
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasy
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59 Chs

the demon lord goes to the adventurers guild

Lucifer and Leon are right in front of Lucifer's home.

Lucifer looked at Leon and she reshape his body into the same look as her.

This looks perfect. I just need Leon to act like me. I'll just send him the details about how he should act later.

"Listen closely, Leon. I want you to take my position and act like me for a day. I need to focus on what I need to do."

"What about this girl that we took with us? What are we going to do with her?"

"I'll leave that decision to my parents."

Leon vowed and said, "If that is what you wish my lord. Now, I'll have to return to your room and act like I'm still asleep."

Lucifer smiled and said, "Looks like you understand what you need to do."

Leon jump at the open window up ahead to get inside and Lucifer disappeared without a trace leaving the unconscious girl behind.

The door opened by Kris as he was about to leave for work and he noticed the girl lying on the ground.

He immediately called Melida for help and took the little girl in.

Melida asked, "What happened? who's that?"

Before she could finish what she was about to say she was frightened because she has fox tails and ears.

"leave it outside Kris! We can't take a demon inside our house!"

Kris was surprised and annoyed and he said, "She's just a kid. She's innocent, she got nothing to do with the conflict between humans and demons!"

"I don't care! Their blood reeks with the scent of chaos. There is bad luck within the blood of that demon! That demon will give us trouble if she stays here!"

Kris turned pale and shouted, "I'm the father of the house! If I want her to stay here, she will stay! Whether you like it or not!"

Melida turned silent and left the scene.

Silva and Leon disguised as Lucifer came down the stairs after hearing them argue.

Silva was worried so she asked, "What happen, Dad? Why are you guys arguing?"

Leon said, "It's probably because of that demon."

"Demon you say?"

Silva got frightened as she saw the demon and ended up following her mother.

Telepathy net connects to Lucifer Mourning Star.

Leon talk to Lucifer through telepathy and said, "Master, we have a rising problem here?"

Lucifer asked, "What happened?"

"Your family is in conflict because of this little girl that we took. How do you wish to proceed on this problem?"

"I want you to help my father in any way that you can. That little girl will become one of my powerful assets in my kingdom. We must keep her on our side."

Leon said with respect "As you wish my lord."

Leon asked Kris and said, "So what are you planning to do with that kid, Dad?"

Kris said without any hesitation, "I want to take care of her but I have a job to do today."

Leon bravely said, "Just leave it to me, Dad. I'll help you take care of this girl."

That's strange, it kind of feels like there's something off with my daughter today. No, it's not just this day. I feel like since 3 days ago after she got out of fever she has changed. Ever since then it kind of feels like she's acting strange.

Well, as long it's not something bad it's fine, I guess? I thought I'm the only one who will take care of this poor little girl. I guess, Lucifer inherited that kind of bravery from me.

Kris pat Leon's head and said, "I guess, I'll be leaving her in your care then."

"yes Dad, just leave her to me."

Kris was surprised and realized something.

Now that think about it. Lucifer never called me Dad. She always calls me father but after her survival from a life-threatening fever 3 days ago she started calling me Dad. I wonder what change her this way.

Well, there's no point thinking about it and I have a job to do today. I'm going to work hard since we have another new family member and I can't mess this up.

Kris give a goodbye wave at Leon and said, "I'll be leaving now Lucifer. I'll leave her in your care."

Leon said, "Just leave her to me."

"thank you, Lucifer."

Kris left the house riding a carriage and Leon carried the unconscious little girl to Lucifer and Silva's bedroom.

Lucifer goes to the guild and waited for Kris at the guild tavern.

While she was waiting she called the waitress.

The waitress approaches her and asked, "May I take your order?"

"I want 3 sets of your best-selling dishes."

The waitress was surprised and asked, "Can you handle this? Your body might not be able to handle all of it. You're still a kid."

Lucifer took out a sack of gold and seriously asked, "Will this be enough for you to just shut up and take my order?!"

The waitress and the other customers were shocked at what Lucifer did.

The waitress smiled forcefully and said, "One moment please."

The woman took the gold with her and run to the kitchen to search for the manager.

