
Next Mission and Simon's First Victory

After their realisation they quickly organised everything, tying everything up even the things they might not need. Brianna and Zhang were originally confused by what the three were talking about but after a quick explanation, they understood what was going on.

"So will we be able to get these gravity stones?" Zhang asked. After hearing the explanation he felt as though he could use these stones to their full potential. Granted, what he was thinking about was what the rest of the group have long since thought about.

As gravity stones could increase the gravity around a certain area and since most of their group is able to handle the gravity, it gives their opponents a massive disadvantage. Especially if they decided to make the gravity as strong as they can handle.

"You'll get one eventually, you have to earn our trust first," Georgia explained their whole plan for the gravity stones briefly. She didn't mention anything about how strong the stones are or anything, just mentioned the consequences should someone bad get ahold of them.

Brianna and Zhang understood the caution surrounding the stones after the brief explanation and didn't ask anything else.

Lachlan summoned Aaron for both Brianna and Zhang to get on, Aaron would be the one carrying everything while the rest of the group protected it. Granted, nothing came to attack them on the way back because of Kyle's aura.

Which, although it was weaker in the day time, it was still a strong enough deterrent for any beast to attack them.

And just like usual, once they got back to the island Brianna and Zhang couldn't hold back their amazement. The sheer size of the trees and the island is something that amazed them, followed by the world tree in the distance.

"So this is the headquarters?" Zhang asked while he couldn't wipe away the shock from his face.

"Indeed, there are a few rules, mainly to make sure everyone on this island survives. 1st, stay in your designated area. Should you decided the break the rule and leave that area, there's a large chance you won't be able to handle the consequences," Lachlan said intimidatingly. But that intimidating tone only piqued Zhang's interest even more.

"Why won't we be able to handle the consequences?" Zhang asked before Lachlan could continue.

"Quite simple really, this is the reason," Georgia said as she released the nullification effect of the stone. Although it was only 2 times Earth's gravity, it was still enough to shock Brianna and Zhang.

"The gravity on this island is unique and the further you go the stronger the gravity gets. Where you'll be staying the gravity around the area is roughly 5+ times the Earth's gravity, but we have our methods of nullifying the gravity which you'll find out later once you gain our trust," Georgia explained.

"Indeed, as for rule 2. Do your best to work as a group, you'll help either take care of the children, work on the construction or assist with farming. And finally, for rule 3. Don't discriminate against the unique children."

Their group had a long discussion about the rules they'll need to set in place. They decided to not have too many since people might feel restricted, so they left it at three golden rules. One for surviving on the island, one for staying on the island and one for their sole purpose. It would be odd if they were protecting the children only to have them be discriminated against by their own people.

"Alright," Brianna and Zhang nodded. It wasn't difficult to remember three very simple rules.

After that, the three introduced Brianna and Zhang to the others. They were very quickly accepted and organised. Zhang would be their scout, due to his ability he was a rather valuable member to their group.

Brianna on the other hand was rather difficult to organise. Although they didn't want to tell it to her face, her constant illness was a real problem. They couldn't have her taking care of the children in case she gets them sick and they couldn't have her work on construction because of her weak body.

They decided to put her on the main team. She did have the necessary strength to work with the group, granted they'll mainly keep her as a backup member.


A few days went by the group have successfully made a system for their water tanks. Using some elemental powers, they got the large coconut tree leaves stuck in stone surrounding one water tanks. The leaves were then shaped like a funnel, all leading to the water tanks.

They were placed across the beach. And while it wouldn't be very effective right now considering there was no rain for kilometres, they were at least prepared.

So while they were in this situation they would travel to Australia to find fresh water sources and fill large containers of water. Once they got back they would first boil the water before letting it cool down and draining them back into the containers.

They would then place them around the building, with some glasses right next to them, small and large. They were something they stole from some abandoned houses. Which is when the group realised, they were basically scavengers right now.

Taking the stuff that others have long since abandoned, living far away from the major cities in isolated places, literally. And their whole purpose is something two major public forces disagree with. It was almost uncanny how alike they were to scavengers.

So, they decided today that they would become advanced scavengers.

In front of Lachlan's hat was the main group huddled around a map. There were multiple circles across it, which is where abandoned military bases were located. Not only that, but there were also a few circles around construction businesses.

Since they were planning on building far better living areas, they should at least get the right machinery to do it. And after realising that they could use the gravity stones to make that machinery weight nothing, they would take everything they could ever need.

"Alright, around here is where there is an unfinished military base. It was going to be a rather large base, but once the supposed end of the world was going to happen everything had long since been abandoned, including all the machinery," Flynn explained as he pointed towards a circle close to Melbourne.

He then continued, "Due to it being fairly far from Melbourne, the military decided to keep it abandoned to this day. Meaning there's no guards there, let alone other people. So everything's for the taking."

"So does this mean we get those gravity stones now?" Zhang enthusiastically asked from the side. Brianna was there as well but she didn't think she would actually be apart of the mission, so she didn't even bother asking about the gravity stones.

"Indeed, you'll be given medium ranked gravity stones that you'll keep after the mission as well. Now remember, you need to keep it with you at all times and make sure it never gets into the wrong hands alright," Flynn responded with a nod and a warning.

