
The Strategist: Genius Prince and his Venomous Consort

An unfavored Prince and a sickly daughter of a Prime Minister were brought together by a marriage bestowed by the Emperor. . . . Yan Xing, the Fifth Prince of the Yan Empire was born premature and was said to be an impotent prince. Zhao Ling, the Second Miss of the Prime Minister's household was said to be a sickly lady who couldn't be able to bear a child because of her weak body constitution. A Perfect Match! The whole empire was in clamor when the Imperial edict about the marriage was announced. "Truly a match made in heaven" "The spring night is out of reach for them. haha" "Both of them will be a short-lived ghosts. At least they can accompany each other when going down the yellow river" ........... The Wedding Night. Zhao Ling glared at the man who was pressing her on the bed, "Aren't you impotent!" Yan Xing smirked looking down at the beauty, "well, aren't you a weak and sickly lady too! How comes you are as strong as a bull?" ........... What secrets do both of them hold beneath their weak appearance? ___________ The cover art doesn't belong to me, Credits to the rightful owner. If you are the owner and want me to take it down, please comment.

Dumpling_Aunt · History
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169 Chs

Chapter 22 Message from the Black Sparrow

Zhao Ling watched the servants carry the betrothal gifts into her courtyard. She had a languid expression on her face and was sitting on the wicker chair.

Murong Xue and He Qing stood behind her, acting like well-behaved maids. They knew that Zhao Ling was thinking about some things so, they didn't dare to disturb her.

Yan Xing's actions today had made Zhao Ling to pay attention to him seriously. Sending a grand betrothal gift and acting familiar with an infatuated look in his eyes, Zhao Ling didn't believe Yan Xing was really into her. The onlookers might believe that Yan Xing had fallen for her, but she is not a fool and this trick cannot bamboozle her.

She knew that Yan Xing's had his reasons for doing this, and his actions today further confirm her suspicions.

The Fifth Prince was not a soft persimmon as everyone thinks!

After the servants left the courtyard, Murong Xue and He Qing who were standing obediently beside Zhao Ling immediately came in front of her and sat down staring at her.

Noticing their movements, Zhao Ling chuckled and asked, "Tired of pretending to be my maids?"

The two girls immediately shook their heads like a rattle drum.


"We are curious", Murong Xue said,

"Yes, Senior Sister, what did you figure out?" He Qing asked.

Zhao Ling knew what they were asking. Both of them were bemused by Yan Xing's actions, too.

"He is just another human pretending to be a pig to eat tigers", Zhao Ling snickered.

"Just like us, he too wants to take advantage of this marriage bestowed by the Emperor", Zhao Ling said with a tinge of amusement in her tone.

The next day, in the Fifth Prince's mansion, Jingsheng stood before Yan Xing with his head lowered. He was too ashamed to lift his head to face Yan Xing. He was given one day time to figure it out on his own, but he failed to comprehend Yan Xing's action.

Yan Xing looked at dejected Jingsheng and sighed. Hearing Yan Xing's sigh, Jingsheng was even more dejected.

"This Prince sending such a grand betrothal gift and being infatuated with the Second Young Miss of the Zhao family had become the dinner table gossip. Why am I doing this? To fool the Emperor of course", Yan Xing said, spreading his arms open.

Jingsheng was finally enlightened. He raised his head and asked, "So that he will believe that you are into Second Miss Zhao and let down his guard against you?"

Yan Xing laughed and said, "Little brother, you are finally enlightened, ah…"

Jingsheng couldn't understand why the Emperor was so guarded against Yan Xing and doesn't favor him. Twenty-five years ago, it was General Xiao who saved his life so, why?

Even though he and Yan Xing were close like blood brothers, there are some things he is not aware of, and he would rather not poke the sore spot of Yan Xing by asking him.

The secrets of the imperial family cannot be casually probed by just anyone.

Suddenly, a black sparrow flew inside the study and landed on Yan Xing's shoulder. Both Yan Xing and Jingsheng's expressions turned solemn the moment they saw the black sparrow.

"An Emergency!", uttered Jingsheng.

Yan Xing quickly found the letter inside the sparrow's feather and opened it to read. His expression turned grave and handed the letter over to Jingsheng. Yan Xing opened the wooden cabinet in the study and rummaged through it.

"Summon all the shadow guards, we are heading out right now", ordered Yan Xing in an authoritative tone.

"Yes, Your Highness", Jingsheng quickly collected himself and burned the letter before heading out.

Within the time, it takes to make a cup of tea, all the shadow guards stood straight in front of Yan Xing.

Yan Xing had changed into a black combat suit and was wearing a black mask covering his entire face. Only his pitch-black eyes could be seen.

"This Prince just received a message from the black sparrow just now, and it was from Elder Hu, the remnants of 'that sect' had appeared outside the Hua City, and they are stirring something big this time so, we will be heading out right now. All of you should take different routes and try to reach the outskirts of the Hua city by tomorrow morning to avoid attracting unnecessary attention. Xiao Yi, Xiao Er, both of you will go with me".

There were ten shadow guards under Yan Xing and all of them changed their expressions when Yan Xing mentioned the remnants of 'that sect'.

All of them left the Fifth Prince's mansion stealthily, and soon they were on the roads riding the fastest horse.

"Senior brother, for Elder Hu to ask our help this time, the situation doesn't seem to be trivial", Jingsheng said. He had changed the way he addressed Yan Xing.

"The appearance of the Green Cloud Qin and the incident that happened outside the Lan City a few days back says that they are planning to make a big move this time. After waiting for a hundred years, they are finally running out of patience", Yan Xing said in a solemn tone.

"What about Venerable Wang? Whose side does senior brother think he belongs to?", Jingsheng couldn't help but think about Venerable Wang wanting to obtain the Green Cloud Qin.

"Venerable Wang intending to obtain the Green Cloud Qin this time publicly is another way of reminding the people that the remnants of 'that sect' are finally making a move. He should be on our side". Yan Xing said.

Venerable Wang is a mysterious existence and his involvement in this matter made Yan Xing guess that he might belong to the organization that is acting as a guardian against those remnants.

The Medicine Valley!

He didn't tell Jingsheng about this because he wasn't hundred percent certain of his guess. If Venerable Wang is a member of the Medicine Valley, then they might need to work together in the future. And his status in the Medicine Valley shouldn't be low.

In the Guanyin temple outside the capital, Zhao Ling stood in front of the monk wearing a fiery red dress and a veil.

"I am going there to eliminate the evils and accumulate merits, Master, take care of the children"


A/N: Let's go to Hua city for a thrilling adventure. Raise your hand if you are coming along


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