Lucifer heard some of the customers planning to assassinate her just to steal money from her and Lucifer smile at them.

Well, there's no need to be afraid of ants like them.

As Lucifer listen to her surroundings she found the waitress talking to the manager.

The waitress said, "Manager, there is a very rich little girl just now ordering our 3 sets of our best-selling dishes."

"just throw her out. Is there any problem with that?"

The waitress insisted and she took out the sack of gold that Lucifer gave.

The manager's eyes grow and widen as he saw the sack of Gold coins. The manager took one of the gold coins and noticed something and said, "This gold coin, where did she get this?"

"I don't know manager. She just put it out on the table. Why did you ask?"

The manager meticulously look at the gold coin and said, "The currency of this gold coin is not from this country. It has a different currency. Its language it's not from this country either. Moreover, the face that's printed on this coin is not from the royal family. Moreover, I don't recognize this fella's face that is printed on the coin."

Lucifer was surprised at his mistake and vow her head at the table.

Shit! Just what the hell has gotten into me?! I just casually show them the currency of the demon kingdom!

Wait, that's not a problem. I can just act like I'm a foreigner since I'm in disguise nobody will be suspicious of me.

The waitress speak up and said, "Maybe she's from a foreign country."

That's right girl, just think of me as a foreigner.

"Well, it might be the case but she's a kid, right?"

Shit, my cover is going to be blown up sooner than I think.

The manager added, "For now let's welcome her. I'll just put someone to investigate that kid."

Oh fucking shit, I'm done!

A few minutes later…

The waiter returned with the food that Lucifer ordered.

Damn it, I tried so hard to cover myself up but I messed up. Anyhow, I'll just eat for now.

The customer and waitress were surprised when Lucifer started eating.

One of the customers asked, "What the hell is wrong with this girl? Does, she have a black hole in her stomach? She's eating all of it without any problems."

The waitress said while stuttering "Is she even a human? There's no way for a normal human to finish a draconian size meal. That's a lot!"

Lucifer just doesn't mind the others and she kept on eating. She ordered a bottle of wine as well and offer a sack of gold again without even realizing that's the same gold coin that she offered before.

A few minutes later…

Lucifer happily got out of the tavern while rubbing her tummy.

That was the best breakfast that I had so far since I got reincarnated here.

As Lucifer walks out she saw Kris waiting at the entrance of the Guild and she immediately approaches him.

"Yo, so you're my client for today, huh?"

Kris was surprised and said, "Are you my escort that the guild hired? You look the same age as my 2 daughters."

While the 2 of them are talking a woman interfered and said, "You must be kidding, kid. This guild is not a playground for you to play. Go home."

"playground you say? Well for your information a friend of mine suggested me to take this job. He even gave me this request form."

Lucifer took out the request form that she had stolen and gave it to Kris.

The female adventurer smiled confidently and said, "It's probably just some kids drawing. There's nothing else into it."

The female adventurer was surprised when Kris said, "This is my request form. How did you get your hands on this?"

The female said, "It's probably a fake one because I have the true request form."

The female adventurer took out the same request form.

Kris and Lucifer were taken by surprise.

What that fuck is wrong with this woman?! Is she trying to get in my way?! Moreover, my request form is not fake. I've stolen it from the guild myself.

Wait, did she forge one? What the hell is she planning to do?

"Kamui, back me up. We have a troublemaker here."

"yes, my lord."

The female adventurer confidently asked, "Kid, do you know it's illegal to produce fake documents like this, right? You could end up in prison or be forced to do labor jobs. Do you want that?"

Lucifer desperately asked. "Kamui, you know this world better than I do. Do you have any suggestions?"

Kamui moves closer to Lucifer and whispers a lot of things.

Lucifer asked, "Are you sure this is going to work?"

Kamui said with elegance, "I vow to take my life if this fails."

"If you say so."

Lucifer faced them and said, "Ahm, ahm, to tell you the truth. This request form is given by Alfred Elfain Von Oratio.

As Lucifer said it all of the people at the guild looked at her with their eyes wide open like they heard a name of a famous person.

Lucifer got shivers all over her body while she's being confused.

Did I just make things worst?