
The Story of the Ultimate Legend

In a different world,Daniel Sterling, an orphan gets a legendary power and a saint weapon; the all powerful weapon created by God to stop Lucifer after rebelling against him. God creates six of the weapons and somehow, Lucifer and his highly powerful nemesis manages to corrupt a saint weapon user to destroy the Multiverse. With Daniel having the most powerful saint weapon, he must rally the other saint weapons( whether corrupted or not ) to join forces with him to defeat the first corrupted saint weapon. Daniel was also now the boyfriend of the famous footballer Rahem Sterling. He must work hard to provide some cash to prove he is worthy of the rich footballer sister's love. Unlocking new powers and reaching new heights, he did defeats the corrupted saint weapon by making the user join his side. Lucifer and his accomplice has produced the Multiverse's worst nightmare in order to destroy the saint weapons and rule the world. With a new threat, is Daniel willing to put his love life and his normal life aside or will the task be too overwhelming for him? You've got to find out for yourself. ______________________________________ My name is Gideon Larbi or you can address me as the Reverse Author. I wrote this book. I just wonna say that some of the contents are from other creators, it's just that I borrowed them with the intention of bettering my story. I am kinna a copy cat but a good one for that matter. I apologise to ever writer I will be stealing their hand work from because I am just trying to make it better.

Gideon_Larbi · Sci-fi
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: The accident that occurred just before he begin his training: The save from the pervert.

[ Around 3:30am,the next day]

Daniel woke up this early to see his new girlfriend Stella glued to his body. He smiled sheepishly and slowly, stealthily removed Stella's hands around. He kissed her mouth and breasts gently and a smile pops up on her face. Almost losing hope that his plans would be failing, he gently rocked her to sleep while putting his pillow around Stella's arms so she won't notice that he is gone.

Daniel had a grin on his face after, took his clothes which was scattered all over the room and sneaked out of the room. He tiptoed his way to his room made a sigh of relief. He quickly went straight to the bathroom in his room, took his bath, dressed and headed down stairs to the kitchen.

He wore an original Gucci T-shirt, with a'' DS'' initial gold chain, a cute camo shorts with red Nike Air Force One sneakers. He prayed to God to give enough strength to be able to withstand any evil and calamity that stands in his way as the Multiverse Hero. Daniel was not that religious, but he said that he knew God, went to church once in a blue moon but he just had trouble following God's rules. He smiled remembering that he had just broken one of the rules after recalling the events of last night.

"I know God doesn't like that but now I'm her boyfriend now that's not gonna be a problem for me considering that we just gonna do this more often", he thought with a sinister grin on his face.

He went to the kitchen, put on some aprons and made some waffles and pancakes. He put some blueberry syrup, vanilla essence and maple syrup all over it for his dear. He wanted to put whipped cream and fresh fruits like strawberry and blueberries on top of it but since he would leave early he didn't. Instead he had the idea of leaving it in a microwave with a note he would be writing to paste on the fridge. He dished out his and his dear's food on plates, placed her own in the microwave and ate his own. He later washed his plate after eating, and headed p

back to his bedroom for a pen and a sticky notepad to write his later which read:


I hope you enjoyed me last night. To tell you the truth you light my body on fire last night. Now as my girlfriend, as I promise that I will never break the trust bond you have for me. I know that my risk might prevent me partly but just know that no matter how many girls I sleep with, know that you are the only one I truly love and no one, and I mean no one else can do anything about that. As much as I would stay here and spend the day with you, I need to do some stuff to start my vision of making our lives more lively and luxurious, you can call it preparations but when it's time I will tell you the details.

Now as a treat, I've prepared you breakfast that you would like. It's in the microwave and please heat it up because it is cold and I woke up early to prepare it so please enjoy it.

PS:If you want to get more delight in my food, eat it with the strawberries and blueberries with whipped cream on top of it. While doing so, try to recap our love making last night and you will enjoy it so much better.




He smiled then chuckled into a grin as he finishes writing the letter and pastes it on the fridge. He put on a small gold pullover because he had presumed that it would be nippy outside. He walked out of the door after descending the stairs to the living room getting past it. He took the six small steps to the ground as he smiled looking behind him. He saw the six cars in the garage before walking out of the remote control gates.

He puts on the hood on the pullover off and puts his hands in his pocket to keep him warm. Just there , he came across a beautiful woman jogging past him. He greeted the woman and the woman winked back at time. His eyes quickly move to her breast section to see her breasts hopping up and down. He quickly removed his gaze of that part of her. She jogged past her to meet some rapists on the pavement.

"Halo Suga", a man wearing a black mask pushed her to a corner.

"Wow look at those fine tits jiggling up and down", he said as he held her throat dragging her to a nearby alley. He tried to touch her breast but she quickly smacked his hands off.

"Let me go! , Let me go!, You pervert...",she screamed.

