
The Story Of The Black Angels

A mysterious town . Everyone knows the dangers of it . Dangers , in the form of anything and anyone . Everyone also knows that there are people to save them from the dangers . Angels , with amazing powers . However , their identities are unknown . Common people stay in their limits , don't show any unnecessary curiosity . Nothing matters as long as they are safe . It doesn't matter who is saving them . But ... Shouldn't they know the identity of their saviours .... .....or at least of their enemies ? How long will they live in legends ? Let this novel uncover the secrets of the town ..... ......... with the help of certain characters . Enilese has recently been added to the Angels group . She is always cheerful and friendly . She is the living embodiment of her Guardian Spirit . She has yet to know about their group's past , enemies and of course the secrets of the town . What would happen when she would unknowingly get involved with her group's worst enemies . Note 1 : no mature content and intense violence . Note 2 : main focus on mind , thoughts ,feelings and emotions .

Nabanita18 · Fantasy
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77 Chs

The Demons

The same street , a young woman was returning after her late night shift . She felt a presence behind her . A shiver ran through her spine . She heard that supernatural incidents take place in this place . The whole town is mysterious , but some places are super dangerous . She remembered the most recent incident where a woman was found dead near the stream ...it was not the death that was shocking but the process of death was . It seemed that the woman was sucked off of all her blood but interestingly she had not a single scratch on her body . Thinking about the frightening sight of the dead woman she became very nervous . She felt that someone was looking at her from behind . She turned around and tried to find something odd , however in the faint moonlight nothing could be seen properly . And she found nothing unusual . When she turned around again ..." Ahhhhhh " she couldn't help but scream loudly . Standing in front of her was a young man , totally dressed in black . With his deep and bright brown eyes and blond hair he was mesmerizingly handsome . He said with a lazy smile , " Hey young lady .. you're alone I see , would you like to join me on a late night date ? "

The woman was so shocked and at the same time mesmerized by his ethereal handsomeness that she could not reply to his words , she ended up being flustered . The man went on saying , " Aww , is that a yes ! " He wraps his hand around her waist and said " Let's go then ." She shivers at his touch . Only then she came to her senses , she retroted , " Let ..me go ..please ..I have to ....go ."

" Oh , now you are afraid of me ..ahaha ...if you are afraid then you should be because..... I am a demon and now..... that you've willingly come here ....I'll ...eat you up , ahaha . "

The woman was trembling in fear . At that time , " Stop fooling around , Ryan " a cold voice cried out , then another man , dressed same as Ryan , approached them . Ryan released the woman and she looked at the approaching man , his eyes were dark green like two green diamonds . The man said in his deep voice , " I'll give you ten seconds to get lost from here , if you want to live run as fast as you can . Or else ..."

Even before he could finish , the girl started running .

" If you're done , should we go back to work ? "

" Sure, Shawn , let's go ."