
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Lust vs Wrath part 1

Rated 18 and above chapter only. I repeat don't read it. It's for adult stuff only.

The woman woke up like everything that happened right now was just a dream.

She saw herself naked and saw a lot of tentacles around her body and there's also tentacles touching her boobs and tentacles that entered her butthole and her vagina like she being gangbang

She was disguted on what she's seeing so she tore all of the tentacles all over and she fall to the ground.

As she falls to the ground the tentacles regenerated and go after her like the tentacles want to fuck her even more.

The tentacles was so fast enough that it was able strangle the woman's feet and tie up her claws.

She tried to struggle as hard as she could but it was worthless.

{What is happening? Why I can't use magic? What is this place? Aren't we in the black market realm earlier?}

As she was thinking a lot of tentacles came out of nowhere and form into a 3 di*k shape.

The 3 di*ks aim at the holes that it wanted to enter at the woman's body one to her but hole, one to her vigana, and one to her mouth.

The woman speak up and said, "Don't you dare put it inside me."

Before she could finish what she's about to say the di*k shaped tentacles entered all at once to her body. The di'k shaped tentacles thrust the woman's body in a synchronized way.

As the di*ks pentrates her another tentacles came out of nowhere and turn into like a suction tube tentacles and suck her nipples.

{Damn it! What is going on?! How did I end up in this situation? Why am I being violated like this?}

As minutes pass by more tentacles came out and clung to her like to her like vines keeping her restrained.

The woman struggle harder but she can't break free.

{Damn it! Why the hell I can't use magic?! Why can't I feel magic at all. Does that woman has the ability to seal magic? If that's the case then I can't use my skills at all.}

While she was thinking she felt something.

{Wait, what is this. Some kind of thing that I don't understand is gathering at my tummy. Is this what those prostitutes called coming? I have to stop this. I have my own dignity as demon king to uphold. I can't let this feeling take over me.}

As the di*ks kept on thrusting the di*ks started to throb.

{Why is it throbbing? Is it about to come?}

The woman tried to break free but her attempts futile and in just few seconds she come along with the di*ks inside her.

The tentacles let go of her and she fell to the ground the ground like a lifeless plant. Semen and her cum mix together and came out of her vagina and she cough out all the semen that's in her mouth. The sucking tentacles let go of her breast and milk came out like she's lactating.

(Just my thoughts: If you are a girl and your enemy is all I can say is good luck. I think wanna be at this scene and watch that nameless demon get fucked up because I'm feeling horny.🤣🤣🤣🤣)

As she falls to the ground another group tentacles showed up. The other group tied her up and the group turned into a dick shape. As she saw this she tried to get up but she was tied up and said, "Don't you dare touch me you bastards!"

The tentacles starts to violate the woman over and over and come at her countless of times and come countless of times as well.

It took few hours until all of it ended. She looked like she's dying because of what happened.

{Damn it, this place is going to make me lose my mind. I have to get out of here.}

As she said those things to herself a door appeared out of nowhere and she saw it.

{Is this it? Is this my way of this hellish place?}

The woman looked around and saw the tentacles again. The moment the tentacles appeared she already knew what she have to do. She master up enough courage to stand up and run away as fast as she could to get through the door even though she's not sure what's on the other side she still go on.

She opened the door and imedietly and as she slam the door shut a powerful force bangs the door but the door so tough despite being look like a normal door.

The tentacles keeps on banging the door like she wanted to have her back there but the door is too strong.

The woman slowly walks away from the door and turned around. As she turns around she saw hundreds of doors being displayed at wall that looks like the same as the door she walks through.

Each of the door you can hear a woman's moan, a man asking for freedom, and some are begging for mercy like they were being tortured.

{Just what the hell is this? Where am I. Why does it feels like I'm in a prison. How the hell can I get out in here.}

The woman decided to move and check each doors one by one to search for a clue on how to get out.

While the woman is trap Leviathan was just sitting while watching the battle that is unfolding outside.

Leviathan ate an apple and said, "Damn, this demon lord is really powerful. He might be able to break my domain if things goes on. Everyone has already fallen down except for Almithra. Well this is expected to a former demon King of Succubus demon sword. He's on another level. He's still giving a good fight despite he's losing. Well their battle will reach me soon so I have to prepare. If that damn back up hero didn't show up. I'll really die." The demon lord has a black pointy hair and wearing a lot of jewels and have a long black coat. He have handsome face, piercing look, and pointy teeth like a vampire.

As she said it a woman's goes through her head saying, "What are you talking about. You're the strongest woman within the demon kingdom and here you are saying you're going to die. Sigh, I guess the strongest has it's own struggles." The woman that is talking to Leviathan is also wearing a corporate suit just like Amand and she's sexy and she have a long curly blue hair and a blue eyes. Her skin color is light brown.

"What are you doing there Ivanka? Where is Amand?"

Ivanka smiled like she wants to tease Leviathan and said, "Oh, you still remember the person you handedly crush."

Leviathan was annoyed and said, "Just cut the shit out and tell me where is Amand."

Ivanka was taken a back and said, "Calm down you're getting angry again."

"If you just answer my question already I wont be so angry. We have a searious situation here."

"Sigh, he's in a offworld business along with master Lucifer."

"What? What are they going to do to another world? Are they just going left me here and die?"

"Well, they left the supervisor of everything here and they didn't give me the exact details what they are going to do but Amand said, "This is something that is need to dealt with soon before it's too late." They're probably dealing with something more dangerous because if it's just normal situation he would have asked us to accompany Master. He even brought Lykka with them."

"Shit, so I'm alone here fighting?"

"Oh right, I remember Master left a message for you. He said that, "The hero will come the moment you have the glimpse of death. He will come to kill them all and you'll just end up watching him as he brings the violent stars to crush your enemies and you will see how powerless you are right infront of him." Well, that all. Anyways, I have a lot of work to do here due to Amand and Lykka absence so I'll be going now."

"Ok thanks,"

{What the hell did master just said? I will see the glimpse of death? I will see how powerless I am? Is she searious? I'm inside my curse energy domain. Demons like me are like Gods when we're inside our domain so who exactly can kill me here and just how powerful is this hero that will save me. He can even control stars? I think that is impossible. It's only possible if it's Amand or Lykka or master and theres no one else.}

While she was thinking Almithra looked at Leviathan from the magical screen that she's watching and said, "Oi Leviathan, how long do you plan to sit inside your domain and watch me struggle against this demon?!"

"Do you really think I have a lot of time to help you?! I'm struggling here as well. I'm trying to hold this damn bitch inside my Domain as much as I can; and besides, master left to another world so we're on our own. Let's just hope that the back up hero is really that powerful just like master have said."

"Damn it! We might be already dead before that hero comes!"

"Well, let's just hope for the best ."