
The Stray Path

Where am I? Land of fire? Why are my eyes so different from most people? Why does my body hurt so bad? What happens when a man from modern day earth falls between dimensions and ends up in the world of Naruto? With my special Kekkei Genkais I’ll make my way through this cruel world. I do not own the characters or items in this story. I’m doing this for the competition. Hopefully it make me want to write again as well. I took some liberties with some abilities since they aren’t defined very well in canon.

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12 Chs

Mission (3)

As we enter the last city of our trip I notice the amount of people is about 10 now. This may be the last chance of rest we may get for a week. Ino and I end up spending the days together. On the first day we sold the rest of the wood. We ended up with 122,150 Ryo. Due to how large the tree logs are, people are willing to spend lots of money on them. It also helps quite a bit that someone gave a rumor to the children of a massive deal for Konoha wood in the capital. The kids naturally blew it out of proportion. The fact a large caravan was heading toward the capital filled with wood made the rumor feel more real. Now with the last half of the wood sold I'm done with my business.

With how easy it is to use modern methods of advertising in this world I may start my own business. Maybe I can make a corporation? I throw these thoughts to the back of my mind for now. Since the first day was spent on the wood selling again I promised Ino that we can do what ever she wanted the next day. she also earned quite a bit selling stuff with me though so she seemed happy. I have her 15,000 Ryo. May seem like a lot but she worked hard for a kid.

We ended up walking around town trying foods and seeing the crafts they had. One of the stores sold clothes. Ino ended up getting me to buy a few outfits for me since I had some dull cheap ones. I never really spent much on clothes as I felt being presentable was enough. I must say though I feel like I look nice in them. One was a a white kimono with black and blue edges, a black obi belt with azure tomoe on it. The next outfit was a blue zip up hoodie with a black undershirt, and a black pants. The last was another hoodie that Ino bought me because she felt it'd be funny to see me wear. It was red with cat ears on the hood.she paired it with a scarf. I first though it was a females hoodie, but when I look closer it was indeed a man's. I can already feel the jokes coming when I'm inevitably forced to wear it near the others. In fact, due to a loss of rock paper scissors, it's the one I'm currently wearing. It's also the one that's led to or current scenario.

"If you two cuties as up for it you can hang out with us. My fathers a merchant on his way to make a hundred million Ryo on a contract in the capital. So if you stick with us we may even buy you something nice." A boy not to much older than us was bragging to us. His three other friends hung around or right side and our back. The only was out would be to my left. That led to a deserted alleyway. Even if I felt confident I could beat them, I didn't want to jeopardize the mission. The one that has been bragging non stop for that last 5 minutes shifted from Ino,who was standing in front of me glaring and berating him for being an idiot, to me. Apparently I'm to his fancy as he stares at me with obvious wanting.

"Out of our way. You're out of you league jerk." Ino was saying. "What makes you think we'd want your hideous friends or you." This seemed to annoy him.

"Fine then leave your friend and beat it blondie. I was only being nice to you because you were friends." The leader of the group said angry. The 4 of them started to get aggressive.

"YOU!" Ino was about to fight them. I put my hand on her shoulder to stop her from beating the poor kid up.

"It's getting late we should go back to father now." This seemed to get her to remember why we were here. She's smart enough to know what she can and can't do for the mission. One of the other boys grabbed my arm. "Also boy. I hope you know I'm also a make."

"L-lies." The leader of the group though I was making stuff up to get out of this situation. I shrugged the fat boys hand off my arm as I pulled Ino away by the hand. Weaving through the crowd I hear the one guy become aware I just left and order his "friends" to chase after us. We quickly got to the inn as I let go of Inos hand. She seemed off slightly and she was blushing slightly.

"We shouldn't leave Asuma sensei's side on the carriage. If what he says is true then we'll see more of him." Ino snaps out of it and nods to what I say. As I expected Shikamaru seems to be holding in his laughter across the room from us. I figured this would happen.

The next day the large group stared to head towards the capital. On the 4th day the ninja made their move. They swarmed the carriage we were in before hand. I was inside the carriage watching the start their move with my eyes. I inherited a ability like the Hyugas in that I can see all around me. Mine is more powerful though. Going into chakra mode I send my orbs through the ground sneakily. I set traps for some of them and direct 2 of my orbs to the leader of them. His muscles and chakra pool are the strongest. As he's about to send a high tiered attack toward Shikamaru and Choji one of my orbs pop out of the ground and attempt to take him out. He's able to dodge the lethal hit. As he is trying to regain his balance my other orb comes out of the ground at takes out his heart. I was told if possible to always leave the head in good conditions so they could get info from it.

"What?!" This alerted the other ninja though as the app started their attack. A cart on the right of the original cat was destroyed. The driver of it was seriously injured as he was bleeding out. This alerted the other carriages. The sent out their mercenaries to attack. Of the first wave of allies only 6 survived. This made the others cautious. Thankfully we ended up picking up this many merchants in our group. It was a good distraction. I was able to take out four more of the 10 ninja using surprise attacks.

I got one who landed on a tree by shooting it through his foot up his body. Another I got by hitting him in the spine. The mercenary finished him off. Another got his in the head while fighting 4 mercenaries. And the last I got by hitting him in the stomach. He is bleeding out in the tall grass. Shikamaru catches one of the guys in in his shadow imitation technique. I swiftly finish him off with an orb. Ino takes over one of the ninja with her mind transfer technique and ctaches one of his allies by surprise. I have 3 of orbs encase the one Ino captured as Choji ties him up. The two alive are the one in the tall grass and the one who got stabbed in the back. Choji and Shikamaru tie them both of them up and throw them in the back of their carriage. Smelling another opportunity to earn money I place some of our food supply against the wall where you could see out the front of the carriage. It just so happened to also cover the hidden latch. I open up the cloth to the front and the back and offer a ride to some of the merchants who lost their cart. Of the 17 that left the last city, only 8 of them remain operational. It just so happens that of the destroyed carts one belonged to the kid that got all grabby with me and Ino. I'm not normally petty, but I can justify being so this

time. The father was very angry at the kid.

I ended up with another 26,000 Ryo which I spread between me, sensei, and Ino. The cart barely fit the people so I sat up front with Asuma. Ino joined soon afterwards. The carts moved relatively fast. This made it hard to keep up with it if you were to walk next to it. Watching the kid run after the carriages was very pleasant.

I cooked for the people who joined my carriage. It was a moderately pleasant trip afterwards to the capital. The prisoners attempted escape a few times. The one I hit with my orb died the day after the attack.

Sorry about being late. I’m going to start a schedule after the competition is done.

I want this to be more slice of life than action. Tell me what you think.

I can explain the ploy in a separate chapter if you want.

Remember if you like the story to vote with powerstones and add it to your library.

Comment on what you’d like to see.

Ps: I don’t know any of the side characters well enough to match them perfectly to the anime. So their personalities might be a bit different.

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