
Infiltrating the Abandoned Base

"Ahmm, anyway, let's get back onto topic," Flynn reminded everyone that they were currently in the middle of planning their next mission.

"What else is there to plan, we go in, use the stones to carry everything and get out of there," Lachlan didn't think there was anything else to plan for.

"Well, there's something unique happening around this place. Although I did say it was abandoned, the military did attempt to start construction again since all the materials were already there, but everyone was quickly killed and the perpetrator was never discovered. That's when they decided to abandon the place, but the weird thing was, it wasn't just the military, it was anything that got too close," Flynn explained.

A frown formed on everyone's have, "So doesn't this mean that the mission might be a little too risky?" Phoebe asked.

"Indeed, which is exactly why when you're doing everything you need to make sure you're extra alert. Don't go in as carefree as you thought you would; Make sure to keep an eye on the surroundings at all times," Flynn reminded them.

"Alright," Lachlan said as the rest of them responded with a nod.

He then summoned Aaron for most of the group to ride on. They had already planned to summon all of their beasts once they got there; Since they were planning on taking everything they could they'll need the extra help.

It was still a bit early in the day so they had plenty of time to get there. They took their flight there as relaxed. They looked towards the ground from above as they were flying over Australia, they felt something as they looked towards the abandoned towns.

The ones that were abandoned rather early, the surrounding vegetation has long since consumed them in their growth. With no one to cut the grass or trim the tree and bushes the plant life was plentiful.

They all reminisced on the past when they saw all the buildings and houses. Remembering what the world was. The joyful shouts of children as they rode their scooters or bikes up and down the street. Now they were all focused on studying or training, that's all that's needed to survive in the current world, and that's all they want.

"Damn, this kinda feels depressing," Joe remarked as he felt everyone's mood go down. His did as well since he was one of those kids that would ride around the streets with his friends. Go to the local deli and get some sweet snacks or soft drinks.

They sit either at the small skatepark or relax in some large trees talking for the whole day. Before they would finally go back home to rest.

"Yeah, but I suppose once humanity gets their strength back again, things can return to what they once were in the past," Simon responded. He was also just like Joe, but instead, he would play sports at the parks or in the paddocks for the entire day with his mates instead.

"If only things could go back to the way they were," Lachlan deeply sighed. There was just too much that would need to be done for things to go back. Not to mention it was almost impossible for things to go back, but with beasts roaming the world.

After a while of reminiscing of the past, they finally reached their destination; The first things they smelt was blood, fresh.

Looking around the noticed a few corpses in the structure, all belonging to the same type of dog or wolf. They probably worked as a pack, but they all died in the same way. There was a large hole through their body, it looked as though the weapon either attacked from above or below. Either way, the damage was rather haunting.

"Keep your eyes open, don't let anything sneak up on you," Lachlan reminded them as they landed outside the base. Looking around they saw the half-built structures, although they've already begun to crumble.

By their sides were cranes and a little bit into the distance was a small office. Hopefully, it would be filled with smaller tools. Maybe even an instruction manual as to how they use the crane. By its side was a bunch of materials, the metal beams have long since gone rusty and the wood has gone mouldy.

Way far into the distance at what seemed the be the gate there was a cement truck. It looked as though it was just leaving but was abandoned instead. Either that or the driver was killed before they could get away.

"Lachlan and I will go get the crane, Phoebe, Georgia, and Zoe will go to the office and bring anything you find useful. As for Simon and Joe, you two get the truck," Chloe quickly gave out orders and organised everyone into groups.

"What about me and Brianna?" Zhang asked from behind.

Chloe almost forgot about them, "Zhang and Brianna, you two go to the office and help search for anything useful, I want that thing thoroughly searched and everything of value brought out of it."

Brianna and Zhang nodded their heads. The group quickly got into serious mode and split up, running to their assigned areas. Everyone had already summoned their beasts, it was too dangerous to do anything without them now that they saw those fresh corpses.

Simon and Joe ran along the outside to reach the truck while the rest of the group jumped it. Once they were over they split up and sprinted over.

Phoebe, Georgia, Zoe, Brianna, and Zhang reached their spot without a problem. They quickly ripped open the door and ran in, quickly search it for anything useful.

