
The Story Of The Mother Of Five Children

Fen, a housewife with 5 children who have not reached the age of maturity. While the husband only has the status of an honorary employee in a private office with a small salary. Their life is full of simplicity, makes them have to adopt a frugal life. The salary that her husband gets every month is completely insufficient for their needs. During holidays, sometimes if the weather is good, the husband forces himself to go out to sea. If lucky, then one family can eat fish caught by the head of the family. Meanwhile, every day, Fen can only sit at home and really is destined to take care of their household. Her two toddlers are fussy, making her often panic when doing homework, including making breakfast and the needs of three other children who are going to school. Two elementary school children. Every morning there was a commotion, at which time three of Fen's 5 children would go to school. Not to mention, the husband regularly wakes up late. Even though you have woken up, you will still be late for work.

chiavieth_annisa · History
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37 Chs

Chapter 15 A photo

I heard they said you guys have reconciled. In that case, thank God. What now? Is your husband still abusing you?" Feni said while he was busy grinding chilies on a rolling pin.

Tika shook her head, "We have reconciled, but the atmosphere in the house was just like ice, very cold. Mas Jhonson didn't even want to say anything to me. Am I wrong in making the decision to divorce for the sake of a child? Long ago, I was actually very want to separate from her, but that's the reason now I have to survive in that house." said Tika with a sad face.

"Good idea, even if you divorce your husband, he will still be the father of your child. Even if you take him far away, it will still be like that." Feni explained stopping his activities for a moment.

Tika started to struggle with her work, "But, this is not what I want. I'm quite tired of living with Fen's in-laws, I just want to run away from there, and money isn't everything. I thought that by marrying him, my life could be better. But it turns out.. . This is really cruel."

You can see Tika's face is very depressed at this time. Feni feels that this is almost the same as her life. Oh, why in the world are there so many in-laws like that. This is too strange, are all in-laws not like their daughter-in-law.

"You have to be patient Tika, we both experience it. Living with your in-laws is very unpleasant. Even though it's only in this small hut, our life now isn't like it used to be. Whether we want to work or not, that's up to us. But what I'm complaining about is now it's something else. Our needs are never enough." Feni took a small note to the desk drawer around him.

"Now you see, I recorded all expenses this month. This is really beyond my control, every day something unexpected happens, and that's why money keeps getting used up, and just like that."

"....." Tika kept staring at the note."Oh yes, it looks like we have to finish this order soon. Look, it's already 12.00 noons. In a while, my children will be home from school."

Suddenly, there was a noise from the terrace of the house. Fen and Tina scattered out of there. "What happened?" Fen exclaimed, starting to panic.

A blonde-haired middle-aged woman was standing on the side of the road, right in front of Fen's selling hut. "Feni, where is Zika? Her child has been crying since earlier. Why hasn't she come home yet?" The woman's face looked furious.

Feni glanced at Tina who was hiding beside him. "Tika, your child is crying! Don't you feel sorry for him? He must be thirsty. Why didn't you bring him here?" Femi's voice was deliberately kept low so that no one else would hear it.

Hearing that Tina immediately came out of hiding, hearing her child cry, really made her feel sorry. Before leaving, he looked at Fen with a grimace face. "You don't go in yet, wait for me here." then he left from there, towards where his father-in-law was standing.

"Excuse me, ma'am, why don't you stop here first? We can chat a little here over a cup of tea." Fen greeted him kindly.

Unexpectedly, he even widened his eyes at Fen. "Don't you have work that deserves to be done? It's better to just finish work and take care of all your children. Don't try to talk to Tina all the time. She also has children to take care of. See, her child has been thirsty since earlier because of you. Too long to engage her in conversation. Like she was discussing business." he grumbled.

What? Fen was a bit emotional, hearing the accusation. But he tried to soften. "Sorry ma'am, I didn't invite her here. Tina came here herself, and we've only been cooking since earlier. You see, I entrusted my sales to school children to do this." Fen pointed at several packages that were ready to be delivered to the customer.

"There are some orders from the office for their meeting. So, you don't need to misunderstand me like that. There's still some left in the kitchen, and we'll share it, so Tina doesn't have to cook dinner at your house anymore." he continued.

There was no response from the woman, she was really arrogant. No wonder, Tina has so much trouble facing her in-laws, this is really similar to her in-laws.

The woman whose status is Tina's in-laws pulled her hand to go home. Femi ran to the kitchen, then came out after grabbing a plastic bag. "Tika… How about dinner for you guys?" Fen asked while showing a small package taken from the kitchen earlier.

His steps stopped, he turned towards Fen's place, who was returning to Fen's terrace. While his father-in-law looked furious at him from a distance.

"Hurry up a bit…! What time is it already? Don't you remember, my guest's schedule is coming up soon? Is that enough to serve all the guests' socialite ladies who will be arriving today?" His tone sounded mocking, but Tina did not pay attention to it.


At her house, Tina calls Alisha her eldest daughter. "Are you hungry already? I'm sorry mom left you for so long, but where's daddy?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

His eyes swept every room in the house. There was not the slightest figure of the husband he was looking for. Suddenly, his eyes saw something bright-colored, it was flickering non-stop. "Isn't that Johnson's cell phone?" He approached the object on the couch.

That's right, it's Johnson's cell phone. Tina opens the notification on the screen. His breath caught, as soon as he saw a post in the form of a photo that came from an unknown account. Tina covered her mouth, wanting to scream there, seeing the nasty photos on Johnson's cell phone.

"I have to make calculations with Mas Johnson. It turned out unexpectedly that he was playing with another woman. No wonder he almost strangled my neck at that time. Why didn't he just kill me right away." Tina squeezed the chair she was sitting on. The tears fell, and his cheeks were wet.

It is true that if her daughter Alisha had not appeared in front of them at that time, Tina might have fainted due to her husband's strong grip.

"Since when did you dare to touch my things…? You dare break the rules I made, huh?" The sound, suddenly, startled Tina.

Tika stared at the figure in front of her, then put down her child, who was still breastfeeding and stood straight in front of the man.Plank! A slap landed on Johnson's cheek. The man whose status is her husband looks angry while holding his cheek. "Hey! What are you doing? How dare you slap me?"

The man raised his hand, about to fly and wanted to reply to his wife. "Go ahead. If you want to reply, I'm not afraid at all. No wonder you are so cold to me. Without me knowing outside, you cheated on me. Right now, I want a divorce from you." The words just came out of his lips.