"No one is gonna save you from my dick now.", he said trying to unbuckle his belt. The woman was screaming for help but no one was on the street except for them.

"I've got to save her.", Daniel thought. He rushed to the scene with a flying punch landing into the rapist's face. The rapist let go of her neck.

"The woman said let go of her you freakin bastard!", Daniel stated as he lunged on him raining punches on him. After, Daniel got off him and went over to her ," Madam are you okay", he asked.

"I'm alright , thanks for saving me, that guy always tryna rape me for the past two days", she answered.

"Why haven't you gotten help yet?", he asked again.

"Well, I did get help but the police thought I was making things up so I gave up", she answered.

All of a sudden, the attempted rapist took off his mask to reveal his bloody busted face.

"You are trying to take her away from me, she's mine", the guy exclaimed.

"You don't own her body so stop being a jerk. If you like her just tell her you like her and stop being a pervert", Daniel yelled out.

He didn't even listen and began to remove his trousers, Daniel told the woman who was beside him to close his eyes.

Daniel nearly fainted when he saw his dick. His dick was enlarging and stretching like a long robe.

"I will show you my power.", the rapist stated. All of a sudden, he lassoed his dick around Daniel and was using it to squeeze the breath out of Daniel. He was about to make another attempt on the woman when all of a sudden, he felt his dick getting hot. He looked only to see Daniel who has held his dick with fire spreading to the base of his dick. He screamed in fear and pain as the temperature of the fire was increasing rapidly. Daniel burnt his dick until the rapist gave up and fell unconscious on the floor. After, Daniel scooped the woman's body and walked out of the alley.

" Madam, you can open your eyes now", he said as the woman opened her eyes to see her dreamy hero smiling at her.

"What's your name princess?", Daniel asked the woman before putting her down.

"My name is Caroline Pascal and you are...my hero", she stated.

"Mmm..., My name is Daniel Sterling", he answered.

"Well, thanks Daniel for helping me with that jerk", she said.

"No problem", he said knowing that the reason why he saved Caroline was to get a closer look at her huge breasts.

Caroline was practically a MILF. She was fair in complexion,looked early thirties, huge tits, perfect shape, blue pupil eyes, the woman looked amazing in the jogging attaire.

"Is that your house?", Caroline asked pointing to his home which was not far from where they were standing.

"Yes...", he answered rubbing the back of his head in shyness.

"I never expected a boy like you to live in a huge mansion like that.", she said.

Daniel didn't have an answer for that because he knew who actually use money to build it.

" Why don't I walk, you to your house, for extra protection and company.", he asked.

" Sure, only if you can keep up", she said while jogging past him.

"Really", he giggled as he jogged past her.

"It's on Daniel Sterling!", she stated while trying to put up some competition.

It turned to a race which Daniel won jogging past, The Super Hotel, a luxurious and expensive, apparently where she lived.

"Yo Daniel, I live here", she called out from afar. Upon hearing her voice, Daniel quickly jogged back infront of her.

"Well, this is where I live", she said pointing the hotel. Daniel nearly lost his breathe, completely taken by surprise.

"Well won't you come inside" she said almost reaching out for the huge glass doors.

"Can't come today, I've got be somewhere", he said also frowned that he would be missing this opportunity to see huge breasts up and close in person.

"Don't worry, Miss Caroline, If you're going for jogging you can pass by my house so we can jog together as friends", Daniel continued.

Immediately after finishing his speech, he received a warm embrace from Daniel.

"Don't worry Daniel, we are now friends so I will definitely come and visit", she stated. She handed him her business card which said that she was a lawyer who owned a law- firm nearby.

"So you are the Lawyer Pascal who has taken the country by storm hah... I never knew I was jogging with a celebrity", Daniel said as he glanced at the card handed to him and smiled.

"Yep, that's me", she blushed.

"Cool", Daniel said as he was still glancing at her boobs. Daniel had heard about her on the news the other day but had not seen her up close. It was said on the news that he had taken justice to a whole new level. She has taken over 400 cases and won all of them.

"As much as I would like to get to know you more, might be late to where I am going", Daniel continued.

"Don't worry Daniel, we can socialize some other time. I owe you one so if you need anything please call me so I can come to your aid. Once again, thanks for saving me today...", she said as she hugged him again and kissed her on the cheek.

"See, you Daniel Sterling...", she said.

" Same , Miss Caroline Pascal. Goodbye", he said beginning to jog away from her. "Call me ", she exclaimed. "I will", Daniel answered while waving her from afar. He saw Caroline wave her back before entering the giant glass doors.

He quickly jogged his way through the streets still thinking about how he meet Caroline. He knew that he had to get to his fortress of solitude so that he can activate Lynx and let him teach him how to use his power. He walked for forty minutes before entering the Forest Reserve which led to his Fortress of Solitude.