
The strong who came out of the nuclear explosion

The strong are fearless, the strong are fearless, the strong are invincible, and the strong are the strongest. The development of science and technology brings the end of the warrior? But... When Li Qiuxian walked out of the nuclear explosion center unharmed, the world was shocked!

KenyattaPeng · Sci-fi
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97 Chs

Chapter 2 The Heart

Yaoyang Daily.

Time, May 9, 1020 in the dawn calendar, 3:30 p.m. Shire time.

Li Qiuxian left school for a month.

At this moment, he was standing on the side of the newsstand, looking down at the newspaper in his hand.

Newspaper headlines say that Roger, the father of nuclear bombs, passed away, followed by a series of his deeds, such as presiding over the research and development of nuclear bombs 36 years ago, and successfully detonating Char's first nuclear bomb in 1988 of the dawn calendar in four years.

The second piece of information, Char Kingdom has introduced optical fiber technology from the alliance, which is expected to be fully promoted in the next three years, replacing the current relatively slow broadband network...

Li Qiuxian searched for a long time, and finally found the information he wanted to check in a corner of the newspaper...

The latest development of Chi Yutong's car accident, the helm of Chihai Group, and the accident was determined to be the full responsibility of Party B... The accident occurred due to a series of violations such as Party B's road grabbing and hurdles...

At present, the relatives of Party B have indicated that they are no longer mentioned above...

The media urges the general public to abide by traffic rules and avoid vehicles...


In less than 200 words, it is all the reports of Chi Yutong's car crash and death.

From start to finish.

Put this to an end.

Li Qiuxian put down the newspaper, raised his head, and looked at the dazzling sunlight above his head.

It was in the afternoon, and the scorching sun was hanging high, but after all, it could not illuminate all the darkness on the earth.

Different from the parallel space-time earth, here, the self-media has not yet prevailed, and the Internet has just developed. The newspaper notified the matter and reported the matter in the paragraph.

It's really over.

No one will pay any more attention to this.

"A person's life..."

Li Qiuxian retracted the painful eyes that had been stabbed by the sun, and lowered his head: "It will be solved in more than a month... dead... dead in vain... It's like duckweed hit by the waves in the river, it's like that. Fragile..."

Li Qiuxian tried to calm himself down as much as possible.

Let your heart turn into a piece of winter ice.

Calm and rational.

But his restless heart...

But could not calm down.

"what can I do..."

Li Qiuxian said to himself.

However, he was only a senior in high school and couldn't do anything.


He lowered his head and looked at his hands.

A pair of hands that are no longer delicate than when they held a pen a month ago.

what can he do.

His poor "intelligence" can't imagine...

No, not unexpected.

But if you think too much and become rational, then things may go to another result.


The result he absolutely didn't want.

So, he got it.

Don't think, don't listen, don't watch, be quiet... just follow your heart.


Li Qiuxian threw the newspaper in his hand into the trash can beside him.

The newspaper ended the matter in less than two hundred words.

But for Li Qiuxian...

Things are far from over.

He walked forward with a calm expression on his face.

But under that calm face with a hint of childishness, there is a heart burning with raging flames.

Burn, burn, burn again.

Under this flame, his body was hot, but he couldn't help himself, as if something was blocking his chest, making it hard for him to breathe, as if...

Only with a high-pitched voice and shouting up to the sky can this depression, this congestion, this powerlessness, and this suffocation be completely dispelled!

Only with the roar that pierced the sky can the gloom above his head be completely torn, scattered, and shattered!


As a star with a diameter of 100,000 kilometers, Blue Star is rich in species. Ogres, tree spirits, fierce beasts, giants, and... evil dragons are hidden in the desolate ancient forests that humans have never set foot in.

The star is huge, affected by the magnetic field, and there is no satellite technology on Blue Star.

Without satellites, global monitoring equipment does not exist. Li Qiuxian can walk on the streets, alleys, and roads without worrying about being recorded by a camera.

Walking on, he walked out of the city and came to a large high-end community near the suburbs.


He stopped not far in front of a small castle-like villa with a yard of thousands of square meters.

The time came to six o'clock in the afternoon.

The setting sun casts a charming afterglow on this scenic neighborhood.

Li Qiuxian raised his head and looked up at the red cloud with a touch of red at the end of the sky.

Clear weather.

And while he was looking up at the clouds at the end of the sky, a high-end car came from a path not far away, and gradually slowed down as he was about to enter the courtyard of the villa.

No verification needed. When the vehicle was about to enter the yard, a doorman in a suit quickly opened the iron gate of the yard.

Li Qiuxian watched.

With the help of the glass of the car that had not been rolled up, he could see a graceful and noble woman with fringed earrings and shoulder-length curly hair of pale blond sitting in the back seat, looking down at the documents, and looking down at her. In front, is the driver of the vehicle, staring at the iron door that is gradually opening...

Red Yutong.

Everything, as always.

And she didn't seem to have any abnormality when she went home before.


She never committed the crime of hitting someone with a car.

Li Qiuxian watched quietly.

