
The strong who came out of the nuclear explosion

The strong are fearless, the strong are fearless, the strong are invincible, and the strong are the strongest. The development of science and technology brings the end of the warrior? But... When Li Qiuxian walked out of the nuclear explosion center unharmed, the world was shocked!

KenyattaPeng · Sci-fi
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97 Chs

Chapter 36 The Iron Tower

One punch!

One punch kill!

At the moment when Li Qiuxian bombarded Lang Lang's temple with a punch, causing him to die on the spot, at least one third of everyone in the audience could not help but stand up in astonishment at the same time.

Some social people with poor mental qualities couldn't help but scream, as if for the first time they realized the cruelty of the life and death of the warriors in the circle.


Even some young people in the martial artist circle who were originally looking forward to this battle and wished they could replace Li Qiuxian to enjoy the attention and eagerness to try, suddenly turned white when they saw Lang Lang, who fell to the ground and died.

"Lang Wolf!"

"Damn...he actually killed Lang Lang! How dare he kill someone!"

"The person who killed my Longquan Wuguan on the site of my Longquan Wuguan must be severely punished, kill him, kill him!"

Compared with the others, seeing Lang Lang being killed by Li Qiuxian with his own eyes, Longquan Martial Arts Hall was instantly furious, and angry roars kept shouting from the disciples and martial masters of Longquan Martial Arts Hall. .


At this time, An Daosheng, who was a witness, suddenly opened his mouth.

Despite his advanced age, he turned his whole body vigorously, the tip of his tongue touched his jaw, and with a loud drink, his voice spread throughout the audience, suppressing the shouts of hundreds of people.

"I'm very sad about this kind of thing, but in the arena competition, life and death don't matter, both parties have signed the life and death certificate, and they should be aware of the moment they set foot on the arena, so I also asked the curator of Longquan Martial Arts Hall to end it. Men, don't interfere with the order of the competition, otherwise I will have to announce that the competition will be terminated early."

After his scolding, the talents on the Longquan Martial Arts Hall calmed down a little, but the eyes looking at Li Qiuxian on the stage were still full of anger.

In addition to anger... but there are some people who have fear in their hearts.

Jas took a deep breath, suppressed the killing intent in his heart, and waved his hand. At the moment, several deputy curators and the martial masters restrained the disciples, which gradually calmed the atmosphere at the touch of a button.

"This Li Qiuxian...isn't his right hand injured? Why...it doesn't seem to be affected in any way?"

"Trap! This is a trap at all. He used the fact that he was injured as a trap to lure Lang Lang into the trap. Only then would he seize the opportunity and kill him with one blow... Such a sinister, damn..."

Mo Fei and the martial masters in Longquan Martial Arts scolded secretly.

But Huo Bei recalled the video he had watched...

"It should be true that Li Qiuxian was injured. It's just that his injury is not as serious as the rumors said. In addition, the Changkong Martial Arts Academy or the Oaks Group found a healing medicine for him, which allowed him to recover in a short time."

Huo Bei said solemnly.

"Then our plan..."

Huo Bei didn't say anything, but set his eyes on the iron tower.

The iron tower, as its name suggests, has a sturdy body, a body of 1.98 meters, a weight of 109 kilograms, and bulging muscles all over his body, looking like a prehistoric beast.

He lived in the mountains of Tarollin since he was a child, living in poverty and in the company of wild animals.

Sixteen years ago, the Talorin Mountains were flooded with beasts. Sometimes tigers, wolves, and black bears came down the mountain to attack people, causing death. During this period, the local military department even dispatched troops to kill the beasts and bring peace to the residents of the mountains, but they did not want to suffer. Hundreds of well-armed elite soldiers were killed in the mountain area when attacked by a beast that was more terrifying than the beast. The military had no choice but to bomb the area where the beast was active. Thousands of square kilometers of the entire Talorin Mountains were destroyed. Fire is lit.

In the bombing area, Iron Tower survived, feeding on the flesh and blood of beasts for a whole month, thus forging his powerful physique, coupled with his own innate divine power... After careful teaching by Longquan Martial Arts Hall, he became a slaughtering monster. Among the twenty or thirty field warriors in the entire Longquan Martial Arts Hall, he can definitely rank in the top three.

"pass it to me."

The tower said in a deep voice and stood up.

Longquan Martial Arts Hall has the grace of life for him, and he should fight to the death for the reputation of Longquan Martial Arts Hall.


