
The Strategist: Genius Prince and his Venomous Consort

An unfavored Prince and a sickly daughter of a Prime Minister were brought together by a marriage bestowed by the Emperor. . . . Yan Xing, the Fifth Prince of the Yan Empire was born premature and was said to be an impotent prince. Zhao Ling, the Second Miss of the Prime Minister's household was said to be a sickly lady who couldn't be able to bear a child because of her weak body constitution. A Perfect Match! The whole empire was in clamor when the Imperial edict about the marriage was announced. "Truly a match made in heaven" "The spring night is out of reach for them. haha" "Both of them will be a short-lived ghosts. At least they can accompany each other when going down the yellow river" ........... The Wedding Night. Zhao Ling glared at the man who was pressing her on the bed, "Aren't you impotent!" Yan Xing smirked looking down at the beauty, "well, aren't you a weak and sickly lady too! How comes you are as strong as a bull?" ........... What secrets do both of them hold beneath their weak appearance? ___________ The cover art doesn't belong to me, Credits to the rightful owner. If you are the owner and want me to take it down, please comment.

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Chapter 21 Infatuated Yan Xing

"What about the regeneration ointment from the Immortal's Touch Pavilion that can heal any type of scar?" Yan Xing asked, looking at Venerable Wang.

Zhao Chuan and Concubine Mu too looked at Venerable Wang expecting a positive reply.

Venerable Wang curled his lips upwards and said in a rather pompous tone, "Do you think this Venerable one had not heard about regeneration ointment. If I say, the scars will remain means the scar cannot be treated by any kind of medicine. There is no remedy for the scar caused by the Corpse disease, and the regeneration ointment of the Immortal's Touch Pavilion is no exception".

Zhao Chuan was worried that Venerable Wang might offend the Fifth Prince, so he hurriedly came forward and said, "Master Wang, this is His Highness the Fifth Prince"

"Your Highness, this is the famous Divine Doctor Venerable Wang"

Yan Xing nodded his head in greeting with a polite expression and said, "I have heard of Master Wang's unparalleled skill in the art of healing, meeting you here in person today had further alleviated your status in my heart"

Venerable Wang lightly nodded his head too and looking into Yan Xing's deep black eyes, he replied, "Thank you for thinking highly of me Your Highness, I have also heard about the Fifth Prince's condition. Since fate has brought us together here, I can check on Your Highness Condition too, after all, it concerns the happiness of Your Highness and his future consort".

A playful smile sat on Venerable Wang's lips as he looked at Yan Xing and Zhao Ling. 

Yan Xing was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Venerable Wang to say that to him. Although Venerable Wang had a playful smile on his lips, Yan Xing felt a trace of hostility in his words. 

Zhao Ling's lips twitched when she heard the words Venerable Wang said, and she slowly raised her head and looked at the red figure.

"Many thanks for your concern Master Wang but not today", replied Yan Xing with a smirk.

Beads of cold sweat formed on Zhao Chuan's forehead. If both Venerable Wang and Fifth Prince Yan Xing were to turn hostile against each other in his home, then, he is done for. He didn't dare to offend the two great Buddhas, so after contemplating for a while, he gritted his teeth and in a low voice he asked, "Master Wang, my daughter...."

Venerable Wang waved his hand and said, "Don't worry Prime Minister Zhao, your daughter will be fine"

After saying that, he took out a small porcelain bottle from his sleeve containing five pills. He fed one pill to Zhao Yue and handed the rest to Zhao Chuan. "One pill every day and after four days I will come back"

Zhao Chuan held the porcelain bottle tightly and bowed down towards Venerable Wang. "Thank you, Master Wang, this favor of yours will not be forgotten"

Concubine Mu too followed her husband and bowed down. "Thank you, Master Wang, we are truly grateful to you"

Venerable Wang waved his hand impatiently and said, "What are you guys thanking me for? It's not like I am doing this for free. After I heal your daughter completely, Prime Minister Zhao should not go back on your words and hand me the Green Cloud Qin as you have promised".

Zhao Chuan nodded his head and said, "Of course, I will not go back on my words. Rest assured, Master Wang".

"Then, I will be taking my leave now"

After Venerable Wang left, Yan Xing turned his head towards Zhao Ling and said, "Ling'er, this Prince will be taking his leave too. Aren't you going to see me out".

"Your highness, why don't you stay back for the lunch?" Zhao Chuan proposed.

"This Prince has some matters to attend to", Yan Xing replied, with his eyes fixed on Zhao Ling. The onlookers thought that Prince Yan Xing was infatuated with the Second Miss Zhao.

Zhao Ling almost choked on the word 'Ling'er' uttered by Yan Xing. She didn't understand why Yan Xing was suddenly acting familiar with her, and he even change the way he addressed her.

Since Yan Xing doesn't want to stay back, Zhao Chuan could only send him away regretfully. He looked at his second daughter and said, "Then, Ling'er should go and see His Highness out".

Left with no option, Zhao Ling had to see Yan Xing out. 

A smile that held a trace of laughter bloomed on Yan Xing's face when he noticed the unwillingness in Zhao Ling's eyes.

"Ling'er, you should take care of your body. This Prince had included many kinds of tonics in the betrothal gifts that can help nourish the body. Don't forget to take it", Yan Xing said as they walked out.

Zhao Ling lowered her head bashfully and replied, "Many thanks to Your Highness for your concern"

"Between you and me, what is there to thank about, after all, we will soon be husband and wife" Yan Xing turned his head and looked at Zhao Ling as he said.  

Zhao Ling rolled her eyes inwardly. The more she interacted with Yan Xing, the more she realized how much of a thick skin the Fifth Prince Yan Xing is. She had a feeling that the useless Prince of the Yan Empire is more than it meets the eye.

Zhao Ling tactfully remained silent the entire way.

"Your Highness, be careful on the way", Zhao Ling said.

Yan Xing entered the carriage and bid goodbye to Zhao Ling.

Inside the carriage, Yan Xing still had a carefree smile plastered on his face.

"Spit out", Yan Xing said.

"Huh!", Jingsheng exclaimed.

"Stop twisting your face and say. You have been looking at me for who knows how long now. Or are you simply admiring my handsome face", Yan Xing said with a trace of laughter in his tone.


Jingsheng choked on his saliva hearing that. After chugging down a cup of water, Jingsheng said, "Your Highness, please stop joking".

Jingsheng turned serious and continued, "I just don't understand why Your Highness gave so many expensive things and rare medicinal herbs and tonics to Second Miss Zhao as part of betrothal gifts. The betrothal gift was so grand and by now the news might have reached every nook and corner of the capital. And the way you look and interact with her made the onlookers believe that you are infatuated with her. It's not like you are really into her".


 Yan Xing clicked his tongue and said, "Little brother, you still have so many things to learn ahh. You don't seem to understand my intentions".


"Think about it yourself. I will give you one day"

"Not again….ah.!!"

Jingsheng's aggrieved voice echoed in the streets as the carriage made its way to the center of the capital.


A/N: I will give you one day. Guess??



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