
The Striking Revenge

Jie and Lina a love story that has difficulties but none the less they love each other thick and through. Jie wants to get married but Lina wants to wait till she gets her revenge. Lina is like a rose beautiful but dangerous and when her defenses are up only Jie could break them down. Waiting to strike her enemies with her revenge. Jie walks with her slowly and never abandons her no matter what. people from the past, family, and love rivals will try to break them apart but they hold each others hand and walk through the problem. The perfect man is not so perfect and the vicious woman is not so vicious they understand each other and accept flaws. He's gentle but gives off a cold vibe and she's loving but comes off as selfish and a villain. When they are together they seem like a bunny and a teddy bear yet in others eyes a snake and a cold aloof man.

ChaehyungLee · Fantasy
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14 Chs

my love

Lina buys the tie and finishes shopping and then goes home


In the car

Lina dials a number and her phone starts ringing

a voice answers the phone "Hello" a husky voice answers Lina slightly blushes from hearing the sexy voice "Jie this is Lina am i disturbing you?"

Lina asks "Not at all I'm at home and i just took a nap. what is it?" "O-oh i have a gift i would like you to have can i come over to give it to you?"

"i would love that i will send you my current location "


after Lina hangs up the phone she heads to the location


After the call with Lina Jie hurries up to prepare "Lydia make prepare sweets we are gonna have a guest" he tells the Lydia a maid at his estate "of course young master" Lydia is a Young naive girl who is trying to win her employer's heart so she could live a better life

Jie knows that Lina loves sweets like macaroons ,moon cakes, cake, and muffins

anything sweet

Jie then rushed upstairs to the master bedroom his bedroom and pulled out items from his drawer and then he hears the door bell ring


"Why is the young master acting like a child"

a maid asks "Maybe the guest is his lover but whatever it is the young master is acting adorable!" another maid answers

Lydia finishes preparing the sweets in the short amount of time she had and then hears the door bell ring

Lydia rushes to answer it "Hello may i help you?" Lydia asks "I'm here to see Yang Jie" Lina answers

"May i ask what business you have with the young master?" Lydia asks with jealousy in her voice and Lina could hear it "That part is none of your business" "Then i have no choice then to ask you to leave" Lydia thought it was another woman trying to sneak her way into her young masters bed

Lydia closes the door in Lina's face

staring at the door in disbelief Lina blinks several times then takes out her phone to dial Jie's number

"I'm outside" Lina says to the the man on the other line "I'm on my way to get you my love" Jie then hangs up

Lina's anger was suppressed after hearing Jie call her 'my love' and Lina gets butterflies is her stomach just thinking about seeing him