Lachlan and Chloe reached the Crane slightly before them. But that's when they noticed something, there was a door in the ground by the far side of the building. It looked fairly old while the bolts on the side look slightly rusty.

"Should we check it out?" Lachlan asked. Although their mission was to get the materials and go, there could possibly be something underneath that door. Possibly something secret.

"Suppose it won't hurt to check it out," Chloe didn't mind, they were just having a look, after all, they would be in and out before anyone would realise.

The two ran over to the door, just as they ran past the corpses they heard something move from underneath them. The two quickly leapt into the air, not hesitating the think about what it might be.

They quickly nullified their gravity and floated above. Looking down they noticed thick spikes extending out of the ground. By the side, they noticed a few spikes had activated over by the corpses and shot right through them.

"Well I suppose we know what happened here," Lachlan remarked as he looked towards the spikes. He wiped the sweat off his forehead, if they were any slower they might have either been killed or put in a lot of pain.

Especially if it hit his most sensitive area. Just thinking about it made Lachlan shit bricks.

"Indeed, but I wonder who would create such a thing," Chloe replied with a curious tone. 'Since this place had been abandoned then where did these spikes come from?' She couldn't help but be intrigued as to what made them.

"Well, I suppose we'll find out once we get through that door."

Since those spikes were triggered when they got close to the door it was obvious that they were a mechanism that's sole purpose is to protect the door. Obviously, whoever created these things were in there.

'Aaron, melt that door away' When Lachlan's tamed beasts felt Lachlan in distress they came over instantly. They were all flying around Lachlan, protecting him from all angles.

'Yes, master' Aaron quickly agreed and opened its mouth, inhaling a large amount of air it then faced downwards and let out a ferocious fireball. Since whoever attacked his master was down below it didn't hesitate to use its full power.

'Ah, I should have told him to hold back' Lachlan quickly regretted his decision. Although he felt glad that Aaron cared about him so much, he also needed the person down there to stay alive.

The three Rocs nodded their heads, even Catastrophe nodded his head. But Aaron, on the other hand, was currently too busy holding his head high as he watched his fireball melt the door away.

'I'm done master' Without a second of delay, once the door was melted Aaron came flying over quickly to report its success.

'Good job' Lachlan said as he rubbed Aaron's head.

Lachlan and Chloe floated over the hole where the door once was and activated their gravity again. They fell down and landed on the iron. Fortunately, it had already cooled down. Lachlan already knew that it was Aaron's doing, either used the wind or a bit of water to cool it down quickly.

Looking down they saw the staircase. The place was too dark for them to see inside properly, it was almost as though the light was being completely absorbed by the wall.

Lachlan held out his hand and using his fire control created a small ball of fire. He controlled it nice and pushed it down the stairs, he wanted to see how far these stairs went and whether anything was on the side or not.

The ball of fire continued to float down for 30 metres when it finally reached a door. Along its way, Lachlan and Chloe determined that there was nothing placed along the walls. But just in case, as they walked down they made sure to keep all senses activated.

Fortunately, there really wasn't anything there. When they reached the door at the bottom the noticed it had been properly barricaded.

Lachlan looked towards Chloe, "Should we break it down?"

"Of course, we came all this way we might as well find out what's in here at the very least," Chloe felt as though what Lachlan asked was a silly question. Her curiosity was going off the charts, everything they've seen pointed towards something unique and they were just about to find out what that unique thing was.

"Alright then," Lachlan lifted up his leg, Chloe did the same. When they were ready the stomped against the door, quickly breaking it apart. The hinges on the side have long side worn out, so they couldn't keep the door on hold anymore.

What first hit them was a bright light, and once their eyes adjusted to the light they noticed a massive room. It was filled with what Lachlan could only assume was research equipment.

There were beast corpses everywhere, parts of them were kept in jars while others were on the machines. It seems everything was being analysed, as they noticed on some trays a beast arm completely broken apart.

From its muscles to its tendons and veins. Everything was being analysed.

"Who's there!" An old woman's voice shouted at them through another door. It was a rather small door, something only Lachlan could easily fit through.

Lachlan and Chloe were silent, neither of them was expecting to find another human down here. Especially not after everything they've heard about the place.

Unless someone was crazy there shouldn't be a reason for them to set up a research laboratory down here. Yet it seems someone actually was.

Next chapter