
The Story Of The Mother Of Five Children

Fen, a housewife with 5 children who have not reached the age of maturity. While the husband only has the status of an honorary employee in a private office with a small salary. Their life is full of simplicity, makes them have to adopt a frugal life. The salary that her husband gets every month is completely insufficient for their needs. During holidays, sometimes if the weather is good, the husband forces himself to go out to sea. If lucky, then one family can eat fish caught by the head of the family. Meanwhile, every day, Fen can only sit at home and really is destined to take care of their household. Her two toddlers are fussy, making her often panic when doing homework, including making breakfast and the needs of three other children who are going to school. Two elementary school children. Every morning there was a commotion, at which time three of Fen's 5 children would go to school. Not to mention, the husband regularly wakes up late. Even though you have woken up, you will still be late for work.

chiavieth_annisa · History
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37 Chs

Chapter 25

The trial over the narcotic's case, that Era's husband was facing, ended up being jailed for several months. Era's life has become unstable since her husband stopped working. As a woman, of course, Era couldn't stand it if she just sat at home, lacking. Her parents mostly stayed at their plantation since Era's husband filed a case to cover his embarrassment.

David himself is now increasingly busy with many activities. Meanwhile, Femi is increasingly busy with writing novels and even writing articles on countless media and platforms. This is enough to make his precious time make money, even if it's just pennies.

That morning, Era came to her house with a hopeful face and very ordinary clothes, with a T-shirt and knee-length shorts. At that time, Fen, who was frying potatoes for her children's snacks, heard something like the sound of footsteps heading towards the entrance. Hearing that voice, Fen immediately left her cooking, and headed for the entrance.

His eyes almost widened in shock at what had just happened. "No, maybe! I must have seen it wrong. You must only look like Era, right?" Femi opened her eyes wide to make sure who came to her house that day.

"Sis Fen, you don't need to overdo it, it's really me sis, you don't even know your sister-in-law, you're so arrogant." Era's face looked disappointed with the attitude of her brother-in-law.

What? Now he calls brother? It was the first time I heard her and felt her as a sister-in-law. That's ridiculous!

Femi really wants to spit, if only she didn't have a heart, potentially she would kick out the brother-in-law who doesn't know what luck is.

Want to get angry? Actually, he did, and he had to cancel it because he remembered Era's fate.

As sister-in-law, Fen still ordered her to enter her house, and told her to eat what was in the dining room. I don't know if Fen feels sorry for her current sister-in-law. Potentially he can't afford his expensive clothes now? If so, then where were her clothes before this? Doesn't she really like shopping for countless things, spending her husband's money and draining Fen's parents-in-law's money because they are Era's parents?

Still a question for Fen. Without wanting to think about it, Fen returned to focusing on an existing screen. In front of her, it turns out that Fen already has several blogs as a place to share all the problems and obstacles in her life. Even though sporadically there are people who comment, to respect the opinion of each of these commenters, Fen replies to the message in smooth and polite language.

The more bad comments that came, Fen tried to smile tough because she would use those bad comments as a lesson. Errors in writing are often found by readers of the novel on several online platforms.

If you don't take the positives, maybe Fen won't last until now.

"Sis Fen," suddenly the voice managed to surprise him. Fen turned his head, stopped his typing, then looked at the figure that was approaching him. "Yes, what is up?" His answer sounded completely ignorant.

As soon as he arrived in front of her, Era immediately sat next to Fen typing. The hem of his shirt looks like he's been playing with it for fear that something unexpected will happen after that. "What are you doing, is there a problem?" Fen was curious about her sister-in-law's intentions and goals.

Mmm… "Um, can I learn from you? I also want to make money writing, just like you. It's not that hard, right? I guess I can too." He casually spoke like that.

Wanting to laugh, afraid of sinning, but how else can I answer it, Fen must tell the truth to her brother-in-law? "Fera, writing is easy. Even children who are still in kindergarten can do it. However, writing a story must have a story in the form of plots and important conflicts in the story. And it's not an easy thing to earn money instantly. I can honestly say that it will be very difficult if you don't like reading, even if you like reading, writing also has a technique, not just making empty stories without a core story to make the reader interested."

Fen folded her arms while explaining everything to Era. Her sister-in-law's face did not show the slightest expression of interest. How will you get money if you just listen to the explanation and don't care at all?

"I don't want to know anymore! Whatever, I'd better continue typing the manuscript that I still haven't sent today." Fen left his sister-in-law alone there.

Meanwhile, Era had secretly recorded every word her brother-in-law had said earlier. "I think I can use this as inspiration for a story that I will publish later." Ferra smiled slyly. "I have to find out the title of her novel. And I'm also smarter than Fen who pretends to patronize me in everything about writing. Just writing, that's all. Even though it's just an easy job, just type and upload."

Era then left with a cunning plan in mind.


Payday! Fen gasped in surprise when he opened the group message application for the authors on his cell phone. Everyone in the group was busy discussing their payment issues while writing the script. "Oh my god! I can't believe this. Finally, I'm getting commissions on my writing again. Thank God!"

The woman rubbed her chest, which did not stop beating because she was still surprised to know that. When Fen checked her account balance, she was quite proud of being able to earn income after struggling with her time and mind, which was drained because of it.

"Honey! Wake up! Take a look, the writing I sent was paid again. This is really an unexpected fortune." Fen shook her husband David's body so that he would wake up from his sleep.

However, for the third time, David did not want to be awakened. Fen felt disappointed, and chose to keep her joy alone. When he was about to turn around, David immediately pulled his hand and immediately made his wife fall.

Luckily, David's strong arms were ready to be his foundation. "You! You are too much, mas." Fen's fingers pointed to the face of the man who had the status of her husband.

David chuckled at his wife's face, which was red with emotion. "Hahahaha, you look like a clown like that. Don't think you'll be pretty with a frown on your face.