Lachlan had already explained to them about Zhang's childish attitude. And although they didn't want to do it, if they have to constantly remind him to take the stones seriously they will.

"Sweet, so how do I use them?" Zhang was curious as to how everyone could use them so proficiently and he wanted to get to that level as well.

"Drop of blood on the stone and you'll find out," Flynn said as Lachlan tossed over a stone to both Brianna and Zhang.

"Oh no, I don't think I'll need this," Brianna said nervously as she tried to pass it back.

"You're apart of the group so yes, yes you will need it," Lachlan responded as he rejected her attempts.

Zhang, on the other hand, had already dropped a bit of blood on the stone and was experiencing all the information flood his mind. His eyes widened in shock as he looked towards the stone, "This thing is amazing."

Brianna couldn't help but be intrigued by what could make Zhang so shocked. Using a sharp bit of the stone he made a small cut on her finger, she squeezed out a drop of blood and let it run down the crystal.

When she saw the crystal absorb the blood she was already shocked, and after she felt the rush of information end she couldn't hold back her excitement. Although she had a weak body, there wouldn't be a problem if her body doesn't weight anything.

"I wouldn't suggest that. While you can do that during missions I suggest you actually increase your gravity. The only way you're going to improve your physical strength is through strength training," Georgia knew what Brianna was thinking, she would think the same if she was in a similar situation.

"Ah, no it isn't," Lachlan facepalmed again. He felt as though he needs to work on his memory if he wants to run this organisation efficiently. "There's still the berries."

Lachlan quickly ran into his hut, where he started rummaging through a small box filled with clothes. He finally found what he was looking for, it was a small bag filled with the berries he had forgotten about. After eating each of them aside from the poison apple, he had thrown this information to the back of his mind.

He quickly scanned them again and made sure he was giving the right ones. He took out two strength, agility, and intelligence berries. These were the berries that really affected them physically, the perception and willpower berries were still something even Lachlan couldn't understand entirely.

The perception was slightly understandable, but willpower was still something that didn't make much sense. And for what he did understand, right now, it wasn't all that important. Not to mention they could increase their willpower through extremely difficult physical training.

After that he left the hut and walked over the Brianna and Zhang, giving them their berries, "Eat them, they will increase your abilities."

They both stared at the berries in confusion, both thinking, 'How can these little things increase our physical prowess.'

But after a quick second, Brianna didn't think too much into it. If it could give her strength she'll take it, it's something she wants right now. Opening her mouth she threw them all in and swallowed, not wasting a second.

Zhang quickly followed.

They then waited a bit before feeling a scorching pain overwhelm their bodies, they almost collapsed from the pain. Seeing that, Lachlan knew they would get a large increase since that's the reaction of the body adjusting to the large increase.

After the pain disappeared they stood back up and assessed their newfound strength. They could feel this new level of strength coursing through their muscles. They almost felt invincible, Zhang really thought it as well.

He placed his elbow on the ground and held his hand up with an open palm, "Arm wrestle."

Lachlan was about to walk over and take him on but Simon stopped him, "I'll take care of it.'

Lachlan already knew it was because Simon wanted to prove his dominance to Zhang. Lachlan didn't mind, he had already analysed them even though, no amount of strength that the berry could give could ever match against their harsh training.


Name: Brianna Law (Human)

Age: 23 (Adult)

Soul Contracts: 2/5

Compatibility: Insects (Perfect)

STR: 27, AGI: 26, VIT: 12(+1)

INT: 30, PER: 18, WIL: 20

Weakness: Weak Immune System, Low Stamina, Has a Constant Cold, Naive, Emotional

Strengths: Darkness Control (Level 2), Skin Defence (Level 2), Bite Strength (Level 3), Fire Control (Level 1), Jumping Strength (Level 2)


Name: Zhang Yong (Human)

Age: 32 (Adult)

Soul Contracts: 3/5

Compatibility: Lizards (Perfect)

STR: 33(+1), AGI: 39(+2), VIT: 13(+1)

INT: 31, PER: 24, WIL: 23

Weakness: Easily Provoke, Childish Attitude, Stubborn

Strengths: Skin Defence (Level 2), Bite Strength (Level 2), Presence Concealment (Level 5), Space Control (Level 1), Darkness Control (Level 1), Earth Control (Level 2)


Their stats really did increase overall. Granted, Zhang was still no match for Simon.

Once the arm wrestle began Zhang didn't hesitate to use all the strength he could muster to beat Simon. As for Simon, he just displayed a rather relaxed attitude, even pretended to go to sleep. Before he finally just slammed Zhang's hand into the tree root.

"What the hell, wasn't these the things you all used to get stronger." The reason Zhang was so confident was that he thought he figured out the groups secret behind the strength. He didn't think for a second it could relate to something else entirely.

"Nope," Simon's response shut him down. "Tell me, what did we first tell out about the island when we brought you here."

"That the gravity was unique," Zhang suddenly realised, "Oh, so this island wasn't originally your headquarters, but was instead your training grounds."

"Yup," Simon nodded.

Zhang held his head down when it was confirmed. What he didn't know was that Simon was secretly screaming joyfully inside his mind, 'Haha, that's right, I'm the strongest.'

The group let him have this moment.

Next chapter