No one noticed the boy dressed like a student standing by the two-lane road.

No one understood his fate, and the fate of the lady in front of him ushered in the biggest turning point in his life.

Do not...

it's not true.

Sitting in the car, Chi Yutong, who looked in her mid-30s, seemed to sense something. She suddenly raised her head and retracted her gaze from the document in her hand. She turned her head and landed on the boy on one side.


Her eyes changed, and she seemed to recognize the identity of the young man.

Almost at the moment when she set her eyes on this young man, the young man who had been standing calmly and watching a second ago suddenly moved!


In the void, there seemed to be a silent roar.

It was as if staring at the target of a tiger that suddenly burst into predation. At the moment of departure, it was as fast as lightning, smashing through the air and rolling the sound of thunder.


Li Qiuxian stepped out quickly, and the distance between himself and the vehicle was less than three meters. He instantly crossed, grabbed the door of the car that was moving slowly, and pulled it open. Her fair and slender shoulders pulled it down from the car.


A shrill scream came out of Chi Yutong's mouth, who was forcibly pulled from the car.

Chi Yutong, who fell heavily on the ground, instantly lost the ladylike demeanor she had maintained the previous second. As her knees touched the ground, blood was all over her, and the severe pain made her scream.



The moving vehicle stopped as soon as the door opened, and the angry driver rushed out of the car.


Before the driver had time to stop him, Li Qiuxian, who had turned around abruptly, had already taken a false step, threw out his right fist, collapsed half a step, and hit the driver's brain hole hard, knocking him out on the spot.

"What are you doing! Come, come, come quickly."

The doorman who was opening the door immediately shouted loudly when he saw this scene.

Li Qiuxian turned a blind eye to the doorman's cry, stepped forward, walked to cover her knees, and stumbled to Chi Yutong, who was about to stand up. At present, she kicked the inner knee of her slender thigh, accompanied by a slight "click" sound , Chi Yutong's screams sounded again, and her whole body rolled to the ground, her face full of pain and panic.

"Ah, I know you, you are the bastard of that bitch, how dare you do this to me, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

The severe pain caused the already ruthless Chi Yutong to scream fiercely and madly.

Li Qiuxian was expressionless, grabbed Chi Yutong's fair right calf, and dragged her to the Chi family compound step by step.

The delicate skin rubbed against the rough ground, causing her fair knees to turn red.

Seeing Li Qiuxian's cruelty, the doorman was terrified and ran quickly towards the villa while shouting "come soon".

Li Qiuxian dragged Chi Yutong, walked six meters forward, and threw it in the center of the road.

Then Li Qiuxian quickly turned and left.

Seeing this scene, Chi Yutong thought he wanted to escape, but his face was pale because of the severe pain, and his face was full of viciousness: "You are dead, little bastard, you are dead, I will definitely kill you like that bitch. Like a mother, bumping you alive..."

Before Chi Yutong's words were finished, the expression on the original vicious face suddenly froze, and the next moment was suddenly replaced by panic: "What are you going to do... What do you want to do!?"

But Li Qiuxian, who turned and left, got into the car parked on the road, put on reverse gear, and exited 20 meters. When retreating, he turned the steering wheel and swayed, and the front of the car was already aimed at Chi Yutong.

This scene suddenly made Chi Yutong's souls rush out, and even the body that was dragged and scarred couldn't care so much, screaming in horror and crawling towards the house: "No! No! Are you crazy!? You If you dare to hit me, your whole life will be ruined, and my family will never let you go..."

A trace of pain flashed in Li Qiuxian's eyes.

But in an instant, this trace of pain and the hesitation hidden in the pain was replaced by ruthlessness and determination, and he directly stepped on the accelerator of this high-end sedan costing no less than one million.


The sound of car tires rubbing against the ground reverberated through the streets.

"No, please, don't..."

Chi Yutong let out a sharp cry.



In the distance, the Chi family, who heard the movement outside, finally ran out of the castle-like villa. There were more than a dozen people, and half of them were security guards.


With a small garden, the distance of tens of meters blocked by a fountain is not so simple and easy to cross.


In Chi Yutong's cry of despair and remorse, the distance of more than twenty meters between the two was instantly crossed.


With terrifying kinetic energy, the car slammed into Chi Yutong's body, and then dragged her under the car and rolled over.


Sprinkle all over the place.


Following the inertia, the vehicle moved forward for more than ten meters, and then stopped.

Li Qiuxian got out of the car, completely ignoring the angry and frightened Chi family members, turned around, and came to the side of the crushed Chi Yutong covered in blood.

At this time, Chi Yutong had not yet died, and was still conscious, but when she saw Li Qiuxian's arrival, the panic in her eyes expanded to the extreme. She has always been domineering and ruthless. She could never imagine for a moment that she would end up like this one day. .


Chi Yutong begged weakly and frightened...

But it didn't work.

Li Qiuxian was expressionless, raised his right hand, clenched his fist, and in the angry roar of the Chi family, he did his best to blast Chi Yutong's temple.



A growl.

The huge force hit her head hard to the ground.


Blood splattered.

