
The Story of Yu Feng

Yu Feng was a street thief with a reputation as 'the thief who has never gotten caught'. Until that one day... Her capture threatened her to work for him. Her task? To carry messages and deliver them to each receiver—she became a runner. The seventh prince, Prince Yi was fighting against time as they are trying to find evidence of the enemy trying to assassinate the Emperor. However, recently most of his messenger never reached their destination and this has caused them a huge loss. This was why he needed someone who knew the Capital City's streets and shortcuts to help him. When Prince Yi found out his runner's identity, he was delighted! But once Yu Feng found out the identity of the man she was working for, she tried to escape. “Yu Feng, you dare to run away from me. This Prince had caught you once. Believe me when I say that I will catch you again.” --- This story is written to participate in WPC 137: Catch Me If You Can --- Cover illustration: kirinlukis ---

zetsubouaichan · History
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423 Chs

News From the Northeast

Nanny Guan and the others stayed in Daqi for almost a week. Each day, Yu Feng would visit Nanny Guan to listen to stories about her grandmother. It seemed that there were a lot of things that Yu Feng had forgotten about.

On the day that her guests were leaving, Yu Feng went to see Nanny Guan again. The two of them exchanged a few words and promised to write letters to each other.

Her heart turned heavy she watched Nanny Guan got on the carriage to leave.

Just then, Dong Jie stopped in front of her and hesitated. Seeing the look on his face, Yu Feng immediately guessed that he had something to say. "What's wrong? You have something to say to me?"

Dong Jie nodded slowly. "Young Miss, last night, I seemed to recall something. I don't know if this is important or if it was related to what happened to your family," Dong Jie spoke. "But after mentioning this to my father, he said that it's best if I let you know."