"Li Qiuxian... This son is amazing..."

Wang Obi looked at Li Qiuxian, who still did not say a word when Lang Lang was killed in the arena, and sighed sincerely: "The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and the new generation beats the old... It's just... This son is too ruthless... ...as if he didn't care about other people's life and death ... he didn't show mercy..."

Andrews nodded.

He also felt that Li Qiuxian's shot was a bit ruthless.

This young man...

He was not happy.

But now that he was invited by Curator Vatican as a witness, he had to uphold justice and let the competition continue.

"Master Fan... there is a character in your Changkong Martial Arts Academy, but you have to take good care of him, otherwise, with his xinxing means, if you accidentally take the evil way... in our Shire City, and even the entire As far as the world of Xia Ya martial artist is concerned, the danger is not small..."

An Daosheng said lightly.

"Don't worry, An Lao, I will lead him on the right path."

Curator Fan nodded.

At the same time, he glanced at Li Qiuxian, who had a calm face on the platform...

For this kind of heart of the other party...

That is a natural field martial artist.

If he can be pulled into the field service sequence, the reputation of the Changkong Military Academy will definitely increase.


"This...is really scary, that person...is really dead?"

In the auditorium, Joe Bell looked at Lang Lang, who was being carried down, with disbelief on his pretty face.

"The heartbeat and breathing have stopped, and the dead can't die anymore."

The old man behind Qiao Sansi said.

His tone...

It is no longer as indifferent and calm as before.

"This...they killed people...do they really care?"

Joe Bell seemed a little unacceptable.

The old man glanced at Joe Belle. Although she was born into a big family, her parents have spoiled her since childhood, so that she never saw the darkness of the world at all. Ask this question.

"They signed a life-and-death declaration... Besides... The martial artist circle has the rules of the martial artist circle. This rule is tacitly approved by the state..."

The old man looked at Qiao Sansi as he spoke, and when he saw that Qiao Sansi did not respond, he said again: "The weight of martial artists is naturally not as good as before, and Master Hua Jin can't stop a peanut... but There are many deep mountains and old forests that are bred with magical creatures and plants, but they are not accessible to ordinary soldiers. Even the elites who are fully armed can't match the nature of the world... At that time...you had to rely on martial artists..."

When Joe Bell heard it, he seemed to understand.


"Dong dong!"

At this time, a burst of heavy footsteps had stepped forward and came to the center of the hall, attracting everyone's attention.

The tower is on.

Longquan Martial Arts Hall did not come to anything false at all, such as asking Li Qiuxian if he wanted to rest, whether he needed to drink water, etc. After the body of Lang Lang was removed, the iron tower was directly dispatched to the stage. The whole process took less than three minutes.

As the iron tower came on stage, the tall body like bronze poured with suffocating pressure, making the atmosphere in the martial arts hall slightly stagnant, especially the murderous and numb-like terrifying suffocation contained in him, even if he had a heart in the audience The dark martial masters such as Tang Naxiu of the Changkong martial arts hall felt that their faces were pale.

Regardless of strength.

This is a kind of awe that stems from the magnetic field of life.

"Iron Tower... is not the first field martial artist of Longquan Martial Arts Academy, but he is more terrifying than Jude Nuo, who has the title of the first field martial artist, because in addition to his own abilities, Jude Nuo's strength also includes His use of firearms, swords, and iron towers... His most powerful weapon is himself!"

Li Qiuxian looked at the sturdy man in front of him, feeling the oppressive feeling coming from him, and waves appeared in his calm eyes.

This wave is not fear...

Rather surprise!

I was pleasantly surprised to finally see a human whose life form is no longer so obscure.

"I hope you won't disappoint me."

Li Qiuxian looked at the iron tower and said seriously.

"I don't like Lang Lang, but I don't like you even more. Anyone who wants to harm Longquan Wuguan is my enemy, and I will never show mercy to my enemies."

The tower said in a deep voice.

When the voice echoed in Li Qiuxian's ears, there was a humming feeling.

"Don't be merciless...that's what I want to tell you..."

Li Qiu Xiandao.

At this time, the people in the audience once again showed the life and death status signed by the two. As he announced the start of the competition, the iron tower, which was as strong as a hill, moved first...

The five fingers bent, and as soon as they were caught, the aura like a wild and fierce beast surged over him.