
The Striking Revenge

Jie and Lina a love story that has difficulties but none the less they love each other thick and through. Jie wants to get married but Lina wants to wait till she gets her revenge. Lina is like a rose beautiful but dangerous and when her defenses are up only Jie could break them down. Waiting to strike her enemies with her revenge. Jie walks with her slowly and never abandons her no matter what. people from the past, family, and love rivals will try to break them apart but they hold each others hand and walk through the problem. The perfect man is not so perfect and the vicious woman is not so vicious they understand each other and accept flaws. He's gentle but gives off a cold vibe and she's loving but comes off as selfish and a villain. When they are together they seem like a bunny and a teddy bear yet in others eyes a snake and a cold aloof man.

ChaehyungLee · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Lina who was still waiting outside was about to leave

She takes her first step and hears the door swiftly open

Lina turns around to see Jie

Lina feels like she's in a daze looking at Jie

It was obvious Jie just had gotten out of the shower

He wore black pants with a white button-up shirt

The shirt he wore wasn't fully buttoned up leaving the first three buttons open

Along with that, he had wet messy hair which to Lina looked sexy

Lina just wanted to stare at him




Lina hears a voice and snaps out of it


"Lina you were staring"

"oh-, sorry"

"Oh I don't mind, but it's cold outside come in"

Jie pulls Lina into the house

Lina stares in awe to the gorgeously decorated house

The couple makes their way into the living room where the sweets have been prepared

They sit down and chat a little and without noticing anything is wrong Jie

feeds Lina every once in a while throughout their whole time talking

Lina eats the sweets delightfully and doesn't question it

Jie was caring for her as a loving husband would


After it was getting late Lina and Jie decided to have dinner together

"Oh! I almost forgot I have a gift for you"


Lina takes out a box from her bag and hands it to him

Jie opens it "I love it" and smiles warmly to Lina

"wear it at the party" Lina smile back at him

"I also have a gift for you," Jie says

"Wait here for a moment"

Jie runs upstairs to get the gift


5 minutes later


Jie comes back down

Sitting down with Lina Jie pulls a small box behind his back

"I know you don't wanna get married yet but I would love to be there with you all the time"

Jie says while opening the small box

There were two rings inside one was for her

the one that was for her had a small diamond that fit the ring not too extravagant

"Lina you are beautiful and someday when you are ready to marry me I would gladly call you my wife"

"But for now be my girlfriend-" Jie was interrupted by a sudden kiss

Soft lips Jie was shocked

Lina was kissing him soon they could finally be one

Jie kissed back not wanting to stop

Lina then pulled back to catch her breath

Jie was surprised by Lina's sudden kiss

Jie then grabbed Lina's hand and slowly slid the ring on her finger

and then put his on

"We are officially dating," Jie said as he gave her a quick kiss

Lina was blushing like crazy she was embarrassed that out of nowhere she kissed him

Jie grabs Lina and pulls her into his arms gently

"Let's stay like this for a minute my love," Jie says lovingly

"Your such a teddy bear, I love you regardless though"

"I love you too"

The couple smiles and holds each other

sitting there just like a married couple

they soon drift to sleep in each other's arms neither one wanting to let go

afraid of the other leaving and never coming back