in my past world, great powers comes with great responsibilities. It means if you have the same power as mine you're bound to have so many responsibilities and from your current situation you're not up for big responsibilities so don't dream for something big like that if you can't handle the consequence of having it."

Rika became speechless.

"let's go, master," Leon said.

"right, we don't have much time to waste, Leon. Rika, lead the way."

The 3 of them just pass through the barrier like they're walking through a tin layer of water. As they pass through time slowly continues again.

Lucifer got disappointed and said, "Sigh, I thought the red light district is the same as the succubus domain. If you compare the red light district to the succubus domain, the succubus domain is much more livelier, and most of the prostitutes there are rich. They were highly taken care of by the management. Moreover, this place is not good at attracting customers at all."

"You're a woman and yet you're interested in things like this."

"Well, I'm a man in my previous life and I'm just reminiscing my old life memories."

My head will hurt on this demon lord.

"sigh, let's just go, and let's prioritize what's important right now."

Lucifer looked at Rika coldly and said, "Oh, you're ordering me around?"

Rika got frightened and said, "That's not what I meant. What I mean is it's almost dawn and we need to hurry up."

Leon said, "I kind of agree with her master. We can't let your parents have any suspicion of you once they wake up."

"Sigh, you're right Leon. We need to talk to that person soon. By the way, what is the position of this person in this area?"

Rika said, "He's the 2nd to the strongest businessman here. He holds ¼ control all over the red light district."

"so most likely if I mess around here he will come to resolve the issue?"

"Not really, you'll be just sent directly to him if the issue does concern him… Wait, what are you planning to do?"

"oh nothing, something interesting caught my eye. Wait, it's not something to be precise it's someone."

After saying it Lucifer disappeared a loud explosion echoed throughout the red light district and Lucifer appeared again while carrying an unconscious little girl with fox ears and tails.

Rika's POV

Wait, did she just kidnap a highly exclusive slave?! Is she insane?!

Wait, the slave auction is very far from our location. How did she see that place?

Lucifer smiled and said, "Finally they're here."

3 demons came out and one of them asked, "Oi, you! How dare you took our slave without any permission?! Do you want to die?!"

Rika recognized one of the demon's faces and asked, "Wait, is that you Luna?"

A black-haired demon speak up and said, "Wait, is that you, Rika Valentine,? Long time no see!"

The 2 of them hugged each other like it's been a long year since they saw each other.

"by the way, why are you here, Rika?"

Rika said, "We're here to meet with my uncle."

One of the security noticed something and said, "Oi, why is that woman full of blood at her hands?!"

Lucifer speak coldly and said, "Rika, let's not meet with each other. Your whole family is a bunch of scum and disgusting creatures. I don't want to see your face anymore."

Rika turned pale after hearing Lucifer's words.

What's going on with Lucifer? What happened?

Rika asked, "What happened? What is going on?"

Lucifer said, "I thought I can tolerate you but I was wrong. Let's go, Leon."

"Yes master, let's go home."

Rika tried to stop them from going but an uproar covered the whole red-light district.

An army of demon knights came right in front of Rika. One of the soldiers marches out and said, "Rika Valentine the kingdom of Oratio has decided to put all the Valentine family under arrest!"

Rika was surprised and said, "What do you mean by that? What crime did my whole family commit?"

"Your whole family violated the peace treaty of humans and demons."

Did that demon lord tell the officials how I use human flesh to cure my sister's illness? Wait, the soldier is arresting my whole family. Does that mean my whole family is doing something against humans as well?

Rika remembered Lucifer's last words.

I see, she saw something in my family that she couldn't handle at all. It must be a gruesome scene but I don't know what the hell is it. Can you at least please tell me? What is it that thing that you saw Lucifer?

Rika just fall to her knees crying and the knights arrested her without batting an eye.

As Lucifer and Leon are walking Lucifer speaks up and said, "That place, it's much worse than hell. Does the Valentine family doesn't value life at all?! What do they take life for?! They're torturing women and children just for the sake of their own wealth."

Before she could keep on talking Leon speak up and said, "That's enough talking master. There's nothing we can do. Humans and Demons will never accept each other just like what happened in the past world. They may have a treaty of peace they will still be killing each other behind everyone's back."

"I know that, it's just so unacceptable. Innocent children die because of this pointless war."

"There's nothing we can do about it, master. All we can just do is watch them kill each other."

Lucifer disagree and said, "You're wrong about that, there are things we can do to fix this situation. We just need them to open their eyes to the endless possibilities of what might happen if the humans and demons managed to coexist with each other. Since I'm already here I vow to destroy the gap between humans and demons."

"how do you plan to do that master?"

Lucifer confidently said, "It's simple, I just need to establish a kingdom that will become a symbol of peace between demons and humans. I can start doing it by tomorrow since I already got the request."

Leon smiled as he looked at his master.

Leon's POV

It seems my master's goal is just the same. He never gives up on it. With his determination, I can see that he has what it takes to rule not just humans and demons but the entire living species. I'm glad I can stand by his side and see this moment myself.