
To be..... or not???

It was a new sunny day.... or at least it should have been. Damn weatherman!! Please do your job. Said Beanstalk as he looked up to the rainy sky whining. Trixy was with him but they barely said anything to each other. She had told Him and Charming about the talent scout and how she was considering his offer. Charming took the news quite well, Whereas Beanstalk had yelled that she was abandoning them. He had always considered her as more than a friend and that he had plenty of time to say so, but with the way things were going he feared that she would graduate, succeed and forget about him entirely. He had to think of ways to keep her here with him....but how?

Trixy had decided to go through with the offer but after the fight with Ben she was afraid that what he said was true. She had always been afraid of being like her dad. abandoning someone in their time of need. But the more she thought about it the more dense she felt. Why was Beanstalk so adamant about her not leaving? Was there something happening at home she didn't know about? no if there was a problem he would have told her. Was he just afraid of losing contact? no Ben was a confident man and she still stayed in contact with people she hadn't seen in years. He knew that about her. Then again it was one those feelings that never fades no matter what you do or say. Maybe that was it? she didn't know but what she did know was that the decision was hers to make and she had already made up her mind. Ben was not the master of her fate SHE was. But no matter how she thought about it she still felt strained like a string ready to break.

Ben had been thinking for so long that he had forgotten the reason why he was thinking. Trixy was a woman of her own invention it didn't matter what he said it was her decision to make and she wasn't the type to forget so easily. It would hurt but he had decided to support her if she chose to go. After all if he tried to force her to stay he'd lose any chance he ever had. Maybe it was still to be?