
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasy
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59 Chs

The 2 demon king's all out battle Part 1

Lykka and Frederick keep on exchanging blows against each other none stop with their swords.

Lykka said, "You'll never win against me. You will just die if you let this keep on going."

" As if that is going to happen. I'm going to get out of here alive and I'm gonna kill all of you!"

"You're no longer entertaining me so I'm going to end it here."

Frederick charges towards Lykka to attack her but Lykka disappears and appears behind Frederick like magic and slashes his head off.

"You're weak, you'll never get out of here alive thanks to your stubbornness," Lykka said with a cold expression.

Milina and Shaggnauth were surprised and Shaggnauth asked, "Oi, I thought he needed to be kept alive."

"And you really think he's already dead?"

Shaggnauth and Milina looked at Amand and Shaggnauth said, "Can't you see he's dying?!"

Amand smirked and suddenly an outburst of energy appeared. They can see that Frederick's body is glowing and regenerating. His body starts to turn into an actual demon and his sword becomes longer and bigger.

Frederick used a skill and said, "Metoer slash!"

Lykka took a direct hit and a powerful explosion came after.

The smoke cleared out and they saw a girl standing so easy at the edge of Frederick's sword.

Frederick tries to pull out his sword but it won't budge like it is being locked to the ground and Lykka asks, "Is that all that you got?"

"Let go of my sword!"

Lykka gave a creepy and said, "Well then, fetch!"

Lykka kicked the sword like it was a soccer ball and sent it flying away along with Frederick.

As Amand watched he noticed something and said, "Oh no, we have to stop this fight now!"

Shaggnauth asked, "Why, is there anything that we should be worried about right now?"

As Shaggnauth asked the question they could hear Lukka crazily laughing and she laughing slowly changing from a childish one to a grown-up.

Amand said, "I already told you how powerful she could get and she has no full control of her power yet so we have to stop this."

Milina said, "You're the temporary commander here, tell us what to do."

"I want you to restrain Frederick and make sure he won't escape and I'll take care of restraining Lykka."

Shaggnauth got worried and said, "Are you sure about that? You already told us how powerful she could get?"

"You are a powerful being, Amand and you recognize Lykka as a powerful opponent. Will the reality collapse universe and reality will be fine as the 2 of you fight each other?"

Lykka's blindfold starts to slowly starts to slowly tear apart and all of them can hear it.

"Look, we don't have much time left so just listen to me and follow my orders. I'll make sure there won't be anything bad will happen and besides master is already nearby I'm sure he got some in place to deal with this situation."

Shaggnauth nodded his head and said, "You know what you're right. As long as master is around nothing will go wrong."

Lykka created a big magic circle like she was about to launch a powerful magic to kill Frederick. Frederick saw it but he couldn't move because the sword got his hands stuck.

Lykka fired a powerful dark beam and Frederick took a direct hit. The dark beam nearly made the whole dungeon collapse like the only thing that was left standing still was the ceiling and as the smoke cleared out you could the massive destruction she created.

Lykka looks around to find Frederick a make sure he's dead but she gets more annoyed when she sees a giant masculine wolf that has metallic skin and a giant humanoid tree covering Frederick like they took a direct hit for Frederick.

"So, you 2 are siding with this guy now? I guess, you're trying to betray our master. Very well, I shall dispose all of you." After saying it Lykka said it she raised her right hand much bigger magic circle.

The wolf which is Shaggnauth himself spoke up and said, "Look, you gotta listen to us. You're losing control over your power. You have to wake up and stop this, Lykka."

"Wow, you have the gal to insult me, huh? Just because you think that you're a pure-blooded demon you already think that you can boss me around. Maybe I should teach you a lesson." Lykka charges towards Shaggnauth but she stops going further when suddenly a lot of plants crawl around her body.

Lykka smiled and said, "Finally, you're showing your true colors, Milina. I was right all along. There's no such thing as a good God. All of you are merciless and evil."

Molina was surprised by Lykka's words

Milina's POV…

What the hell is this? Lykka's words are filled with hatred and anger like she wants me dead.

Lykka shouted, "All you Gods do is just means around with people's lives, and then the demons will be the ones who will end up taking the blame and you Gods will be praised and worshipped for it. It doesn't seem right."

Lykka grabbed one of the vines and filled it without breaking a sweat.

Milina was being pulled out of the Vine as well and Lykka caught her at her neck using her right hand and-handedly carried her like nothing.

Lykka whispered at Milina, ear and said, "I despise all of the gods and all of them must die."

Lykka created a black flame at her left hand and she's going to punch Milina's face with it. However, Amand steps in and stops her, Amand says, "Lykka, stop this nonsense! Milina is nothing like those Gods!"

"Oh yeah, if she's not with those Gods why did she never do something about their mass killings and destruction?!"

Milina spoke up while chasing her breath and said, "That's because I'm too powerless to do something about it. I'm all alone, I can't do what Lucifer can do. I'm not as strong as her so that's why I wait for an opportunity to join Lucifer to end God's tyranny."

Lykka's grip on Milina's neck became tighter and said, "But even so there are still many people who died because of your cowardness so if you want to atone for their deaths, you'll have to die!"

Milina became unconscious at Lykka's strength so Amand stepped up to stop Lykka.

Lykka was surprised when suddenly Milina disappeared like magic. She looked around to look for Milina and she found her being carried into safety by Amand and she said, "Oi, how dare you interfere with me!"

"How dare? I don't think that there's anything wrong with what I'm doing."

"So you're a traitor now as well? So be it."

Lykka's eyes blazed into a black and violet blaze and her fist created a black and violet flame. She charges toward Amand like she wants to kill Amand but before she manages to get closer to Amand a giant titan hand appears out of nowhere and slams Lykka to the ground.

Amanda spoke up and said, "I hope Master Lucifer is here soon because I do not know what will be the result of our battle with Lykka is about to go on her outburst soon."

While he was focusing on the battle Amand received a telepathy transmission from Rosean and said, "Hello, is anybody there?"

Amand asked, "Who is this? Why are you calling me out?"

"Look, I don't know who you are but my name is Rosean and I'm here to report the contents of my investigation regarding the monster's sudden appearance but I can't contact her."

"So you're the newbie that the 7 pillars that have been talking about lately."

"Yes and also I don't know if this is good news or bad news."

"You're confusing me, what the hell are you talking about?"

"The good news is, I spotted the eastern empire army heading to the portal to the black market regions and the good news is I can wipe them out of existence if you order me to do it."

"Well, since the master is gone I'll be commanding in charge and I order you to execute them all Also you can just report the details of your investigation regarding this monster's sudden increase."

Rosen smiled and said, "As you wish whoever you are."

"My name is Amand the strongest creation of master Lucifer. You should keep that in mind."

"As you wish."

Amand took a deep breath and said, "Now then, how should I deal with you, Lykka?"

Lykka easily destroyed the titan hand that was restraining her and said, "That's impressive, you managed to understand how powerful I am."

"Oh, I always trust my instinct and my instinct tells me that you're on a different level like me so I'm not gonna go easy on you. We are going to fight a hard way."

Lykka smiled and said, "Oh, I think I like what you've just said."