
The Stray Path

Where am I? Land of fire? Why are my eyes so different from most people? Why does my body hurt so bad? What happens when a man from modern day earth falls between dimensions and ends up in the world of Naruto? With my special Kekkei Genkais I’ll make my way through this cruel world. I do not own the characters or items in this story. I’m doing this for the competition. Hopefully it make me want to write again as well. I took some liberties with some abilities since they aren’t defined very well in canon.

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12 Chs

Inner Force

"Why am I being pushed back so easily? I'm fast and have a stronger defense. The only thing he has on me is attack power. I must hurry." Many thoughts ran through my head. I get distracted a moment after hearing Choji cry out. He was launched into a tree. After a split second of distraction I too am launched into a tree.


The tree I'm launched into dents. I try getting up but my body isn't working easily due to the pain. I would have been dead if it was not for my chakra cloak. Looking over the ground that has been destroyed due to our fight the man sighs.

"If I didn't have to kill you guys, I woulda loved to try and make you join us. Too bad though. Maybe next time." He walks over to me ready to finish me off.

"No. Nono no. I can't die like this." I scream mentally. All of a sudden I feel like everything in the world stops and I'm back into the void I was in before I was born. Watching forward constant scenes play. I watch giant-stars condense into black hole. I see giant stars burst out going super nova. Planets are formed. Planets break apart. All these scenes fly through my eyes. As I'm watching it information slowly forms in my head. In what seems like years, if not decades, it all stops. I full understand what is happening. I close my eyes and accept what's happening.

When I open them everything returns to what it was before, but the man is standing above me swinging down is kunai. I unleash the power inside of me as a gravitational force of extreme magnitude hits the man. He is launch upwards. Higher and higher he flies. The ground and trees around me shatter as well. Even Asuma who is fighting a bit far off is affected. I'm left there floating in the middle of a crater. Ino, shoji, and Shikamaru are hit by it too. The are injured but stand up fine after a few minutes. The ninja the were fighting unluckily ends up pierced by a tree through his stomach. He isn't instantly killed so he is hanging there screaming. Slowly the push I've launched lessens. I slowly land on the ground. i reach up my hand in the direction of the guy shot straight up in the air and activate my pull. The rest is history for him. Soon Asuma runs over after finishing off the guy who he was fighting and another man who ambushed him.

"What happened here?" The four of us are sitting under a tree battered. Soon we set out on the move again. After a few hours we meet some AMBU. Apparently the sound was so loud that this squad who was working in this area many kilometers away heard it. They end up escorting is back after Asuma tells them about the importance of our mission. We get back with no problems occurring. The first thing that happening is that we are escorted to the homages office to deliver the letter.

While walking out the building Choji says, "that could have gone better." The fact we were ambushed so much the Hokage move the difficulty up to B+ and separated the two segments into two different quest. Needless to say we ended up with a hefty reward. Ino and I came out like kings due to the rewards and the profit we gained.

"Let's go eat something nice." I state everyone agreed almost at the same time. One person was quicker that the others by a long shot. We're going to ignore that though... damned fatty.

While we're finishing up our bbq and leaving, Asuma calls out to me to come with him. We end up at his estate.

"What did you do?" He asked. "And don't act confused we both know what we're talking about." I sigh.

"Well in the spur of the moment I awoken another of my abilities. It deals with gravitational forces. I can make myself the point of a massive push or pull. Or if I practice I'm sure I can make a tree or person the center of a push or pull." I state. Asuma's brows furrow.

"Show me." He states. I toss a kunai in the yard haphazardly and activate my pull. The kunai flys towards me. So does some rocks.

"If I push," I use push as I say this. The rock and kunai moving towards me fly quickly toward a large rock in his yard. The rocks hit the larger one and burrow into it due to the force. The kunai ends up down to the handle and is stuck in it permanently. He's pretty speechless now.

It’s going to be typically 700-1000 words now.

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